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Gunnery Modifiers


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Maybe I missed it, but im looking for some clarification on the gunnery modifiers on the left side of my screen.

I notice a base chance tied to range which typically is in the 1-3% range.

Following there is a whole slew of modifiers good and bad, however they don't seem to have any effect on the final hit % numbers that I can tell.

Ive had a base chance of 3%....followed by modifiers that total well over +80% if you total them all in (even subtracting out the negatives) but the end result still only comes to like 4% if im lucky.


How does the math work on this?

It seems not to add up as straight bonuses so im assuming there is a formula somewhere?


Thanks for any enlightenment on how all the numbers work.



Ive been looking for a  replacement to my old JUTLAND and DISTANT GUNS game and this seems to have great potential.

I'm Very thrilled for the possibilities tied to this game, and forward to further development.

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Some testing may be in order, but most (all of?) the bonuses are multiplicative.

For example, with 5% base accuracy,

+20% tech bonus, -3% instability, -5% poor weather, +10% slow target,

we apply the multipliers 1.20, 0.97, 0.95, and 1.10.

0.05 * 1.20 * 0.97 * 0.95 * 1.10 = 0.0608,

so any one shot has a 6.08% chance of hitting.

I don't know what goes into base accuracy, unfortunately. I think it is a value inherent to each gun model (for example, the Mark 3 17 inch gun), but I don't know how range fits in. Hopefully someone else with more knowledge can pitch in.

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There might be hidden soft stats that effect accuracy but we don't see them.

Also how big the target, direction, distance, gun type and tech and speed also determine as well.

Weather gives flat nerfs or bonus's essentially.

I would assume accuracy either gets divided as it goes out from the ship or the opposite and is multiplied up to 100% from the further range possible.

Thats what i think anyways.

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On 11/16/2019 at 2:18 PM, disc said:

I don't know what goes into base accuracy, unfortunately. I think it is a value inherent to each gun model (for example, the Mark 3 17 inch gun), but I don't know how range fits in. Hopefully someone else with more knowledge can pitch in.

I believe the true base accuracy is in fact a value attached to the base platform, which is to say the hull.

If you look in the builder, the hull has a base accuracy before you put anything on it.

Rangefinders either add to the base accuracy OR give bigger bonuses to "long range accuracy", although just what qualifies in that respect isn't clear. I DO know that you can see the "long range" bonus as one of the numbers in the list of modifiers, and that it gets larger the greater the range. Presumably this is to show its increasing advantage over the other rangefinder that gives a "base accuracy" mod, which also means there will be a range beyond which the 'long range-finder' will be superior and vice versa.

Your towers also have an effect, and you can see that in the builder, too.

Stability, pitch and roll are all important, too.

Stability is a function of the hull, and I think that it's what's driving the starting "base accuracy" before anything else is placed.

Pitch is affected by centreline mass., so both towers, funnels, and any turrets/barbettes including secondary turrets mounted behind main turrets. I've also noticed 'stretching' the ship by increasing its tonnage will reduce the pitch value, and obviously the reverse is true.

Roll is affected by port/starboard mass placement, apparently. Wing turrets and secondary/casemate guns are the drivers of that, as are submerged torp tubes mounted port/starboard.

Having any sort of weight offset increases the pitch or roll depending on the offset, which usually will be centreline thus fore/aft and hence pitch.

There are also factors that show penalties for various factors such as sea state, weather and so on. Can't remember exactly where they are in the builder or what's driving them, but I suspect they too are hull based. I think the towers can affect them, too.

That's about all I can recall from having looked over them a few times (I haven't opened game to check, sorry).

I'm not sure where the accuracy numbers for range listed against each gun get fed into all that, however.

Edited by Steeltrap
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