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Everything posted by Ahab

  1. I dont see the negative. Besides people in larger ships needing to learn to keep momentum to the smaller ships don't swarm them.
  2. 1. Yes I know. But I think the Spanish situation kind of raises the priority of it. 2. That could be, I don't know the specifics. I can say that a new player won't know that either. Player retention is very important. The Devs know this, which is why they are looking to resolve it. Like I said, I don't roam the forums so I don't know what has been talked about. I don't know what the Devs are thinking about doing. So I thought I would add my input on what I think they can do. I think also that given the size of some nations, like the Dutch, that if attention was turned towards you, or the French or the Swedes, that the outcome would be very similar. There is just no mechanic for you to defend against such over powering numbers.
  3. I would like to see all my controls on an analog axis, similar to manual sailing. Where when you press the key it moves along its axis. When you stop pressing, the movement stops. Double tapping moves to the max. I would like to see this ability for the rudder, lowering and raising sails, I don't like how the rudder recenters when I let go. Especially when you are just getting that turn rate right tuned to not overshoot your broadside. Now I know you CAN do it with sails. But I would like more options in the heat of battle. And I would imagine in real life they did just go from full left to full right and center. The sails, for the same reason. Many time I need to 50% sail to match speed. So you sit there toggling power/depower. It doesnt seem realistic. BUT I would like to see an additional control. Instead of just using T to power/depower, I would like to see another key matched with T, and have the ability to control the up and down of those middle sails. Now some won't like this idea. I get they are used the way they do it. But I would like the ability to toggle it. I am not a programmer, but I think its a relatively simple addition since all the axis and controls seem to exist already.
  4. Seems like a pretty good idea. It would add a lot more viability to those middle ships. They could even keep the same XP targets they got now for the level. Especially with the way the XP gain is, I am going to be Captain for a really long time. So that is a long time to be in a Trincomolee, and then once I level I can crew a 3rd and there is no need for the Constitution. I really only see Constitutions being undercrewed for the tanking and BR at a Port Battle.
  5. I don't know about the other servers, but in PvP 1, the Spanish are just about annihilated. La Habana is isolated. They have a few ports in the Gulf, South Yucatan and South America. I don't really follow the forums, but I hear its not good. And even outside the forums, in the game, it can't be very moralizing. Its PvP. Its naval warfare and controlling territory. I get that. The problem is, for new people, they don't. And I don't think it is best for gameplay to have a defacto free for all state of war. We should have more diplomatic options. Different levels of aggression. War being taking ports. Hostile being killing players. Neutral being only killing players and maybe AI. Some levels of peace where attacking that nation would turn you pirate. Maybe different levels of trade access.
  6. Cool story. Expanding your border is not securing your border. Expanding your borders by taking Spanish ports is indeed an act of War against the Spanish.
  7. The Pirates and the English are going to take control of most of Cuba. So they will be left with La Habana without protection. Then they will have few ports on East Mexico. Which will dwindle fast without protection. I don't see the Spanish nation having many other choices besides trying to make peace with us if they want to survive as a nation. The British already stabbed them in the back.
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