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Everything posted by Plak

  1. I would like the disconnected players ship to be taken over by the AI. This way he could get back into the fight when he gets his connection problems sorted and the team does not completely loose the firepower and damage distribution capabilities of the lost player.
  2. Hello everyone. I did join the game very late in the process (got my key on 10th of April) but I still would like to share my first impression. Lets start with the things that I would like to see improved: 1. Is drift already in the game (drift from wind and drift from water currents)? It seems that it does have a very small effect if at all. 2. Wind speed does not seem to vary at all right now. 3. Wind direction changes the same all the time. 4. Amount of crew does have to little effect on ship performance (a Victory with 100 crew left furling sails and reloading all guns at the same time is just wrong). 5. Is Capsizing already in the game? I can stand still in a storm perpendicular to the waves with a privateer (see https://youtu.be/LlxHT4wdJzs?t=8m10s). 6. Waves in a storm have no effect on the heading of your vessel. 7. Player dropped from a match should be taken over by the AI. 8. AI is way to easy compared to beginner player skill. 9. Inertial mass of the vessels seems to still be off by quite a bit. (the time required to speed up or to slow down feel very off) 10. Setting and furling sails should be limited to specific courses, dependent on the sails used. Wind speed should have an impact on time to handle sails. Different sail plans should have an impact on time to handle sails. On to the points I do love already: 1. The graphics of the game are stunning. Detail of ship, water and weather is just marvelous. 2. Sailing mechanics are great. As a hobby sailor it is very easy to get into the game. Going in reverse and how hard it is to stay in reverse seems to be quite accurate. 3. Shooting mechanics are great. Manually aiming is really nice and the visual clue for gun direction fits really well. 4. PvP is a blast. So in summary I do love the game already and although the list of improvements is longer those are rather minor things that I am confident are already in the works I am really enjoing the game very much and can't wait to see more of whats to come. I have chronicled all of the matches that I was part of in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2_-rvbbTEoW7-DPx9WK6xWlUTJUv-5sH
  3. They still have LTI for new ships that are drawn up (concept sale), but that is beside the point. Insurance in SC is payable with in game currency. All ships in SC are payable with in game currency. The point I wanted to make is that everything you can buy with real money can be obtained with in game currency as well (this statement has been stressed by Chris Roberts very often). The point is that some people might only have limited time to play but they have money to spend to make up for missing time. In games where you can not buy your way up these people are limited to lower tier content. They hit the higher tier of the game very late if at all. This leads to higher tier content being available only to people who choose to play a lot and does limit those players content as well, because there are less players in that tier available to play. Buying your way up has a benefit for both parties (players with time and players with money): more content in the higher tiers. Now there are several levels of what content you can buy your way up. In SC the exchange of IG and RL money is straight ahead because you can only buy stuff and there are no character skills. (the amount of IG currency to buy will be adjusted to what can be earned IG by playing the game so that will be balanced within reason). When there are Character Skills involved the whole thing does get much trickier. War Thunder being an "arena" game allows you to buy your way up to higher tier within reason: - Premium vehicles can be bought any time. - IG money can be bought any time. - XP for skills can be bought based on how much and how well you play. (conversion of general XP earned). resulting in an increased rate of going through content. EvE having Character Skills as well has chosen to only allow for conversion of IG and RL money and no conversion of RL money to XP. To sum it all up. There are different approaches to solving the challenge of Premium Content. I just wanted to point to solutions that do not lock out any part of the player community of parts of the game however they choose to play it (investing time or money). By making all items of the Premium Content available to all players in some way (buy or play) this can be achieved.
  4. I have not read all the posts in this thread, so maybe this was already posted by someone else. I am not adverse to the concept of paying to make up for not beeing able to spend time in game. So in general I am fine with Premium content. What I do not like is when you have no option to get to the premium content except for paying for it with RL money. Star Citizen does have a quite nice idea about that problem. 1. You can pay to buy ships. 2. You can pay to buy in game money. The big difference is that anyone not paying extra money (on top of buying the basic game) can get everything you pay for through in game means and spending time. So I vote for a premium shop for items that are obtainable with in game currency as well.
  5. I love the command arrows idea. Those arrows could be enhanced with the dropdown order attached to the arrow idea by NorthernWolves. The commander could choose to not use arrows and just go with some generic orders for ship clases or specific ships and leave the rest to the captains of those ships or to just give a basic order to the fleet (flee, line, melee...). The incentive to following orders should be an increase in your "loyalty" skill independent of the fact if following the order makes sense or not. The "reputation" skill would be some calculated number that puts in all other information (loyalty, rank in navy, win/loss, prize money, sailing, navigation, gunnery....). This reputation skill could allow you to lessen the cost of ignoring orders (the hit to loyalty would be less for renowned captains when they are successfull). Reputation might have a lasting effect on your crew morale. Crew morale might affect several stats that are "crew operated" as already pointed out by Horatio Hornblower -reload rate -execution of sailing commands -fighting power in boarding/defending boarders -waterpump speed
  6. I have not played yet but have watched quite a view youtube videos and have a question to battles as they are now and will be in the future. Right now there are no commanders of a fleet implemented in the battles. This role is picked up by more experienced players on the go and other captains participating in the battle can pretty much ignore the suggestions. I would like to see some way of applying for the role of fleet commander for a battle and the participants of the battle can vote on who it will be. Optimally there would be a rating of the commander by the participating players and vice versa after the end of battle. This could be some sort of reputation number for a character in the end game. You could even set up some sort of rating on different aspects to differentiate. (navigation, knowledge of ship classes, tactics, leadership...) The commander could assign ships to squads and appoint captains to the position of squad commander. The commander could decide on standing orders (when is friendly fire ok, do we stick to the line or go for another tactic) and would have to bear the consequences. This way there would always be a risk to taking the commander slot (loss of reputation...).
  7. 1 Maybe 2 Maybe 3 Maybe It really depends massively how the fleet you are sailing with is structured. From a historical point of view anyone wandering between the lines might have been courtmartialed anyway if it was not ordered. It also depends on the orders from the commander of the fleet. In that case he has to deal with the consequences. If it is a ragtag band of merry captains I would probably only shoot in case 3 except when the captain in the blocking vessel would actively ask me to take the shot. If someone keeps getting in the way all the time and does not react to chat (signaling), I would assume him be a traitor and take the shot in all 3 cases. This does bring up a rather interesting point on commanders of the fleet for a battle and organizing the ships in different squadroons.
  8. I was pointed to this game by a friend a couple of days ago. Sadly I did miss the preorder so I have to wait for the next one to open up. Hopefully I will be notified through the newsletter. I did watch all of SideStrafes Videos and that just wet my appetite for this game even more. Having sailing experience of around 20 years in RL I really would love to see how close to RL it is in Naval Action.
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