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Everything posted by Deepgift

  1. I dont think pirates should be excluded from crafting.
  2. Archage used a jail....... it was just a place where people went afk
  3. They have said something, Nats need to work with one another to keep pirates in check. It may have not been spelled out in back and white but from what ive read of them posting about it. the pirates are your problem not the devs.
  4. I want raw stats if that means players names are deleted im fine with that i just wanna see some numbers that we can get some cool data from like average battle damage ratios ect. Im not interested in a Urinary Olympiad with regards to single players, it would be cool to see stats about nations ect.
  5. Yarr!! Join the Pirates!! Hop in game speak up in nation chat and Join the masses learn to play the game from a nation that has been experiencing booming recent success thought helping there new players develop and learn the game!! For the Pirates have players from all parts of the world from USA, Russia, Korea, UK, Danes, Sweeds just to name a few . Ask around and there are plenty of groups to play with.
  6. Or game wide stats im sure if you provide us with some raw data people would be more then happy to pick through it.
  7. As I recall thats a part of being a US player is having the capital in a hard to get to place. when you pick a nation something is stated to a similar effect. just like how the spanish start with the most ports. and another faction starts with just one port.
  8. And it makes under crewing much less viable i think that this change was a good idea.
  9. I agree this will also help the population of pirates from getting out of control, but i think it will be somewhat resolved with what i would hope to be a later introduction of a reputation system.
  10. My 2'cents is that i dont mind if its disable or otherwise( i want to protect pirate vs PvE xp gains). But it would be nice that once im all done with exp grinding and i want some pvp i can go find it . I dont wanna use pirate vs pirate pvp to level . I want to use it to PvP. And im sure that there are other pirates who are more then interested in keeping it the way it is
  11. Harder is not impossible, there is nothing stopping pirates from hiring natural players at free ports to build SoL's, Freeports let a free-market esk economy play a role in this game. if pirates have access to ports where they can buy free market ships they will have access to the same ships as everyone else. Why go to all the effort to stop the squirrel from getting into the bird feeder, you know he is gonna figure out a way. Just refill it so the birds get to eat some aswell.
  12. Pirates have the ability to PvE, PvE grants more exp per person/per hour as long as that holds true pirates will keep it up. If your really worried about it I suggest you create a post suggesting a modifier on the exp gained from Pirate on Pirate PvP and a incentive for attacking Nats. Pirates can still back stab but its not profitable. Sadly this issue is a Hydra , you cut off one head 2 more pop up....
  13. We dont have the ships to throw away in to that, i know as a higher level player i get about 2-4k xp a hour , and alot of the lower players get 500-2k a hour i dont think sinking cutter 1v1 grants a ton of xp if we had a endless supply of ships then i agree exp grinding through pvp would work but we dont . some of you older players may forget we dont and never had any thing we can redeem beside the Yahat and even if we clean out the ships in the ports that will only take us so far we have more people then that so ai ships is the best for the pirate community or at least how i see it.
  14. While your waiting this is a awesome time to take a look at some videos http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7923-beginners-guide-videos/
  15. I think with the introduction of assist and kill xp using teamwork to take on A.I. fleets is better exp/hour
  16. Then ask the admins to turn it off for a few hours and see if the rate of gold and xp that pirates earn goes down , hell most of us wouldn't even notice that it got turned off.
  17. That is an abuse of a game mechanic and I imagine doing so would carry negative consequences you are more then welcome to create a pirate alt and see that's not what were doing , Now i cant speak for all pirates but i can speak for a large portion saying that there not , were out there grinding npc fleets to catch up with all of you players who have been playing for months and have a huge gold and xp lead. heck i see someone like you with almost 3000 forum posts you have been around a while. were doing our part just about every player who ranks up is helping another player a rank below him . I spend 75-90% and I play 8+hours a day, of my time and i know im not the only one helping players lower level then me get in to bigger ships and getting higher rank .The pirates growth is truly an example of how paying it forward really spreads we have grown over the course of 3 weeks from being one of the smallest nations to the 2ed largest.
  18. If your take 100%extra mast damage that 100% extra shots that for the most part wont be going in your hull I can see how having 100%extra masts may help a player gain an advantage ie the more skillful over less, while being outnumbred
  19. How do we fit the outpost system into this? or in this world would pirates be centered around free-towns?
  20. But his masts still gain 40% of the hp right over the timer? I'm probably understanding this wrong but Ellis and doran it sounds like what your saying is conflicted, so you just wait till your near 0% then get back up to 40-50% to get your guns back in the fight, that still is a increase of potential mast hp above 1400 for the cutter example
  21. Humm but ive used sail repair and it replaces masts, or am I understanding something wrong?
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