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My Torps are blind and stupid


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It never ceases to amaze me that the enemy AI torps are usually really good. While the AI on my ships are hello kittying morons. I can set up a nice torp run and they miss. The Enemy AI instantly sees my torps and turns out. While I struggle to move my rather dumb ships in time to avoid incoming torps. Additionally torp warnings are spotty at best. I'm trying to manage several ships and I cannot always see very thin white lines in the water and of course my ships so not automatically avoid them even if they are spotted. What is the point of having hydro or sonar when your ships simply do not react to torps and the game does not keep them highlighted to warn you? 

The only time my torps are effective is when the enemy has been engages and degraded. Other that that they constantly miss even at short ranges. Something is not right. 

We need more control over the torps and their firing. 

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Yeah it's not so much that the torpedoes are being aimed better/worse, the issue is AI ships react with near godlike perception.

Rule The Waves has the same issue where AI automation seems limited for player ships even set to AI-only, whereas enemy AI are given some 'totally not cheats' to even the odds. 

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If you are very careful about torpedo and have fast turning ships equipped to detect them you will be able to dodge torpedo even better than the AI. On top of it, once you identified the enemy ship you can see when they launch them and turn way before they get close.

Having said that. AI usually have over the top perk applied on its ship, resulting in them turning very fast. Unlike player they will never be distracted. Past 1920 torpedo rapidly loose their edge... Until you get the oxygen torpedo.

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