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HDF's and Pb's

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Please can you stop buffinf the home defense fleets and perhaps nerf them? The 1st rates are sailing faster backwards then our seasoned first rates, they have ridiculous penetration, fire rate and HP, i understand they need to be stronger than standard AI however you have made them a requirement for RvR due to flag drop and added a further 2 santisima's. It seems with 10 players we have to rotate over 300 hull repairs each for 1 HDF. 

This is far too much, if you need them to be fast then fine, but then nerf some firepower or drop it back to 11 ships.

I have seen a huge lack of portbattles since you implemented flags because players dont wana fight a war and have to grind 3 - 4 HDF's every day. up until now pve has been optional as pvp rewards can be as rewarding and allow players to do pvp without so much pve this has now changed. If pve must now be mandatory please can you ease the difficulty slightly on HDF's, we are still able to complete them but its extremely expensive and exhausting and is turning players away from the game, especially as we have to farm over 1500 wooden chests for port investment.

i request you nerf HDF's and ease the requirements on port investments maybe even by 30%? you will still achieve what you wanted only it will be less grindy and people will actually be able to see progress.

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Ahhhh ok. I agree completely. Added 2 more ships was unnecessary, and the flag drop chance needs to be increased and/or expiry removed. But what will really happen:


*Next Patch* - Home Defense Fleets have had their HP increased as they were sinking too quickly. The 2 wasas have also been replaced with 4 Bucentaures to increase the chances of getting a flag from a single battle.

Edited by Isaac J Smith
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