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BUG in OW battles


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I think that i find a bug in OW battles. In this battle there are 2 pirates inside and only one in OW battle place, so i cant enter in polish side. This happen me today 2 times. The first was at 13 server hour aproxx, when i was ganked by 2 sweedes in laMona, and second sweede jump into battle several minutes after battle starts. I ask for help in my clan, but clan mates said me that only see a battle with 1 sweede and they can not enter. I thougth then that they were seeing in other diferent battle, but seem that there are a bug on this.

I send F11 report in OW, and there a video in Ram Dinark twitch i which you can see that one more pirtae jump into the battle.

Best regards, Despe




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9 minutes ago, Knuddel said:

maybee one Russian guy joined on the Polish side?

What about the BR?

not a russian in any sides. The pirate that jumps into pirate side vs the polish, enter in battle, but did not appears in OW battle as you can see in screenshot. When i took that screenshot the battle was 2 pirates vs 2 polish, and only one pirate appears in OW. i think that only a bug can explain that.

Edited by Despe
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