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Posts posted by praefect


    See you in battle (hopefully).

    Mostly doing meta gaming atm, cos we do not have a PB fleet left to attack anything^^


    But after a proper patch I´ll serve u with my attendance. ;)





    You mean those dozens of fake flags bought for 150k to waste your time guarding ports ;) ?

    More these dozen times were pirates asses were kicked outside and inside Cabo de la vela. Maybe u were lucky and most time no part of these fleets back then. gratz ;)


    20 times, interesting. I recall 3 :).

    Count again, and include all ur attempts on cabo de la vela too. ;)

    Was always funny to see u guys failing on ur own livestream^^



    Oh really you think thats us ? Do you have any proof ? If not please dont spread lies.

    Yes, these guys wrote in dutch chat that they are pirates. Also f.e. charliezulu(1) and others are topic in tribunal. (BTW, quite a lot topics in tribunal section are about pirates ;) )



    Any screens from chat - never said that so please dont lie again :) .

    No, u don´t posted a YouTube vid and did not blame us for not showing up, right? And ur GAF puppets did not answer to that?

    God damn, dutch, swedes and french captains must have had a fata morgana at the same time.^^


    And funny how u always ask for ss, like comments of all captains outside pirate nation wouldn´t count otherwise.^^


    Anyway, why I even bother to answer u^^

    • Like 2
  3. Btw, Otto Kohl and his Crew tried like 20 times to take a dutch port and failed ... badly ... every ... fuckin ... time!


    To prevent Dutch taking pirate ports they use 2nd accounts to craft flags before us.

    Now they took 3 ports when we don´t have active players left and they blamed dutch in global chat for being retards.


    THIS makes them and their puppets to the most laughable players on the server.^^

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    2. You have ten times less friends, my friend. ;)


    2. It was your choice to have those allies.


    Wow, pretty much arrogant comments I have to say.


    The spaniards actually said they would help you, cos otherwise the poor and outnumbered french wouldn´t have a chance otherwise.

    When Dutch & Swedes  stood in front of ur Capital, u guys blamed Danes for not helping you and you guys warned us, french community would go pirate but would never accept a peace where u would loose one single port to the dutch, cos that would be an "insult to ur community".


    So while the server knows that US, Brits and Dutch have actually a rly hard time in terms of activity, u guys blame them for being bad friends/allies?

    At same time u go with the most active communities and don´t give a shit for the server balance and health. GJ

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    You cant tell me that it didnt contribute at all to the ruin of the french nation when almost every single southern port, and I think all of the North was taken outside its timer, and with that, there were english and dutch screeners constantly tagging people and running away as to keep french defenders out of the battles.

    1. Timer bug helped the defender to retake ports. We were the attacker, not the defender.

    2. I personally saw like 2 british guys in eastern front. How many spaniards are around at same time? Answer is, up to 10 times that much.


    Remember, these two nations *almost* succeded in bringing France down to its capital in the era of port battle bugs and exploits. Yet I still dont want the same thing to happen to them.


    Our fat, lazy captains just have some fun in the caribbean taverns wasting their wealth from looted french merchants and hanged pirate rats. But no worries, I can smell that new booty will be made soon enough... ;)





    The dutch are in an official alliance with brits

    No, not yet. As long we (& brits o.c.) do not make an official announcement here in forum and on the Dutch Nation website, there is nothing official. Our legal situation towards brits is actually a peace treaty with a very friendly relationship. ;)



    when french are not with pirate.

    Independent of an (non) existing treaty, we also watch carefully the words and actions of our neighbors o.c., to understand where they belong too. ;)



    That and troll in all nation and nationalism make an east block not ready yet to happend.

    We discussed a lot within the council about that topic. Not trolls nor nationalism had any kind of impact in that discussions, since both phenomena are more or less abstinent in our council. So I kindly ask to not link own experiences within the own nation to other nations or communities. ;)

  8. On a more serious side note, I personally would like to raise the question why we should stop now. I mean, I found some rly nice and fair french captains in the past few days u can have rly nice chat with. The french have fair port timers, it´s great fun to fight them, they are a good training partner for our PVE guys and they are much closer than the pirates. Wow, somehow this gives me a deja-vu ^^




    To give a short update:


    French refused any kind of peace talks again. They consider this war as great fun for them (dutch are closer than british and we would have fair port timers) and us the dutch as a good training partner for their inexperienced players.
  9. By changing the medium from voice to forum the bad feelings and emotions within a community won´t change over night. We already past a very critical point in that war. Maybe you should look for some improved contact with us instead. I think we also speak for the swedes if we say that we always had reasonable talks with Kaiir for example. Maybe he can join the talks to rebuild some trust and respect towards each other. Just an idea to master the current situation.


    1: The word wase passed in french teamspeak and everybody agree on that. Sorry that you don't have reply it's not my work.

    2: That wase just for trial not a real fight. 

    3: We honnored an alliance, if you do the same with us and let the sweed alone maybe today we will on your side against the pirates.

    4: I know some "isolate case" the problem come from when you have a big player of a big clan who insult french.

    1. So do not blame us for that, blame the french diplo work.

    2. How the hell we can smell if u take 5 ports as serious act or fun/try?! For a neutral it´s simply an aggressive act in a full going war.

    3. We never broke the alliance with u. We just stood with the french ag. Danes and their allied forces. By attacking the swedes our defence pact triggered and u guys knew a week before what would happen in that case.

    4. Even then I saw too many insults and unfriendliness on french side to care about that dutchi.


    1. At the start of the war you say you don't want real engagement, we trust on that.

    2. We were not very engaged in this war and so many player don't care because you say you want a "clean war without hate" we agree on that.

    3. But you take all of south, then you continue on our capital, then the sweed push.

    4. And i will not talk about the comportement of the dutch during battle and your Pellagos on the global etc....

    1. We never said that, we just asked for a gentlemen war. No proper answer from the french here. French proposal was: danish & french are allowed to craft flags. On swedish side only swedish are allowed to, dutch only are allowed to intercept flags. O.c. we rejected that.


    2. Not true, u guys took 5 ports from us, we took just one in that time.


    3. At time we had already proposed peace for several time but french always refused. At time u guys thought the upcoming patch would be in ur favor.


    4. I personally saw several insults from french players and I do not care what a single dutch person wrote on global chat. French are not better here.

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    ps: i'm not involved in diplomatic things. i spoke in my name. but be shure that there is more radical than me in french faction. If you want have nervous crazy french at you door continue to act as now


    Your diplomcy is brutal and not very smart on this particular point.

    You guys forced us to leave our fun at haiti.

    You guys denied for weeks any kind of white peace for selfish reasons.

    You guys ignored the needs of the server and of our community and only consider ur own.

    You guys got warned that if war continues, pvp-player want to have something back in return.


    We just asked for our former dutch ports we gave the french after the 1st war and u call our diplomacy brutal?!

    That`s why the current french diplomacy can not be taken serious. Since weeks we are wasting our time with you already. You guys had multiple chances for white peace and even now u would like to continue.


    If u have so many radicals in ur community and since u r the darlings of the pirates the french can´t be trusted anyway and might be a natural enemy of us then.



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    1. Is there still a dutch council?

    2. If yes does he represant all the society on the dutch nation?

    3. The communication become loudy for us when everyone is speaking differents things.

    4. Praefect seems to hate the French or at least me. He was really more smart when his ship was docking I'm front of FR.

    5. Maybe communication could be easier with new diplomats to represent both nation?

    6. I came on your ts yesterday on diplo channel. 20 people on ts, noone to speak...

    7. It's the perfect time to come on an agreement about how to finish this battles...



    1. Yes, there is. Right after u left the server I joined the meeting as I told u. And I offered u to continue the talks after the meeting. U rejected cos of time issues. Are there no other french diplos we could come in touch then?

    2. The dutch council consist of representatives of every dutch clan whos willing to participate.

    3. Not me nor Glazo or anyone else became loud or gave you the impression that there could be another instance to listen to.

    4. I do not hate the french, in fact I was one of the persons who defended french diplomacy and tried to better relations, even after all the french pro pirate / contra dutch comments in the past. So I just dislike ur way of diplomacy, because it´s missing the respect towards us.

    5. We already asked for Kaiir to come in touch with us, so where is he? And o.c. Glazo [PFK] or another dutch diplo can take over from me. ;)

    6. Well, few min after u joined our server a diplo came in touch with u. That´s by far faster then on french ts, isn´t it. We also do not (like others ;) ) kick foreign diplos from server, do not put them into jail, do not miss appointments of coalition peace talks and do not insult them while they are our guests. ;)

    U r also missing, that our bigger clans have own TS servers.

    7. Well, we tried from the very begin of the war and french always rejected. I would say, be patient and wait what the dutch council will decide kerrib. Ur excuse for no peace proposal was, that u guys needed 2 weeks to talk with everyone. We had 1,5 days now to come in touch with everyone. ;)


    Hope ur questions are answered.


    We speak again about peace but we didn't get any answer... Is there still someone to speak in name of the dutch nation or have the friend to speak with 10 diplomat to have an idea about what is happening there?

    1. The dutch nation is ruled by a council, not a diplomat. If the council has met and there is something new, we let u know.

    2. We are still waiting for an acceptable counter proposal, where the french council is behind and not just one diplomat.

    3. In french forums it´s clearly readable, that you never wanted to stop the war and still you are making propaganda like this is not a game but a 3rd world war.

    4. Based on what I heard, lot of dutchi´s have lost their respect and trust in the french diplomacy. The last arrogant comments and insults towards our nation and ur happiness about that the map becomes more and more black were also not a help at all.


    Also funny, at one hand complaining about the forum "blabla" on the other hand making some "forum "blabla", well done kerrib. From my personnel point of view, just do what u said and push us back to Willemstad. Thats makes it easier for us to have a PB fleet again and to kick french asses like we did before when dutch´s were still active in the game. ;)


    BTW, we had a rly good laugh about ur "the dutch stopped playing cos of the better fenchi´s" statement. ;)

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