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im having real issues trying to figure out where to buy and sell resources. The game doesnt tell the play properly which towns are in need of certain products and what theyre offering for that specific product.

And even if the map tells me that town XYZ needs certain products daily i still cant sell them for more gold than i paid for them.

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Well in the shop on the right it says how much it consumes and how much it produces.


Profit depends on supply and demand, the more a port has of a resource the less you can sell it for(even if it consumes it) and the less a port has of resources the more you can sell it for, the buying price is same, more it has cheaper, less it has more expensive.

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That makes sense of course, but the map doesnt tell me all those things. Im sailing aimlessly around hoping to find a port that offers a good price. Or is there any indication somewhere?

Why should the map tell you the price? you dindnt have email back in those days.

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The starting point is of course to visit a port.  Once you visit a port it'll show what it exports/imports on your map.  That is one perk of exploring (even if you gain no XP from it).  Unfortunately it will also depend on stock, something you won't know until you get there.  So if a few players show up and unload tons of XYZ before you get there, demand may be lower.  It's a way to start though.

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Why should the map tell you the price? you dindnt have email back in those days.


You did have ledgers though - I actually keep an excel ledger of all of my trading for the exact purpose of keeping track of prices in ports, stock and of course what I paid for what I bought when I was there.


Are there any rough sketches or discussion of what kind of interfaces they imagine ending up with anywhere? :)

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The map should never tell you the prices. That defeats the entire purpose of trading. then they might as well just let you buy an item, give you a 1 hour timer and give you more back.


You need to put in the effort to earn the money. Sail around, find prices, set contracts, and find the good deals.

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Why should the map tell you the price? you dindnt have email back in those days.

i know^^ but i didnt have a perfectly accurate gps map back then too. A little bit more information and a better presentation would add so much to the game and i wouldnt have to watch tutorials for everything on youtube or look it up in the forums :D

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I've not got any reference material, but i would imagine even though e-mail didn't exist i'm pretty sure printing presses did, and i'm sure settlements close to each other would have sent out / received trade information about other ports in their region.
trade journals, newspapers, cargo manifests.

These could maybe be used as a basis (read excuse) for implementing an interface such as an auction house where you could browse player/AI buy/sell orders by region/port to make trading a little more user friendly rather than blind luck.

like eve online's contract system or the POTBS auction house if that helps you visualize what i'm on about.

ya know not necessarily right away, but eventually.  

Edited by BlackAdder
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  • 5 months later...

1.   I would like this "Kind of Map"  I know is not nautical, but looks like very nice with colors and cities information.  You only need to put the mouse above the cities or names. Please play with the map:





2.    In the other hand I would like this kind of interface for the music arrenge, and  icons, officiers, resources, buildings and many items.....please see the video:






3. And Finally , I would like , please, please, the DEV´s  increase a little bit more marines and crew on the decks. Now is not realistic at all ! ( currently 4 sailors is very very poor).  See this video please:




I hope the game would have a nice interface !!!   Thanks to de Dev´s job.

Edited by Marques
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I would prefer a much more adult and elegant UI, along the lines of something Paradox might do. The East India Company UI is terrible, dated and cartoony. Also the constant clicks sounds are completely maddening, I prefer the stoic silence of the current UI to that.

Yes, there long has been a cry for more crew. That along with sails that don't look like cardboard would take the battle instances to a level of visual joy and immersion that would be amazing to behold. The fear is that Unity and the devs can't make it work; the hope is that they are going to surprise us when the game is fully released. Fingers crossed.

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I agree you,  Captain Lord Cochrane,  but a little bit of music in some moments would be perfect. As well  I hope the Dev´s have a surprise about the crew number on the decks.


I would prefer a much more adult and elegant UI, along the lines of something Paradox might do. The East India Company UI is terrible, dated and cartoony. Also the constant clicks sounds are completely maddening, I prefer the stoic silence of the current UI to that.

Yes, there long has been a cry for more crew. That along with sails that don't look like cardboard would take the battle instances to a level of visual joy and immersion that would be amazing to behold. The fear is that Unity and the devs can't make it work; the hope is that they are going to surprise us when the game is fully released. Fingers crossed.

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