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Refiting "too far away from previous position"

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I am a little bit frustrated that we are very limited with the refiting. I wanted to add another main front turret to my ship and despite having enough room for 3 turrets at the bow of the ship it won't let me place it. I am always getting the message "too far away from previous position". I have to reposition the turret that is already in place somewhere in the direction of the future second turret and save the refit just to make another newer version refiting from the latest refit. So i can move the turrets into the correct places step by step by saving every small repositioning in a new refit. Please just remove this restricting. It's just anoying.

Also after some repositioning and getting the correct position i can't place a barbett with the same error message. So i am stuck with having the turrets block each other.

PS: Is there a way to place barbetts away from the centerline?

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I hate the barbette system. 

First - finding the right size of barbette to match your turret with almost no help.  You have to learn it blind.  I know now which barbettes go with which turret, but for a newbie?  Pick one and hope.

Secondly, the limits of position.  Historical ships would put a barbette just about anywhere.  I'm not going to post pictures, because I've seen them in plenty of pics on this forum.  Want to build a French twin 4x forward, with all the secondaries to the rear?  Good luck, can't do it, unless they make a dedicated superstructure.

The barbette system currently is extremely limiting.

My recommendation for a fix is to create procedural barbettes.  Want a turret on a barbette?  Offer editing tools.  The barbette should start by matching the diameter of the turret's ring, but beyond that, an editing tool would allow height (either in steps, or via 'stretching' smoothly to give precisely desired heights.  You could additionally offer additions, such as a base that melds to the superstructure (forward or aft or even Q turret style between fore and aft towers.  Go even crazier, give us a main gun barbette with fixed secondary positions underneath, offering good arcs of fire without interfering with the primary turret. 

There is SO MUCH POSSIBILITY by using procedural part generation with deep player editing control, and it is being ignored in favor of precreated content based only on historical hulls.  Honestly the editing tools feel like you're in a strait jacket, so limited to what WAS, instead of what COULD BE. 

I'm absolutely in favor of recreating historical hulls at a high degree of fidelity.  But I'm just as in favor of wonky, silly, or even better, possibly viable turret schemes that were not used but why not let us have the freedom to check it out.  The amount of fixed features likewise on the hulls is limiting.  We should have additional superstructure features - ability to place gundecks.  Dedicated torpedo reload structures.  Mid-deck structures between the funnels and fore/aft turrets.

Again, what's there is very limited.  I'm still hoping for more variety in the hull beyond displacement, draught, and beam.  Inset torpedo firing positions.  below the main deck.  If I want to build a ship with three decks of casemate guns. then let me have the freedom to design something that dumb. 

Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

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  • 5 months later...

Interesting how no one has bother to actually answer the question and instead just got sidetracked by a Post Script. I have zero problems with the barbet system except the refit bug, has anyone actually found a fix for this?? Or are you all so busy being armchair developers you can't be bothered to actually report fixes for actual bugs?


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14 hours ago, psychobutterstick said:

Interesting how no one has bother to actually answer the question and instead just got sidetracked by a Post Script. I have zero problems with the barbet system except the refit bug, has anyone actually found a fix for this?? Or are you all so busy being armchair developers you can't be bothered to actually report fixes for actual bugs?

First off, I'm pretty sure it isn't a bug, since the refit feature has been around for some time now.

Secondly, if it WAS a bug in the refit system...I'm pretty sure the devs would have fixed it (or at least mentioned it) by now given how long the refit feature has been around and how many people have expressed their frustration with it. Since they haven't said anything about fixing it or changing it...it was probably intended to be that way.

Thirdly, if it ISN'T a bug and the devs MADE it that way for whatever reason...I would absolutely love to see anyone find a fix for this so-called "bug" outside of editing the game code themselves and potentially screwing up the game because they tried to be an "armchair developer" and now they can't play the game or they just introduced countless new bugs/issues themselves.

Fourthly, it doesn't matter what we report as a "fix" for a bug...the devs will fix a bug how they want, and then ask for feedback to see if anything needs improved/tweaked/fixed again.

I don't think anybody but the devs have the answer as to why the "too far from previous position" message/error is something we have to deal with in the refit process. We, as players and testers, can only offer guesses or speculations. My guess is this: they made it that way for a reason. What reason? Idk...your guess is as good as mine. Maybe they're trying to prevent us making such an extensive refit that the time for the refit is the same as building a new ship...idk.

If you want an answer...ask the devs for one. Otherwise, please...feel free to post your potential fixes, ideas and suggestions...maybe the devs will see them, maybe they won't.

If you have a problem with the "too far away from previous position" thing during a ship refit...join the club, you aren't the only one. But it doesn't seem like anything is going to change anytime soon.

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Do you know what refit is? It isn't constructing the new ship from scratch. Refits mostly updated fire control systems, towers, secondaries. Engines and boilers were also updated. Guns and turrets were also modernized (new barrels, shells, hydraulics). Anti torpedo protection was added and new damage control equipment installed. Armour was changed rarely if ever. Main gun caliber was also almost never changed (Japanese CAs cone to mind). 

Main gun placement was not changed, turrets were not moved back and forth all over the ship.

Baring that in mind we already have too much freedom in ship refits. What you ask is not refit but complete reconstruction of the ship, a new ship, something that would be insanely expensive and difficult to do. Building new ship eoul'd be much easier and chesper.


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  • 1 month later...

I also have an issue with 'too far away from previous place'

So the first screenshot is the original design the AI made for the 1890 start. It fit a 10" main gun under that bridge thing (it fit on all available slots)

The second screenshot is my refitted design after I tried to put some secondaries there instead. I probably saved and deleted those designs a couple of times until I wanted go back to one main gun instead. But for some reason, on the refitted design blueprint, now the game won't let me place the 10" gun under the bridge again. And yes, I've adjusted the Draught and Beam sliders a couple of times, also changed all modern components back to their 1890 counterparts. To no avail. 


Can someone explain this to me? What does 'too far away from previous place' mean?  How did the AI make it work? What am I missing?






Edited by Bador
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