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restoring durability

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was having a discussion in global the other day about "refitting" ships to restore durability and the idea we came accros was similar to crafting notes but only available when breaking down ships of the same class. so for example you have a really nice trin that youve had some bad luck in that you dont want to lose ... so you break up a bunch of trins and recive a "refit note" thus allowing you to restore a durability/ this way it deals with ship inflation and is a cash sink whilst being difficult to achieve so you wouldnt do it with every ship ... just your favourite :)


thoughts and ideas?



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I think this topic has been addressed twice before, allow me to summarize them.


What you would create with a system like this, is a infinite ship. If i knew that i had to capture about 20(or 50 for all i care) trincs to get one of those notes, i would do it just to keep my own trinc alive.

This would kill any incentive to go about and buy a new ship. As soon as most players have their dream ship, crafting economy would simple stall.

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Yeah, could be interesting. When breaking down player build ships only there could be a small chance you can get a 'refit note'. 'Refit note' - adds 1 life to your current ship. If you start capturing NPCs and breaking them into parts you will have tons of 'refit notes' and unlimited lives on your ship. So, I can only agree with player build ships that can be reduced into parts with a small chance to get a note. 

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it would have to be a ship with equal(ish) stats so with equal module slots or something  and not just be a capture random shjip .... thus meaning youd either have to craft 50 or 100 trins to get 1 dura back or buy/steal from 50-100 other players ... and they shoulod be as rare if not more than a craft not ... so 1-3% drop rate ...


(also ai's dont sail trins...)

Edited by Carandrian
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