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Posts posted by praefect


    My only displeasure concerns the timer, it shall not be possible to set a timer in the night (talking to Dutch/Brit here, Kingston like). The point is to PVP and RVR in this game, so let us the possibility to fight.

    Dutch have strong american community and french have strong canadian and chinese community, so I do not see the problem in that.

    On the other hand the french had/have over 10 ports in the north of them at a 12-14. Not sure for what kind of people this could be a fair timer.

  2. To give a short update:


    French refused any kind of peace talks again. They consider this war as great fun for them (dutch are closer than british and we would have fair port timers) and us the dutch as a good training partner for their inexperienced players. They do not care about ports and the needs of the dutch, which is pretty much selfish I have to say when it comes to talks between allies where both sides agreed upon to strengthen the relationship.

    However, since the danish diplomat anolytic is going sure to decrease relations (e.g. see posts in thread here and on RDNN webise) with us and the swedish, a peace seem to be unlikely anyways. Cos of that the dutch are actually forced to continue the war to help the swedes being save.


    It seems these and other strange actions have to be understood as a statement for a time after the port wipe.

    • Like 3

    I speak in my (french) name.


    Bro, first of all, calm down, please.

    For what i have seen,i t tooks 3 days for the FRE to join the war because of the complexity of our 2 "alliance", SWE and DAN.

    What I understand so far is that the ENG population is more than 40% of the NA population, that is to say the dominating force. And DAN were engaged also at war with the ENG, whereas to the eyes of the FRE, SWE was "friendly"  (not hostile at least) to BRIT.


    The FRE leaders took probably the party of the "weakest" side (not regarding SWEvsDAN but BRITvsDAN) in order to balance the global fight and not to get destroyed one by one by the most powerfull nation, what may happen in the future if the DUTCH and the SWE follow to fight DAN and FR.


    Also, please consider that the french leaders can't be all the time there to try to calm every single independant frenchy that is trying to prove that he can do some PVP with his new 3rd rate. And it will probably happen also to the SWE one time in the future that not every single national SWE player would stay "under control".


    The actual situation is clearly in favor of BRIT, they will try to calm the PIR asap in order to fight back in our common water (DUTCH/FRE/SWE/DAN)


    The Dutch are no nation with the wish to destroy another nation and we are in regular talks with the french to find ways out of that conflict. Right now it seems that the french council would like to continue the war against the swedes and in the confilct with us. At least they can´t make a proposal atm which is acceptable for all sides. Since we got told from the danish diplomats that the danish war goal is to reduce the swedish nation to a one port nation and to force them to change their leadership, we are eager to help the swedes to defend their community. So from our point of view we fight for the server balance, since swedes are in war with danish, french and pirates as it holds for the dutch too.


    As long this war is a war between danish & swedish, we consider the french-dutch conflict here as no break of the alliance since we are just respecting our treaties and show the server, that we are loyal to our coalition partners. If the french council disagree on that then o.c. this relationship would come to an end and the dutch have to look for a new trustable alliance partner. But I´m not sure if the outcome of that will be in favour for the french then.


    So it´s a very interesting time with a lot of talks and totally uncertain outcomes. :)

    • Like 1

    ... the war was there because most of French players were not controlled by our diplomats any more ... Our diplomats were only following the motion. What I see from my perspective is a Nation of childish players

    I think in that way ur post would make more sense. :)


    Dutch are no ally of the british nor we disrespected the french in any case. If the french would like to end/better their situation we are more than willing to listen to your proposals. From my Point of view it´s a danish-swedish conflict, where two more factions got involved cos ot their treaties. At the same time it´s a crucial point for all the sides to choose wisley their future allies.

  5. ich hätte mit mehr deutschen bei den holländern gerechnet,so von dem was ich hier im forum und ingame mitkriege. so kann man sich täuschen ^^

    Dann sind wohl tatsächlich Engländer,Schweden und Piraten die Fraktionen mit den meisten deutschen Spielern.



    Ich bin mal gespannt was so abgeht^^


    Mhm, täuscht du dich da nicht schon wieder? ;)

    • 29.55 % British Empire (26 Stimmen)
    • 25 % Schweden (22 Stimmen)
    • 18.18 % Vereinigte Provinzen (16 Stimmen)
    • 7.95 % Piraten (7 Stimmen)
    DKF hat ca 150 Spieler, davon freilich nicht alle aktiv und noch weniger nutzen das Forum hier (Ich persönlich kenne nur einen weiteren, der hier ab und zu mal was hinterlässt). An der Umfrage haben dementsprechend gerade mal 70 Mann teilgenommen, also nichtmal ein halber DKF clan. Wenn wir dann noch DSL, LIONS, ... dazurechnen, sowie deutsche Spieler in unseren englischsprachigen Clans, dann stellen die Deutschen die (mindestens) zweitgrößte Community in der Dutch Nation (direkt nach den Niederländern).
    Ich persönlich finde das als eine unserer Stärken, dass es bei uns neben Deutschen auch Niederländer, Engländer, Polen, Amerikaner, ... gibt, denn diese kulturelle Vielfalt bringt einem nicht nur mehr Member, sondern auch mehr Weitsicht, Verständnis und Abwechslung. Und scheinbar werden wir gerade auch für Piraten, Briten, Spanier und Schweden interessant, wenn ich die letzten Interessenten so anschaue. Von dem her, versteift euch nicht so auf einen Anteil von Deutschen und wertschätzt die Möglichkeiten die eure Fraktion euch bietet.
    Ich wünsche euch jedenfalls viel Erfolg in eurem Kampf und dass er euch noch mehr zusammenbringt. ;)
    Beste Grüße und euch Viel Erfolg
  6. cpfhufK.png



    Announcement of the Dutch High Council




    The Honorable Lords of the Dutch High Council wish to inform the relavant parties that after a period of recieving threating actions, unprovoked and unnecessary issuance of letters de Marquis against our marvelous nation in the waters from St. Louis to Jeremie, we were informed that the Danish navy is in a hostile status against the fleets of the Verenigde Provincien.


    We consider these agressive acts against the Fleets of the Verenigde Provincien as a break of the existing alliance between both nations such that this status came to an end.



    These circumstances now dictate that the Dutch Nation help the Danes [Who we now have no pact with] or the Swedes [Who we have a defensive pact with]. The Dutch High Council have agreed to respect the defensive pact with the swedish and to help them in their defensive war against danish and their allied forces to protect their territory.



    We call every captain to offer his service to one of our Dutch Fleets and to dutifully serve the Dutch Nation!




    The Dutch High Council


    10th of May in the year of our Lord 1716

    • Like 6
  7. Erstaunlich viele Deutsche bei den Teetrinkern (  :P ) und uns Niederländern.


    Für DKF:


    Clanleitung: DKF Admiralität
    Ansprechpartner/Diplomaten: Atomic van Tiger, praefect, Leroy die Schlange, Frank Fletcher
    Teamspeak: thefightingducks.de, Passwort: tfd
    Homepage: DKF/TFD: www.thefightingducks.de  Dutch Nation: www.dutch-nation.clansweb.com
    Sonstiges:  Link zur Clanvorstellung

  8. V5AgJ9m.png?1



    Announcement of the High Council

    of the Verenigde Provinciën



    After several weeks of interrupting merchant shipping in the home waters of the colonies of the Verenigde Provincien, the pirate mob has recently declared war and their intent to raid and pillage the Dutch lands on the North coast of South America. As such, the Dutch admiralty has placed the Navy into high alert. It is time for WAR!


    The Dutch Colonies are now recruiting for their fleets all able captains willing to do their duty to defend Dutch merchant trading. If you, captain, want to serve the Dutch Nation, contact one of our fleet admirals!



    The High Dutch Council


    19th of April in the year of our Lord 1716

  9. V5AgJ9m.png?1



    Welcome to the Republiek der Verenigde Provinciën,

    the Dutch Nation




    Our glorious nation hosts a wealth of renowned captains skilled in naval warfare, trade and diplomacy, leaving us a proud and powerful Nation. We enjoy our independence and we will fight bravely for it when facing the threat of foreign crowns.  


    If you are a free captain of the Dutch Nation or a foreign power feel free to offer your services to one of our fleets and dutifully serve the Dutch Nation.    







    The High Dutch Council


    16th of April in the year of our Lord 1716

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