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[] [Code] Tweaks and Fixes v3.11.0: bugfixes, new features for players, support for modders (including new nations and better AI ship generation!)

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8 hours ago, MDHansen said:

Would it be a lot of work to make it so;
1. Ongoing research is always on top?
2. Your nation is always on top in Politics list.

More of a if/when you get the time to have a rummage through the ones and zeroes, so to speak:)

It's getting hard to keep track of requests, so I'm going to ask folks to make issues here: https://github.com/NathanKell/UADRealism/issues

15 hours ago, fabian said:

I am with the steam beta version previousmajorupdate v.
Can you give me a link to directly download the TAF version? please friend

english not very good, sorry


Here's 3.1.4. Obviously it will not have any changes since then.

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Hello Nathan,

First of all thank you very much for all the hard work.

This is about the Upgrade Mark issue, discussed here:
Upgrade Mark Issue

I am posting here to summarize and help others, I am sure you will nail it down in notime.

In NAR 2.5 I had the following issue:


You goto Design, Refit, Hit the "Upgrade Nark" Save
Design shows mk.2 Guns etc.
Refit the actual ship.
The Actual ship is still Mk.I

Upon further testing with only Tweaks and Fixes installed:


Ok, I just did a quick test.

TL,DR. It is not NAR... It is the Tweaks and Fixes

Started a new Vanilla Campaign, Britain, 1900.
Only Tweaks and Fixes active.
Mk.2 13 and 8 Inch guns were 2 month research away.
Designed a and built a BS with 13 & 8 inch mk.I's
Designed and built a CA with 8 inch mk.1's
Tech researched, refit the designs and refitted the ships with upgrade mark.
Design shows upgraded turrets.
Actual ship itself when click on view still shows mk. I

Saves are available if you like, before and after refit

I hope this helps, until it can be fixed or discarded,

Is there a way to disable the Upgrade Mark feature in params?

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  • NathanKell changed the title to [] [Code] Tweaks and Fixes v3.9.1: bugfixes, new features for players, support for modders (including new nations and better AI ship generation!)
  • NathanKell changed the title to [] [Code] Tweaks and Fixes v3.9.2: bugfixes, new features for players, support for modders (including new nations and better AI ship generation!)
21 hours ago, o Barão said:

snap_point_step,0.01375,,0.044,,,,,, from params file.


Is this what you are talking about?

Haha for some reason I had remembered that as being hardcoded. If that actually works then TAF isn't needed here at all. :D


18 hours ago, Lamb Chop said:

I have a question about the variable from TAF:

Naming suggests, it modifies the trigger for Conquest event.
Is this accurate, does it cover or exclude ground / naval, major / minor nations?


No, it doesn't change the trigger. That whole feature is just about modding the chance of success once a conquest event is in progress. (Conquest Events are naval invasions and minor nation conquests; land invasions are known as Province Battles internally, and I reimplemented how those are triggered I didn't hook it up. If someone has a compelling thing they'd like modded/changed there I can do so.)

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7 hours ago, NathanKell said:

No, it doesn't change the trigger. That whole feature is just about modding the chance of success once a conquest event is in progress. (Conquest Events are naval invasions and minor nation conquests; land invasions are known as Province Battles internally, and I reimplemented how those are triggered I didn't hook it up. If someone has a compelling thing they'd like modded/changed there I can do so.)

Thank you for the complete and concise answer...
It would be "game changing" to have the ability to initiate land and Naval conquests, but I am not asking for it, I can't even imagine the complexity of modding something like that.It would be akin to radical mechanic change.

But I would like to ask you to consider exposing the variable to trigger (chance / percentage) for "Leader is a terrorist" and "normal land invasion against major powers during a war"

If it is not too much trouble that is...

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3 hours ago, PalaiologosTheGreat said:

Do you think it’s possible for AI actual nations to buy ships or for you to buy AI ships? 

Possible? I mean, sure. Be a bunch of work, especially to make the UI.

2 hours ago, Lamb Chop said:

Thank you for the complete and concise answer...
It would be "game changing" to have the ability to initiate land and Naval conquests, but I am not asking for it, I can't even imagine the complexity of modding something like that.It would be akin to radical mechanic change.

But I would like to ask you to consider exposing the variable to trigger (chance / percentage) for "Leader is a terrorist" and "normal land invasion against major powers during a war"

If it is not too much trouble that is...

The complexity isn't too bad because the Naval Invasion popup already exists so I could hijack that I guess. Issue is more narrowing down the options. Presumably the better way is for you to actually click on the province and get something, I could maybe do something with that. Definitely a fair amount of work though. :)

I'll look at the conquest event code and see what can proc them and how to make it moddable. For land invasions, though, a bunch of that is already exposed. Here's how those are triggered:


For each country A, pick a random country B that A is at war with. Then figure out which should be the attacker and which should be the defender (multiply army force times nation power times logistics and if A's total of that, times nation_attack_power_ratio, is greater than the enemy's, A is the attacker, otherwise the A is the defender.
Then, for the attacker, pick a random province, P. Then find all defender provinces that (a) are neighbors of P and (b) don't have water between them (so even if two provinces share a land border, if a raycast between them hits water, this will fail. Presumably this is so the land invasion arrow doesn't cross water.). From that set, pick the defender province that is furthest away. If this province is closer than 2000 units (2000km? 2000 Unity units? I forget), and if the attacker province P is not already in a land battle, then check power rating. If P's province army force times the attacker's logistics is greater than the defender province's army force times the defender's logistics times major_offensive_attack_ratio, or the attacker's total army force times nation power is greater than the defender's total army force times nation power times major_offensive_attack_ratio_nationpower, then this becomes a candidate battle so long as there is no other candidate battle where the attacker province and defender province are closer together.

Once this attacker province and defender province pair are tested, try another random attacker province. Do this up to 10 times (or up until all attacker provinces have been tried). At the end, if there is a candidate battle (the candidate battle where the provinces are closest together), start it, otherwise check the next enemy nation of A.

It's quite strange that only the furthest defender province from an attacker province is checked, but then the best battle is the one where the provinces are closest together.


So anyway if you decrease the 2nd and 3rd params mentioned, land invasions should be more common.

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  • NathanKell changed the title to [] [Code] Tweaks and Fixes v3.10.0: bugfixes, new features for players, support for modders (including new nations and better AI ship generation!)
14 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

anyway if you decrease the 2nd and 3rd params mentioned, land invasions should be more common.

I have indeed been playing around a little with those some time ago, but left it alone at some point. (mostly because I forgot all about my "project" after the summer vacation). Thanks for the info👍
Also, nice TaF update ref alliances and war

Edited by MDHansen
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I was wondering if its possible to add buttons in designer so we can adjust the barbette, guns and tower sizes when we build a ship. at the moment we have a middle ground with the scale of the ship components and they are far from historically accurate but look ok on all size hulls I just thought that being able to customize the sizes would give us the ability to build more accurate ships.   

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  • NathanKell changed the title to [] [Code] Tweaks and Fixes v3.11.0: bugfixes, new features for players, support for modders (including new nations and better AI ship generation!)

Added sprite overriding, hooked up to component icons. Works for new (non-vanilla) components too.

The system I wrote is generic so when I get back from vacation (~10 days) I'll extend it to any sprite, so new tech icons or whatever else.

Edited by NathanKell
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