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Posts posted by praefect


    Brits, US and Dutch actually and everyone stomped the thread, but long gone and better not remember it.

    Maybe cos the dutch never started a war so far.^^





    The only thing pirates have more then others, is  some organized clans. So is not the game, is the players that make the difference.   Usa got destroyd by 1 clan not the "pirates"    is all a question of organization, wise choices, and determination. 


    Instead blame the devs and the game, ppl should start organize their nations and clans

    U can´t organize inactive people. So thing pirate have more then others is the amount of active players, simple as that.

    Once our fleets are back and french stopped their drama, we gonna build gallows for pirates again. :)


    and we won't accept to be reduced to 6 or 7 ports.

    Ya, cos nobody demanded that. :rolleyes:


    Either the french council shares false information within the french community or u guys are some real drama queens.^^



    If you don't accept to leave OUR ports,

    "Your" ports in the south were dutch ports before were we agreed on to leave them for the french when we had the peace talks.Now it´s same situation vice versa, but u guys just put propaganda everywhere.^^

  3. You are all speaking of peace and saying its our fault, well, when we talk about it what is your answer?


    The swedes want our ports in the north

    The dutch want our ports in the south


    So yes you'll get your peace....when hell freezes over.

    U won´t believe it, but to start a war actually means to take the responsibility for it and its outcome.


    And btw, the french rejected the white peace and demanded to continue, cos they expected to win and considered all this as great fun.


    ...and yes, the Pirates play the same alliance game... and are better ally than Holland, Sweden or British.

    U should ask french diplomats why here and there was no help for the french from our side. Actually there could have been reasons for it mate. ;)



    Technically, you fail with France.

    Technically, it is a war between the danish and swedes coalition without effect on the legal status between french and dutch. But since french are forcing us to stay in that war for their own fun and collaborate with the pirates, this alliance seem to be worth nothing at all. Tbh I can´t remember one single moment where french acted like they would be our ally. When french speak to us, it was always circling about the french wishes and needs for their community. ;)


    Damage control at his best, the british empire is no more already   And swedish will be next

    The mighty pirates claim victory over british nation after they took a couple of undefended ports and made a bow around jamaica?!^^

    • Like 1
  6. Frenchis mostly use one TS server, so its quite easy to read the amount of people on that server. Just check the amount of active clients, u don´t need any permission for that. Also u can count the amount of fleets they can send at a specific time.


    Dutchis also have a Dutch Nation TS server, but a lot of our clans are using their own servers. Additional to that we have also a lot of PVE players who not rly care about having ports or not. But they are welcome too. :)


    The french comunity is still having a hard time. Celtis and BSG are helping them, we havent seen RAE in Carriacou lately. They need us more than ever and you are busy atacking someone else

    The french need help, lol. They wanna have this war for their fun and nothing else. So either their propaganda is working rly well or the Spanish and french community should simple announce their marriage.^^

    Also the french had always same amount of players online and atm by far more, they shouldn´t need any help...


    Well, not too many dutchis can be found lately anyways. So have ur fun if u see some for you and fair winds. ;)

  8. Hahahaha how funny to read how every nation is eager to find an explanation for its past or future defeat.

    Look at the amount of players online... like 900-1.000?

    We know that pirate have highest amount players and brits are 2nd. Brits on the other hand should have as many players as all the other nations together.


    If u check the players online on the TS servers of all the nations, then u can easily proof all that by basic calculation. Only problem is, that brits have one of the highest inactivity, so their amount of players is nearly as low as ours. So u don´t have to belief me, u just need to check the servers and try to make some basic addition. ;)


    Most active communities are atm the Spaniards (wanna have revenge ag brits), the french (lot of propaganda happening there to motivate players) and the god damn black plague of pirates who always had the highest amount of players.

    Funny thing is, when we already struggled in terms of activity, Otto Kohl and his crew were still not aible to take a single port to help their french darlings.^^ Now the ports are more or less open, so give it another try to show the server that u r aible to take our dutch ports with help of the frenchis.^^

  9. For moment we jump on 2 fronts,   but soon we will more to do something completely different and faar from pirate borders.



    Something similar to carslile.   

    Actually there are so few players online, noone gives a sh** were the pirates/sorry are heading to. Lets wait a few weeks until some patches came. pirates have to go nowhere then, others will most likely come to you and I do not talk about making contracts... hanging-smiley-emoticon.gif



    Atm our guys are chillin, barbecuing and simply enjoying the summer, so ports are most likely all undefended. One of the reasons why the server is annoyed by the - measured on player base - strong pirate faction.

    But sorry, feel free to follow ur masters. To serve someone for money is the oldest human business, so why we should blame you for selling urself to your master. ;)



    Enjoy your tour & hf

    • Like 1

    About respect?

    I heard so many captains saying they were forced to join the war to not let a community being harass in one port to just put one other community in the same situation that I couldn't say some are right and some are wrong. All are wrong in that or just thoses who speak in reverse as how they play.

    We offered peace talks:


    - When french took 5 ports from us and the response was, that french would actually making progress and do not see a reason to stop the war.

    - When we retook these ports we offered peace talks again and the answer was, that both coalitions would be of same strength, that no side would have the advantage yet, so war should continue.

    - When we took St. Georges, Scarb., El Toco we offered again peace talks and the response was, that french can not accept any peace, as long St. Georges is held by Dutch, cos it would look like a defeat. French would need to recapture this port before peace talks could start, so war continued.

    - When we took nearly all of the southern territory we offered the peace talks again. Answer was, with the new patch the french would have an advantage and could easily recapture all the ports, so the french want to continue.

    - When we took all of the south and ports in the north, the french responded that they like this war much more than to fight the british so they do not want to stop. To continue the war would not lead to any kind of bad feelings, the dutch would be highly respected, we would be a good training partner and a good, close pvp-opponent.


    All the time there were talks about the needs of the french and how the dutch could be implemented for that. 

    There was also no feeling, that the french really consider to have peace talks.


    But again, I can´t change the past, I can only deal with it. We happily accept the invite for peace talks. Based on the current situation we are still willing to make a fair proposal, which guarantees the survival of the french nation and a fair amount of ports where everything is included to craft ships. We also do not demand surrender or any kind of war declarations in terms of having a peace.

    • Like 3
  11. Well, the port timer bug is a "good" thing for the defender nation, isn´t it? So the dutch didn´t benefit from this too much. Basically we had a huge disadvantage cos of that, because you have to take a port and then u have to defend it the next day forenoon or late night, whenever the former owner smelt a chance to get the port undefended.


    And the reason why we are discussing that here is, that one of the critiques which is made towards the British is, that they would abuse the port timer mechanics for their advantage and that the french would never do this cos they are gentlemen like. Well, as already someone else said, it seems every nation does it. Some abuse it more, some less. And then again, to change port timers of a dozen of ports to a 12-14 time isn´t the most fair act, isn´t it.


    Lets finally discuss about peace tomorrow, but tbh, the french are not seen as victims of an unwanted war. For that they were to offensive ingame and in words. But past is past und future can be discussed right now. :)


    That post was from almost 2 weeks ago

    So its not actual anymore? oO


    When allied danish forces continuously attacked us, it was just funny open world pvp in "a well known PvP zone Ile a Vache" (which goes from St. Louis to Jeremie as we were told).

    When 15 danish guys attack single SOLs of us, it was just a "russian rogue clan".

    When danish blackmailed us to give them "danish ports" we took from pirates (while they took it from british), then its just "a straight forward warning of the mad russians that are coming back after holiday and will craft flags against the ally".

    When u guys make statements on ur website and someone makes a reference, then it´s a post "from almost 2 weeks ago".


    I´m not sure who is guilty for that eastern war, but some danish play a key role while they are blaming the other sides.

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