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Posts posted by Potemkin

  1. The forums are entertainment for me. This specific instance is me calling you out for acting like your shit doesnt stink as you try to preach to everyone else. Nothing new there. You're one of the biggest try-hards out there, the key difference being you tend to fail epicly no matter where you end up yet you still act like you're the shit. You wont find a single post on this forum by me, of me trying to wave my own banner, and ill be the first to admit theres not much for me to brag about. Its just too easy and entertaining to bash the swollen egos. Dont ever change bud i need you, 12hr shifts get boring when theres sub par football on :)

  2. 26 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    If only more folks treated this game as simply......a game, imagine how much more fun it would be.

    Lul says the guy with alts in every nation and probably 5k + hours deep and more initiated tribunals than anyone else. If only we could all be as pragmatic and enlightened as chris.

    • Like 1
  3. Toxic nationalism, despite what you make of it in real life made this game fun/amusing as hell. With clans (with current playerbase) its devolved into a circlejerk between the most populous nations and particularly the shot callers of those nations. That being said, more players in time will probably right the ship.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Oh we found resistance at Key West, it just wasn't very difficult.  You stopped fighting GB after they won once or twice during the daytime and before they started night flipping....so I'm a bit skeptical of the fortitude at Spain's resolve.  You sure do give up easy.

    There are 2 certainties in Naval Action while waiting for patches.

    1 - We wait
    2 - Spain quits

    As for the night flips, you only have Jags to thank for them.  He perhaps should not have interfered with Pirate and French RVR in the evenings if Spain was unable to adequately defend all of it's timerless ports at that time.  Just a thought.  


    To think you got your head so far up your own ass and still had room for the rest of vco up there is truly remarkable. Bravo my dude, bravo

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:


    This game struggles to implement a fair reward system for all those players who participate in RvR since I started playing. It needs players who countergrind hostility. It needs players who screen. And it needs players who help out in PB. And finally it needs players who keep the clan business running. Reward players for their efforts and you will have enough enthusiasmn for RvR.

    The game needs players period. Alot of current issues would manageable if the game retained people and attracted more fresh bodies.

  6. Imho alts should never have been a viable option during the testing phase of this game. Its impossible to really test any of the mechanics that intersect econ and rvr accurately. The results are mechanics that might work in theory, but in practice are mostly rendered redundant by alt accounts with regard to high demand resources being controlled by another nation. Not to mention all of the possible options that cant ever work now due to possible exploits. Food for thought with NA2 :).The cats out of the bag now though, and i understand the need for funding. I also agree for the most part with OP, though how you could implement it without alienating solo players idk. Trollish alt contracts are cancer.

    • Like 1
  7. Anyone can defend a port once, twice, thrice, but sooner or later your luck runs out and you lose the port after sustained attack. These guys put absurd timers on their port to make sure that if someone does stay up to retarded hours to take it, they dont/cant do it again. Its all about not having to worry about defending so they are free to do as they please elsewhere. Every one of the "night players" plays or has played during the day. Its all about them setting timers to deter sustained attack, not defend. Not to mention every time they've threatened to use nightflips as an offensive/trolling weapon to knock down a playerbase. Have fun "fighting" the french/pirates lol.

    • Like 1
  8. Dude im hello kittying with you, you guys get so defensive about that shit. Its hard to care much anymore anyways. Barring a long lasting surge in pop on release its only going to get worse. But seriously the "we rock on the weekends instead of playing videogames" thing is cringey as hello kitty, cmon man, dont make it that obvious you have no life.

  9. 16 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

    yes game needs to die. maybe you should stop being a lazy mofo and play the game to pay for your timers. 

    ReeEeEeeEee We cAn ONlY PlAy iN tHe MiDdlE oF ThE NigHt DuRIng ThE WoRk WeEk AnD Not Do SHit DUriNg ThE WeEkEnd #nightflippingLivesMatterToo

  10. Its only a game, we have uncapturable ports ... more than is needed. The Spanish didnt surrender when there were no safezones why should they now? Besides why would they entertain a pizza faced virgin who does not have the balls or skill to be known in the current game?

    • Like 2
  11. 5 hours ago, Sento de Benimaclet said:

    DO NOT. At least what I think. If we stay only with the unconquerable ports, then from there up. A couple of years ago some brave ones broke their teeth when they had everything against them and we remember that as the SPIRIT OF MANTUA. There is no agreement with the English, it is our reason to fight against them, and they think the same of us. Better times will come, and meanwhile to keep fighting! º7

    OORAHHH! Consolidate the clans, flip brit ports close to their crafting ports for pvp, set rediculous timers for these pvp outposts, screen for whoever the brits attack, and keep hitting their noobs at kpr. There is no need to surrender, just troll them like we have before untill they start bitching on the forums like before. Sooner or later they will go to war with others, dont accept peace from those shitbirds :) If you surrender they will just treat you worse on the forums and in global as they do now that redii and havoc has pulled them out of the shit-heap.

  12. 12 hours ago, Grundgemunkey said:

    nah your completely wrong ...proud of what ? 

    playing a game  doesnt make me feel proud .. I do however have some respect for players in any nation that  keep logging in every day and play the game when its tough going and you lose more often than you win ..... thats why i have no respect for the spanish ,, 1 or 2 bad results ,, and they stop playing ..." have fun taking empty ports " is their  mantra when beaten ..



    i canty believe you guys still get wound up and even reply to  Hornblower

    Well you've had your faces in the dirt for so long its only understandable you wanna take your oppurtunity to talk shit. Thats fine, just try not to be such a hyprocrite though, its embarrassing. 

    • Like 2
  13. 5 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Chap, weren't you a REDS member? Now 7UP if I'm correct.

    Yessir, but thats not really relevant to what im saying. What im saying is essentially that you are the personification of fake news and that you're the mother of all skidmarks on the underwear of NA :) pls dont ever leave GB 

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