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Everything posted by Marques

  1. Hola PepePotamo, saludarte y darte las gracias por tu ayuda en el juego. Para que otros jugadores lo sepan en el clan hay varios Almirantes, Pepepotamo es el que nos enseña un poco a todos y nos dirige. Cuando el juego tenga mas gente es importante comunicarnos con el chat por microfono y asi podemos hacer batallas mejor dirigidas y mas grandes. Ademas estos compañeros que llevan muchos meses jugando saben muchos trucos y el trabajo en equipo en este juego es muy importante. Os animo pues a los nuevos a uniros al grupo Real Armada Española. Gracias denuevo Pepe ! Marques.
  2. Bienvenido ...yo tambien soy casi nuevo....entre en Diciembre.
  3. Thank you to Mr. Mirones and the others how download this plans for Spanish Ships. Thank you !! You have download many Spanish ships , I have more information about Spanish Light Frigate 22-24 guns. Name Sta. Bárbara, 22. (sistema Jorge Juan) Esta pequeña fragata de 24 cañones, botada en Guarnizo en 1768, fue la cuarta que llevó este nombre en la Real Armada. Su vida operativa es digna de mención pues fue una de las unidades más agresivas y exitosas que enarbolaron el pabellón real durante las guerras contra Inglaterra a lo largo del S.XVIII. Un vez rotas las hostilidades con la Gran Bretaña en 1779, en apoyo a los insurgentes de las trece colonias de Norte América, se aprestó la “Santa Bárbara” para misiones de patrulla y acoso a las unidades enemigas en elEstrecho de Gibraltar, desde su base en Cádiz. Así las cosas, el 26 de septiembre de 1780, la “Santa Bárbara” junto con la “Asunción”, se estrenó apresando una fragata y una urca que habían zarpado del peñón con destino a Inglaterra.
  4. I have some plans. They are two Spanish Corvettes, for trading and exploration. There are twins and they surrounded the Earth in the exploration travel in 1789-1794. 2 Corvettes ATREVIDA y DESCUBIERTA I hope this could be a new model for the game Naval Action. Thank you.
  5. History of the Caribbean Sea should be more accurate. Ideas about less city-war and more sailing and trade. (sailing age 1690-1815) 1. Trade routes should be fixed automatically and established early in the game. 2. Could be at least 4 routes. Convoy of 5 or 6 ships. Every capital Spanish, French, English and Dutch need one route to Europe or America. 3. They will sail towards the exits-scape, outputs, of the map. One scape north to trade with USA Boston and three outputs to Europe Cadiz , La Rochelle, Porthmouth, Amsterdam. 4. Players who want to trade with Europe can sell their resources, at once, to these routes in their capital city and receive extra money . 5. This Big routes system provides time or chance to sell everything goods in one day without travel. These trading routes can be protected by several players so that teamwork is encouraged. 6. Individual and faction’s wealth and trading may improve with this system. However, attacks ports every day must be reduced, this is not historical.Every war should be start with a official declaration, and finish in a treated. The Caribbean was a business for all countries and nobody wanted destroy cities of their neighbor everyday because them needed each other to do business together. Game must be historical accurate as well. City map can not change ten cities owner everyday.(as it´s happened right now). Please see the complete war history of the caribbean: https://en.wikipedia...1700_and_on.gif Wikipedia http://www.worldatla...caribtimeln.htm 1700. Most of cities were under Spanish power. (1700 - 1750s) Caribbean colonies prospered in sugar, tobacco, and rice farming. Trade between colonies and nations prevalent (1741) Jenkin´s ear War. British fail taken Spanish Cartagena de Indias in major defeat for the British Navy and Army. (1750s) Turks and Caicos captured by the British (1761 - 1778) British captured Dominica from France (1763) Britain captured Havana during the Seven Years War. Britain traded that one city for a large area of land in Florida, including St. Augustine. (1778 - 1783) French forces recaptured Dominica (1762 - 1783) British and French forces contested Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1775 - 1783) French and Spanish Caribbean naval victories over the British (Pensacola) aided revolutionary war efforts for the Americans. American Revolutionary War weakened British power. (1791) A slave rebellion against French forces, dubbed the Haitian Revolution, established Haiti as the world's oldest free, black republic. (1800) Spain still kept most of the power in the Caribbean based on best strategical territories and cities. That´s all the conquest in one hundred years. Basically the Sea was rule for Spain, UK, France, Netherland and Pirates. Merry Chritsmas to All players, and special THANK YOU to Naval Actions STAFF !! Happy 2016
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