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Posts posted by praefect

  1. At least this declaration of war like 100 times shorter than ours. It is step in right direction :)


    How can this be 100 times longer than that? Are u messing up the topics again, captain? And how you even survive in reallife if u hate reading so much?


    And could u add some kind of avatar or signature pls, cos every I read ur posts were you speak of "we / our" I have no clue who the "we" could be.


    It seems you don´t learn. First you help the bristish (first mistake) and then you declare war on us (second and tremendous mistake), Let´s fight dutch. It will be funnny, after alll this is only a game

    I think dutch learned that 4 sides fighting one is pretty much a boring deal. So see it as a favor we do for u guys, to save your fun in that region. ;)

    • Like 3
  3. Im Groben...



    Vereinigte Provinzen

    Allianzen: United States, Schweden, Briten

    Feinde: Piraten, Franzosen, Spanier, Dänen



    Allianzen: Vereinigte Provinzen

    Neutral / Frieden: United States, Briten, Spanier

    Feinde: Piraten, Franzosen, Dänen


    United States

    Allianzen: Vereinigte Provinzen, Briten

    Neutral / Frieden: Schweden

    Feinde: Piraten, Spanier, Franzosen, Dänen



    Allianzen: Vereinigte Provinzen, Unite States

    Neutral / Frieden: Schweden

    Feinde: Piraten, Spanier, Franzosen, Dänen



    Allianzen: Piraten, Dänen, Spanier

    Feinde: Vereinigte Provinzen, Briten, Schweden, United States



    Allianzen: Piraten, Franzosen, Spanier

    Feinde: Vereinigte Provinzen, Briten, Schweden, United States



    Allianzen: Piraten, Franzosen, Dänen

    Neutral / Frieden: Schweden

    Feinde: Vereinigte Provinzen, Briten, United States

    • Like 1
  4. Hey Twig,


    true, true. By saying messenger, not the delivery of words is meant, but the intentions and motivations of the own council/community. By having different kind of characters/communicators within a diplomatic corps we are able to match to certain situation and circumstances, e.g. dependent on content, addressee, mood of the own council/community towards the another nation and so on.


    And o.c. diplos are also human beings. Also for them this is a game they wanna have fun with and we except from them to invest a lot of their time with talking, writing, preparing decision making processes, to take care of foreign relations, to explain foreign positions/opinions, etc. etc.. Cos of that it´s also up to the diplo corps to decide who of them has currently the motivation and the time to deal/to invest efforts with another council/foreign diplo. I guess we are not too different here with the swedish nation. :)

    • Like 1

    Your few words could seem a bit arrogant and confirm again than it s better for everyone to have you away from the diplomatic table.

    I´m sure the nations will wake up now and kindly consider your very valuable request. Beside that, is there anything else you could give us to help to better the world? If so, pls pass that to ur french official, I´m sure he is already waiting for kind help.


    I've never been so taunted, insulted and difamed since I play against VP. Neither with Great Britain, Sverige, danes and pirates gankers, or the few US I fough.

    Hey there.


    I had a talk with Tenakha yesterday about this specific point you made here in this thread. For us, the dutch diplos, it´s not very clear to who/what exactly you refer here. In order to find out if dutch misbehavior happened, we would like to invite you and tenakha to have a short talk about that. In case of unprovoked misbehavior on dutch side, the dutch council will take responsibility for that in one or the other way. I really hope you gonna accept this invitation and so I´m looking forward to this.


    I can assure the Dutch that almost all French detest Praefect

    Thank you very much for your assurance. We and me personally are in regular contact with very friendly and respectful french captains to strengthen relations and to share the moods of each other community. We gonna discuss your valuable input and how you came to it.



    Kierrip de Badas is not a diplomat, he is the leader of the largest French guild and, therefore, the main French leader

    But I think that sentence gives us a good hint where u r coming from.





    such a feeling between two European regions so close

    Do you actually understand, that this game consist of people from multiple origins and that it has nothing to do with the state of france or the netherlands, do you? The french community is most likely the only one consisting of nearly only native origins (french).


    Thank you guys. Now, in a serious tone, you should try to make think simplier i think, you expressions and the treaty contents are way too complicated to be understood/followed by common players. Just and opinion, no intention to influence.

    Well, 1st of all game mechanics for diplomacy will be released so prob. a lot of good RPG will be gone anyway. And 2. its up to the councils and diplomats to make a small summarization/translation for their clans. 3rd, the treaty shows perfectly what was needed to get all parties into that treaty... a lot of compromises and circumstances.


    Maybe we can implement small spoilers with a summarization in future... we will see... :)

    • Like 1
  9. The dutch rly need to hire a translator to offer all announcements in french language too it seems if guys cannot differ between a peace treaty and an alliance treaty.


    Maybe Tenakha is so kind to translate they key points... ?



    • TREATY OF THE ANTILLES, COMMERCE AND FREE NAVIGATION: A limited peace treaty -> in effect
    • Alliance treaty Dutch/French: An alliance treaty -> not in effect anymore



    "I might not understand the true meaning" and "it certainly seems clear" is a very weird match of phrases.

  10. Still asking myself, who that Amonacc guy is. Is he a new diplo assistant? He´s active in a lot diplo threads and still no clue from what clan, ya even from which nation he is...


    Also he seems to miss constantly what other forum user are talkin about. Actually he´s messing up the treaty of the Antilles and the former dutch-french alliance treaty...

  11. Kerrib, if u retired from diplomacy then simply keep away from diplo business. About new diplos, we appointed 3 new ones and got 8 in total now. Its up to the french to decide to which one they like to talk with and it´s our decision if we like to talk with french diplos at all. So do us a favor and stick to ur own words: "Let us be quiet now."

    While u do that, diplomacy is going on. If u need information, u want to complain, or anything else, pass this info´s through ur diplomats pls or simply report my "racist & troll" posts.







    edit : Nice RP post OP!


    Don't forget that Georges III is also the one who abandonned the title of King of France ;-)

    Thank you for this, it took us all a few hours indeed. I´ll pass it through. ;)

    And yes, true, hope u guys forgive us that we read over this. :P  ^_^ 


    We ask several time what was happening with the treaty and i ask it officially to praefect because french was asking what about it. It was when french were holding pampa and stuff and didn't want to give it back to dutchs.

    Then praefect said: the alliance is broken as you don't care on us.

    French did'nt break the alliance, praefect for the dutch does.

    The day I can finally hear some true words from you I´ll gift you some tulips and gouda, I promise to you. <_<


    Right after war started I came on ur TS and asked u if u would agree on, that this is a war between danes (coalition) and swedes (coalition) so that technically we are still allied. Ur response was: "no, u attacked us, u could have stood neutral, but u crafted flags. By doing that, dutch broke the alliance". U repeated that till the end of war every single time u needed that for ur favor. Once u demanded something from the dutch, you asked if we wouldn´t still be allies to misuse that treaty. Thats just one single reason how the french denied an alliance is existent.


    Rly disgusting propaganda from ur side again to blame ur opponent.

    • Like 1
  13. 1. This was just a statement of fact. It is not blackmail. We stated clearly that we would not take flags against any ports beyond those three ports that were taken from us with the help of Dutch screening forces while we were still supposed to be allies.


    2. That's simply not true. Denmark-Norway stated that we would not interfere with the Dutch north of Tiburon.


    to 1.: These ports were pirate ports. Pirates crafted flags from there against us for more than 2 weeks. Before they were british ports. Dutch forces did not screen there, we took all 3 pirates ports by ourselves from the pirates. No other nation helped us here so I absolutely don´t get ur point.


    to 2.: No Analytic, that was a statement Zlobny gave us just the same day we crafted flags for haiti region. You guys tried to help ur pirates friends with that. Maybe in that specific point u were not informed, I simply don´t know, but we had 2 dutch diplo´s who heard the same words from him.

    But I agree that we had an agreement to guarantee danish a free route to brits and danes promised in return to not interfere in our fun against the pirates. But that was after weeks of dutch fun in haiti and not too long before the road town incident.




    Yet it was after this that that the alliance still being in effect was confirmed.

    Under specific conditions, which were not fulfilled. Especially our SOLs for PBS got continuously attacked by danish players. The only reason why there was still an alliance was our good will and warm danish words of future improved relationships. But in fact danish continuously attacked us and demanded our help against our defensive ally with rly harsh war goals without acceptance of any possibility to have proper peace talks with them. From our point of view this war was rly unnecessary and could have been solved via some proper talks with the swedes.



    In the end its a game and players wanna have fun. U cannot rly believe that an alliance which relies on sympathies and RPG will continued if another nation f**** over their ally partner. It won´t work right now and it won´t work with democracy based game mechanics. But I can understand that it was a very messed up situation on hispaniola which caused a lot of issues.

    And also neither u nor zlobny can speak for all danish players, like our council can´t speak for every single captain, so we simply accept what happened in the past and have our thoughts about that. But it´s strange for us to read this "we always stick to our treaties and u don´t" - stuff, cos that was not our experience with the danes and we don´t see why/where we would have betrayed them.


    Anyway, this could continue for pages, but it´s just blaming & shaming without a chance to convince the other one. If dutch and danes should have proper talks about what happened in the past we can meet on ts anolytic. Till that, enjoy ur holydays mate (would like to have some too). ;)

  14. Common Anolytic, don´t try to play such stupid kind of games with us. If u want to talk about danish honor, here we go:


    1. Danish demanded Tiburon, Les Cayes, St Louis the Dutch took from the pirates, cos danish would consider these ports as rightfully danish ports. If we wouldn´t agree to give them to the danish, danish nation would craft flags against us. -> blackmailing ag. an ally -> break of the intention of an alliance


    2. Danish diplomats stated that if we would go further than Tiburon to fight pirates, danish would declare war on us. -> blackmailing ag. an ally -> break of the intention of an alliance


    3. Danish declared a PVP zone against us, which would go from St. Louis to Jeremie, without our approval or knowledge. -> danish broke the alliance and were hostile towards us


    4. Danish clans intercepted SOLs of our RvR fleets over weeks. -> Danish broke the alliance


    This all was long before the "Roadtown-Incident". At that time, we were rly close before a dutch-danish war and informed u, that the dutch council considers the danish nation as an hostile nation from now on. In order to safe the alliance, relationship would need to be increased. Both sides agreed on that, not too much happened except of an minor announcement of the danish, that we would have diplo talks.

    Also we never helped anyone "to steal" danish ports. RoadTown was a pirate town/taken by pirates, we fought and still fight the pirates and so we helped the swedes to take a pirate port by sending screening help and respecting the defensive pact with them (pirates crafted 2 flags ag sweden from road town).


    Considering these facts, pls stop that "we always keep our treaties" stuff. It was simply not the case when dutchies were in Hispaniola. Also pls stop to state that we would have harmed the danish community. We had long discussions about how the dutch could give a free route to the danes so they can attack the brits. We invested many hours for this and had an agreement, all that while danish fleets and diplomacy was hostile towards us. In the end we couldn´t give u the ports, because the brits refused and cos we had stated from the very begin, that the dutch would stay neutral in the danish-british war and we stood neutral here (u see, we stick to our treaties).


    From my point of view, accept what happened in the past anolytic. Not everything the danes did was that honorable.


    Just a couple of days before you declared war on us, Dutch and Danes confirmed that we were still allied. Which is why we were surprised when you declared war on us.

    Well, we explained that to you. Our council was very disappointed about the war goals the danish diplomats stated towards us:

    1. reducing swedes to 1-port-nation

    2. to force the swedish nation to change their whole leadership

    3. to enforce that the swedish nation is relocated to another place of the map.


    Also danish side refused to have any negotiations with the swedes to prevent a war with them. Together will all the danish blackmailing and aggression, the dutch council saw no point where dutch and danish are still allied in fact. The danish nation might be disappointed by that, but srsly, danish diplomacy and clans where simply too hostile towards us, so I don´t understand the frustration/blaming here.


    Let´s see what will happen in future, we still feel very friendly towards a couple of danish clans, cos of the support and good relationship from the past. But for the moment the cards are on the table and I think the dutch nation made some good decisions in terms of server balance and health. So all the best to our opponents for the next weeks and hopefully spaniards, french and danish nation won´t force too many british players into inactivity.

  16. Well, we declared war on Danes, who were no Ally anymore to honor our defensive pact with the swedes. Don´t be whiny here, u wanted the war, u got ur war. And btw, in our 1st few talks u didn´t even know that dutch and danes were allied, so not much u lost in the end anyway it seems.


    About the french nation, well they never cared about to be an ally of us. Stuff was said like "this alliance was enforced and never liked", "we were never close allies", "we don´t see a sense in being allied with if u dutch if u don´t attack the brits", "By helping the swedes, u broke the alliance with us", ....


    So ya, they can be happy now that we actually have the balls to state the legal status in public. French diplomacy is shaky, once they used the alliance treaty for their favor, next time they ignored, even denied it for their favor. In the end french forces attacked our defensive ally without information, without approval. By that action, they showed that they don´t care about what the dutch nation will do/think about and more or less forced us to stay with them. No classy act at all.


    So all the best to the french, we hope they enjoy their danish allies, who consider them as weak and unworthy. Dutch Nations stays with their allies especially when they have a hard time and are weak. ;)

    • Like 3
  17. cpfhufK.png




    The Dutch West Indies Consortium,

    17th of June 1716, Willemstad, Curaçao.

    The Dutch Companies and Fleets, represented by the High Council of the Dutch West Indies Consortium within the Republiek der Zeven Vereenigde Provinciën, to all who will see or is expected to read this, extend their greetings. In the importance of the welfare of our lands, that exists in principle because of shipping and trading, which since ancient times from the same lands are fortunate and blessed to be connected to other countries and kingdoms,


    that the current defensive pact between the proud Kingdom of Sverige and the Republiek der Zeven Vereenigde Provinciën has proven to be a very strong and trustful relationship. It has pleased His Royal Majesty, King Gustav Adolphus, by the Grace of God, of the Swedes, the Goths, and the Vends, Grand Prince of Finland, Duke of Pomerania, Prince of Rügen and Lord of Wismar, Heir to Norway and Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn and Dithmarschen, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst, etc. etc, to affirm our mutual reliable cooperations and trustful correspondence by obligatory law. The Staaten Generaal of the Vereenigde Provinciën in presence of the Prince of Orange and with the full and unanimous support of all the Dutch Companies and Fleets within the Dutch West Indies Consortium, represented by their High Council,  have expressed the valuable and blessed partnership by affirming a full alliance between the Sverige Crown and the Vereenigde Provinciën in extending and exploiting the Caribbean territories and efforts, achieving together a dawning age of common prosperity, peace and profit.


    that after a long time of peace, mutual respect and common interests between both nations, the Staaten Generaal of the Vereenigde Provinciën in presence of the Prince of Orange, with full and unanimous support of the Companies and Fleets of the Dutch West Indies Consortium, represented by their High Council and His Majesty George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, with full support of the British Colonial Council in Port Royal, agreed on an anti-piracy alliance, to secure Caribbean trading routes and to end the so called “age of piracy”. Whenever it’s possible, suspects of piracy and their related suspected supporters can be hunted and punished without warning or repercussions. Both nations agree on mutual help in times of high danger and threat to their Caribbean colonies.


    that the Dutch West Indies Consortium and its amalgamated Companies and Fleets, by action of their unanimous High Council, will hand a formal Letter of Complaint and Abhorrence to the French Council in response to the personal and public discrediting of our diplomatic corps. Even though opinions between the Dutch and French council have not been aligned the past months on the subjects of peace, anti-piracy and the interest of stability in the eastern parts of the Caribbean, it makes no sense to us that our diplomats are blamed for the Consortium’s decisions or messages. We demand the same respect for our messengers and diplomats, that our Council asks of our own to give, in spite how inconvenient or difficult it might sometimes be. We know many of the French captains as chivalrous and upright in anyway and would like to continue to improve our relationship on that basis. Without significant change in attitude and mutual respect, the High Council of the Dutch West Indies Consortium is forced to consider a long term uneasy relationship with isolation and limited diplomatic contact with representatives of the French Corps Diplomatique, their council and their respectable and gentle captains, until further notice.


    that the alliance between the Kingdom of France, represented by the French Council of the Colonial Territories in the West Indies and the Republiek der Zeven Vereenigde Provinciën has been cancelled by the French, tête-à-tête and with ordinance. The High Council of the Dutch West Indies Consortium, empowered by the Staaten Generaal of the Vereenigde Provinciën to make it publicly known, formally respect the French decision and the acknowledgement by the Staaten Generaal, without presence of the Prince of Orange.



    We call every captain to offer his service to one of our Dutch Fleets and to dutifully serve the Dutch Nation!

    • Like 1
  18. Nah, that was long after the PB when I was heading to Ile-a-vache and french blocked that harbor for the dutch shipls sailing outside the port. Well, no worries, I provoked all that by some nasty comments to french captains, so they rly wanted me.^^ After I received a bit unfriendly massage of the french flag carrier bit earlier last night, I was simply rly in trolling mood. :P


    Anyway, tnx for the credits. We gonna see us the next days. Simply got too many speed constis left and need some space, so I will constantly dra... invite frenchies to battles. :P

  19. Breaking News!


    French forces, all of them gentlemen of finest kind, were able to intercept and to sink equivalent Dutch Forces! We got some very rare photographic material of that event right here!^^



    (since I had my fun and trash talks/nasty comments in return, I enjoyed the my night frenchies. Cu tomorrow. ;)

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