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Everything posted by LeinTrolaS

  1. I'll try to follow those thips and see how it works. I have so much way to the Santisima... I don't even know if i'm going to even get to the Bellona for when the OW comes out, i'd really like to test every single ship.
  2. But if I use carronades I will have to approach more to the enemy, won't I? And I don't really know if the range for shooting chainshots is the same as for balls cause everytime I try shooting chains at enemy's sails I fail to hit. Do I have to raise the cannons more? And what about grape shots?
  3. Hello. I'm right now playing as a Navy Brig and after having a very hard time with the standard brig, I thought this one was going to be better but I was mistaken. This I am going to say it's true: I got more damage per battle with a Privateer than what I get with Brigs or Navy Brigs. My problem is not the firepower or the manueverability right now. My big problem that for this ship is that it pretty much is like a piece of paper. I can't stand seeing how in a single shot it's entire nose armor gets almst fully destroyed and almost the same for port or starboard, and rear. Two shots and it's done even when being shot by not that big ships, but if it gets shot by a constitution its done almost in the first set of shots. So, I cannot even approach ships without gettign destroyed before I can do a decent ammount of damage, and somehow in pve ships will manage to hit you without ranging shots in the first try. So yes, i'm despeprate with this ship, cause I thought It was going to be better and more resistant but no it is not and I have a long way to the snow.
  4. I already payed this game. I don't want subscription fee and I dont want pay to win elements. I don't want the game to be free to play either cause free to play games are a cancer. I prefer it it had little optional purchasable things in game after buying the game. I prefer it to be a "buy to play" game. and release objects and such that don't give unfair advantages to anyone and then release some dlc. I think there are probably more free to play games that have failed than buy to play games for the simple fact that free to play games are more likely to make a mistake somewhere in time with ingame elements that players could conplain about. With a buy to play game, if people like it, they are going to buy it and then pay for dlc ore extra ingame content if they want to. I honestly don't want the game to be like POTBS.
  5. I don't understand why people prefers to encourage closer combat. I think it's good as it is. Doing damage from closer distance is easy enough to make you get closer when you see it's necessary right now, and combat from longer range is not that easy to change it. I personally think changing it for more closer combat would probably finish with cautious attacks for going more for brute force short range attacks finishing with an aboarding. People seem to like more the brute force and things like in films where ships are close each other and fire all cannons and do a lot of damage, but I think it is cooler and funnier to damage fromt he distance and that is where the better player should get the advantage, not the one that has the better firepower and better hull. Cause hitting from short distance is not hard. Maybe I missunderstood the question.
  6. Thsnk you all for your replies :-D. I'm really having a great time playing this game.
  7. Finally, after playing the game a little bit, 2 or 3 little combats using the yatch and the lynx, I have to say the game is lots of fun. It looks very nicely done graphically, sounds are amazing which I consider of big importance in games as well as music (this one missing for now) and gameplay is very good IMO. If the gameplay change it should only be for a little bit of more realism but not viceversa. Yes, I miss an epic music in the background, not very loud but just for the mood of the battle. But considering this is in alpha (or beta, i don't know), the game quite good! I have to say this: I suck at the moment. You might say I have only played 2 or 3 games which is very few games to be good at it, but hell, I almost didn't get a hot on any ship from a decent distance! Ii must suck at aiming or something. But traying to figure out the distance and range when aiming was probably my favourite part since it gives a lot of skill based gameplay and a goal to it and it is just not simply a matter or click a button which is something I dislike from most games nowadays (MMOs mostly). So, yes. Gameplay should be changed only for better not wrose. More realism if so and skill based gameplay, but honestly I wouldn't mind at all if the gameplay remained as it is for the whole existence of the game ;-). Keep on the good work devs! ;-)
  8. I am new here. I 've just seen a video on youtube, well 2 or 3 videos and I'm so eager to play this! I went to the website and wanted to buy this and it pissed me off the fact that purchases are disabled! So unlucky. Arriving late one more time! Any extra copy of the game is welcome
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