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why is ai in fleet even worse than normal ai?

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As the title says ...

when you have to fight against them they have all kinds of stuff they do, but when you have an ai in your fleet, all they do is nothing ... suddenly they don't fire decent broadsides (or don't hit anything), they get stuck in the wind all the time, etc.  W>hy is there a difference between ow ai and fleet ai?

Why do they have to be such a liability? or is the point that you have to lose every ai-ship when intercepted? they can't just turn away from their opponent and simply take the safest heading? why do they turn into the enemy when escaping? etc. they are certainly not supporting in a serious degree in any battle, pvp and pve.

It is a hello kittying nuissance, another waste of time?  why do we just have to give them up when intercepted? nothing can save them from their unbelievable stupidity?

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Many request have been made to make them a little more smart.  I have seen requests to be able to order them on a specific course, etc.  I guess it is just not high on the dev's road map.  To be fair, I have encountered a few players who use them well in combat.

Edited by Angus MacDuff
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you just don't have to care about enemy ai-fleetships, i don't, you chain them a bit and they are out of the fight ussually. They might just aswell not be there, maybe to help the player escape (sacrificing the ai to cover your retreat). They can't retreat in a decent way, they can't fight together in a decent way. Any decent player has no problem with fighting an extra equal rank ai-fleetship.


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If OW AI has no buffs are we are told, then what would be the problem making fleet AI the same as OW AI? Currently Fleet AI behaves as if it was commanded by the most incapable captain, who you hired at a local tavern right before leaving port. 


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