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New US player looking for a fleet to sail with!

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Welcome to the game :)


There is currently 3 US Fleets AFAIK. 

TDA - The Decatur Armada - (Not recruiting). http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1660-the-decatur-armada/

TF - Tattered Flags - (Recruiting). http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1242-the-first-na-society-tattered-flags-is-now-recruiting/

NC - Native Confederacy - (Dunno if they are or aren't recruiting atm..) http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6699-native-confederacy/


Cheers. :)

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Greetings M.T.,

The Decatur Armada is a long-standing PvP guild proudly flying the flag of the U.S. We value tactics and communication in battle (Teamspeak is a must), and we are also very active in territorial acquisition.

At this time we do not have open recruitment, but we are always selectively recruiting captains flying the U.S. flag who catch our eye ingame, and who we get to know a little bit. Being selective allows us to ensure compatibility with our tight-knit group, and our style of play.



Edited by 'Sharpe
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My name is B00MSPL4T and I am one of the admiralty members of Tattered Flags. We have just over 100 members in total, from all walks of life. We have players from all around the world, ranging from the age of 17 to 79.

Just like The Decatur Armada we are a PVP guild that prides itself in teamwork, organisation and tactics. We are always open to applications, however there is a screening process you must pass if you would like to become part of the group.

With that said, any US player is more than welcome to join us in our teamspeak to socialise and engage in activities with us. Our players are very generous, eager to help new players get started.

Please feel free to send me a message and I will give you our teamspeak details. I am currently away from my computer for the holidays but there will be plenty of other members around to welcome you.

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