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How exactly does the gun ranging work?


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I'm trying to beat the BC vs. BB mission right now, and after trying and failing with the largest guns I can get, I've switched to trying to saturate the BB with smaller caliber fire by fitting as many 9" triple gun turrets on my ship as possible. The problem is, the guns absolutely refuse to fire salvos. I know about the target acquisition, and how the ships fire a few ranging shots to get a lock on the enemy ship, before opening up with all the guns. What I don't understand is why the none of the guns on my ship can fully acquire the target. The larger calibers lock in just fine, but the 9" guns almost never do in this mission. I've done almost everything I can think of to maximize accuracy, but regardless of how close I get, the guns will not lock in on the target. Even when I close to within half a kilometer of the battleship, I can barely get above 85% for the main guns. I've even managed to get the secondaries up to 100% target acquisition, and they still refuse to lock in on the target. It's really starting to annoy me. There is no reason I can think of why my guns won't lock in. Has anyone else had this issue, or is there something I'm missing that is causing this?

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You do know 9” has like half the range of your large main battery, it’s likely you’re out of range, and also pay attention to firing blind spots, the red zones when you select turrets.

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20 hours ago, Tholaran said:

Range isn't the issue. I can close to within 1km of the other ship, it doesn't help at all. Arcs of fire aren't an issue either. I can have all of my turrets pointing at the target with clear lines of fire and it won't fire a salvo.

Might it be that your ship has taken a hit and it is listing to the wrong direction and the guns just dont have enough negative elevation to hit the target? 

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There is a bug that can cause a battery never to achieve locked status and switch to salvo fire.  The only way to get rid of this stuck cycle is to switch targets, but you can’t do that in this mission since it is 1v1.

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