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Hi guys I wanted to vent a little if you guys take time to read this. I responded in 1 post about mods in another topic so I wanted to start this 1 for the sole position of talking about mods.


So this is what I really hate about POTBS. They have so many mods and you only use a handful. This drives me crazy. They should focus on improving the game insted of making so many garbage mods. I hope in this game the devs really take the time if they are going to put mods in to really think about what they are putting in insted of putting in what ever is easy and flodding the market with mods.


I also think that this is hurts a game b/c of so many mods and new people think that they have a great out fitted ship and it's crap. I want to hear what you guys think.

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Well, I agree and from what I've read so do the devs. My biggest problems with the Potbs mods is that most were trade offs or they were worthless. Why would you have a top level mod that say adds 3% damage and another one that adds 5% and another with 11% and another with 15%. Most of them won't be used. The tradeoffs that would give you accuracy at the expense of hull structure were meaningless and annoying. I agree that it made it harder for lower players and even some higher level players to figure out the right group of mods to use. Most just rely on the ambitious guys who would test out different mods in skirms to tell them how they should outfit.

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I think EVE had a good way of sorting out their mods.


Tiering System was as follows:



Tier I

Tier II


Dead Space


Even EVE however had a lot of modules that were unnecessary if you knew how to fit a ship correctly. In Naval Action, I think a Tiering System like the one following would be sufficient.


Lieutenant (Tier I)

Captain (Tier II)

Admiral (Tier III)


Lieutenant would be lowest in price and being the least effective at what it is supposed to do, though still being a slight upgrade from a stock vessel. Good for players without much bank to start fitting their ship.

Privateer is the mid range tier for those with a bit more cash to spend.

For those with wealth, Admiral is the most expensive, yet the highest tier.


Modules should not be these magical pieces of equipment that allow you ridiculous bonuses like 14% damage bonus, or 30% stern armor. Instead there should be a specific number allowed for ships, say three slots that can be filled by these modules, one module per slot and no doubling of modules that allow your captain or crew to perform a task that they otherwise could not. For example, fitting your ship with a pump could allow you to pump water. Fitting your ship with a storage locker could allow you to repair lost spars and rigging, and fitting yourself with a carpenters table could allow you to repair minor damage to your ships structure. There could be a number of different modules that allow you to perform different tasks depending on what it is you wish to do in game. There could be a fine eyeglass to help your lookout spot enemies out to the horizon (depending on how high he is) there could be modern medicine that allows your ships surgeon to keep your crew healthier. Some of these modules could even use 'ammo' like the modern medicine would actually require you to resupply on medicines every now and again when in port. 


I'm starting to ramble so I will bring this to a close. All in all, if this was to become an option in game, it would have to be done right or else all our hard work in trying to keep 'magic' out of Naval Action would have been for naught.


EDIT: I just can't stop writing...


Perhaps instead of the tiering system that makes three copies of each module and splits them on account of how useful they are, they could be split in different ways. For example World of Tanks. If you fit your tank with a fire extinguisher, you can use it once and then it is gone. Perhaps the tiering system could split the modules by number of times you can use them before they need replacing or just how many times you can use them in a single battle. So many times has my little tank been set on fire twice in a match... Other ways these tiers of modules could be split may include the most historically widely used on vessels of this time period, ranging to the very rare and very useful in the right circumstances.

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Please don't include clickies and hull/cannon/sail mods in the form of POTBS.


This game looks like its heading in a good direction...having clickies and magical mods to increase armor/resistance, etc will spoil it.

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Please don't include clickies and hull/cannon/sail mods in the form of POTBS.


This game looks like its heading in a good direction...having clickies and magical mods to increase armor/resistance, etc will spoil it.

Agree completely, #peck2014


Why take away from player skill with adding crutch stuff to make up for the lack of player skill. Let the players make the plays instead of the skills.

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Agree completely, #peck2014


Why take away from player skill with adding crutch stuff to make up for the lack of player skill. Let the players make the plays instead of the skills.

I agree if you handicap the game play you have all kinds of people pvping over mods. It should be actual skill.

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In my perfect world, mods would not be done in the standard way. Like Badas says "mods" should be installed in the building of the boat. So the quality of wood and the type cannon would all be a choice on the purchase order. Some things could be changed but it would have to be put back in drydock and taken out of service for a time to do it and would be expensive.


You build your ships according to how you plan on using it. If you are gonna be a member of a fleet looking for large engagements then you will build your ship with the highest quality material and be happy to pay more for it, but if you are gonna make your fame hunting down enemy merchant ships and pirates hiding in the shallows then you take a medium sized frigate with less bells and whistles but is cheaper because you are hunting lesser armed and smaller ships.

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If what Badas suggests become real, that would be the best thing. A customized ship on-the-build. I see thousands advantages on that, enemy can't guess what you upgraded (happens to most games, an experienced player can easily "guess" what the enemy is "equipped" in 5 secs), you cannot just remove them and fit others in 2 mouse-clicks (much more realistic), specified purpose of ship (exactly what Reb said and i agree 100%).

This game can be closer to a simulation. PotBS was more "arcade" like PECK described it.

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