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Black Spawn

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Posts posted by Black Spawn

  1. 14 hours ago, Quineloe said:

    So we ever figured out what Rheas Turn is?  It can't be yard turn speed, because if you look at Art of Rigging Handling, that already has a name:  Yard Turn Speed


    Can't Confirm your statement. I reckon you mean the following:

    Art of Ship Handling

      Hide contents

    Art of Ship Handling
    NONE | SHIP_MAX_ROLL_ANGLE | -8% *gone*
    NONE | SHIP_MAX_SPEED | 2% *nerfed* (-2%)

    Found as recipe. Needs:
    1x Notes on the Best Rudder Angles
    1x Art of Proper Cargo Distribution

    no such thing in sight as "yard turn speed". So imo it still stands for yard turning speed.


    11 hours ago, Mamen said:

    what about Trim by the Stern? Is it still only negatives?

    according to the data, yes.


    I could have interpreted the variables wrong when it comes to color-coding. But normaly you want a decrease in everything with TIME in the name and vice versa an increase in everything with SPEED in it (except a few exceptions).

  2. 15 hours ago, Kolakhan said:

    I read these forums from time to time and I see in here there is a 20% cap?  Where did that come from?  Never heard of it.  Sure would be nice to know that as you are setting up your ship.  I also noticed the author of the thread say you can only use one refit???  That can't be true because I have multiple on ships that have shown up as changes in the stats.  So what the heck is it?  How about some accurate info on this stuff.

    Hey there. How about you take it down a notch. If you are missing information, collect them and make a guide for it? 

    And if you read again, I clearly stated that a ship can only have one refit. 

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Prater said:

    Ya, you are right.   I wonder if this variable is found in the game files or api someplace else.

    Which brings me back to my initial answer. Thickness and shipspeed are afaik the only two stats not fetchable (dynamically) from the API (without hardcoding). ^_^

    edit: but if anyone finds the factor 13.03 in some way in the API that would be awesome

  4. 1 minute ago, Prater said:

    What are you talking about?  This comes from the api.  The question was how do you get ship speed from the api.  Parse game labs javascript variable to get the ships, get MaxSpeed, get SpeedToWind, plug in the number I gave above (13.03), and you get each ship's speed values from the api for each point of sail.  Then if you want to get fancy have the player choose their wood, modules and skills, all from the values in the api, and you get their modified speed.  Trial and error?  Took like 10 minutes to figure out by looking at the ship entries and finding the proper formula.

    Yea true. Not saying your wrong. I am just pointing out that this would be a hard-coded variable which is not fetched dynamically and thus might change in the future.

  5. 9 hours ago, Prater said:

    Not true, it is possible.

    MaxSpeed * SpeedToWind / 13.03

    Tested on Lynx and Victory, works.

    I assume this is how @balticsailor does it here:  https://plot.ly/~jodgi/7.embed

    speeds at pos.  mods and wood not included, though, I haven't looked into adding wood and mods to the formula I gave above.  I assume it is possible if you look at the api long enough.




    184.694412231445 * 1.00052952766418 / 13.03 = speed 90 degrees to the wind.  14.18 knots
    184.694412231445 * 0.996561944484711 / 13.03 = speed 45 degrees to the wind.  14.12 knots
    184.694412231445 * 0.53007984161377 = speed 15 degrees to the wind. 7.51 knots

    p.s. answer to  @Knobby's question


    You know what this means right?  speed * wood modifier * upgrade modifier * skill modifier x 2 = open world speed (or just go onto open world and get your max speed).  Enter starting x,y, end x,y, enter starting wind in degrees, enter max ow speed, select ship type, get a pretty accurate way to calculate straight line time to arrival.

    edit2:  playing around https://namap.neocities.org/interactiveMap.html

    But thats not really "fetched" from the API. Thats a variable found by trial and error like the portspeed found by baltic. Thats why i refered to Ship Speeds - Testing and Discussion...


  6. On 19.7.2017 at 9:16 AM, Knobby said:

    So i've been taking a look at the ItemTemplates file myself. (still a massive pain none of the json tools i found can actually read this file...)

    There are a few things about ship stats i still don't understand.

    Most important one is speed. For example, Victory MaxSpeed is listed as 140.98xxxxxx.

    How do you get from there to the actually in game speed stat?

    I also cannot find thickness anywhere.


    Congraz, you found the two stats not in the API. There is no way of fetching it from there.

    For Shipspeed you could look at this tho:


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