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loving the alpha so far, but have some long term questions


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so this is my hand full off questions after spending 12 hours in the alpha, its great fun even if there are many features currently Wip and tool tips missing

1. will there be a skirmish mode? set up and pick a battle to take part in

2.will there be any way to make custom cross nation ships? say, grab a kongo hull and slap some warspite turrets on it? (love the pancake style british secondaries)

3.Quad turrets? king george and french styles? yes no or wip

4. is there likely to be a single player god mode/sandbox mode to mess around in? unlimited budget and everything available from every class :D would be fun to make that russian destroyer that had the 18 inch single gun on the back or line a 40 knot battleship hull front to back with 5 inch cleavland guns

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On 10/8/2019 at 7:38 PM, Flukeyluke said:

1. will there be a skirmish mode? set up and pick a battle to take part in

We will consider offering this, after we set up the first campaign version.

On 10/8/2019 at 7:38 PM, Flukeyluke said:

2.will there be any way to make custom cross nation ships? say, grab a kongo hull and slap some warspite turrets on it? (love the pancake style british secondaries)

There is a big freedom to try such designs. Try in Naval Academy "Search & Destroy" or "Destroy a full fleet" missions to experiment with some late speculative BC designs.

On 10/8/2019 at 7:38 PM, Flukeyluke said:

3.Quad turrets? king george and french styles? yes no or wip


On 10/8/2019 at 7:38 PM, Flukeyluke said:

4. is there likely to be a single player god mode/sandbox mode to mess around in? unlimited budget and everything available from every class :D would be fun to make that russian destroyer that had the 18 inch single gun on the back or line a 40 knot battleship hull front to back with 5 inch cleavland guns

No :)

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On 10/8/2019 at 12:38 PM, Flukeyluke said:

4. is there likely to be a single player god mode/sandbox mode to mess around in? unlimited budget and everything available from every class :D would be fun to make that russian destroyer that had the 18 inch single gun on the back or line a 40 knot battleship hull front to back with 5 inch cleavland guns

18,000 ton, 28 knot, 8in armor CA. 28 5in in twin turrets. 

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