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An idea of a Trading System

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So I would like to share an idea I have when it comes to trading system in Naval Action.

As far as I know trading is little to non-existent in this game and that mainly in my opinion because of so much time someone has to spend on sailing with relatively small profit in reals. Especially when there are missions like cargo or passenger which may provide you with a good number of reals, I don’t see any point for someone to spend hours sailing around for so little gains.

That’s why I come up with an idea of a trading system which will contain trading levels like the crafting levels we have. Levels which as long as you progress different kind of rewards or better say abilities will be unlocked. In order to lvl yourself on trading you will have to transport goods from one port to another (cargo missions or passenger missions will not count). The amount of xp someone will be able to gain will be a combination of the profit he makes and the distance he covered during transportation. I would also suggest the gain of trading medals which can be obtained the same way someone can gain trade xp.

Now when it comes to rewards there can be upgrades more fitted to trade ships, like additional cargo let’s say or additional profit upon selling a product or maybe additional OW speed and so on. Those upgrades can be bought from admiralty after reaching a certain lvl and can be obtained with trade medals. Also, on maybe future trade ships (please bring Couronne on Naval Action) can be obtainable with trade medals like dlc ships can be obtained now with combat metals.

Last, I would suggest a system of nation influence or whatever someone may call it. For example, if someone is doing trade by providing goods to let’s say US ports then he gains positive influence with US nation. Upon a certain lvl of influence and trade lvl this will allow the trader to even place contracts on US nation ports for buying goods which now is not allowed or buying goods for trade on cheaper price etc. Of course, if this player kills a US AI ship the influence will drop and he will have to proceed with more trade routes in order to gain it back along with the benefits comes with it.

I would appreciate your thoughts and I hope even with my poor English it is clear enough of what I am thinking.


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Mmmm... this topic about trading . 

it seems you are the only one who ever post about it ...you and 500.000 others

i don't know man... search forum

but i have seen 1 million posts about it..this is post number 1 million and one.



Edited by Thonys
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58 minutes ago, Thonys said:

Mmmm... this topic about trading . 

it seems you are the only one who ever post about it ...you and 500.000 others

i don't know man... search forum

but i have seen 1 million posts about it..this is post number 1 million and one.



Your maths does not work out. If 500,000 others have posted about it how do you get 1 million posts?

You have been told a million times not to exaggerate. 😉

Anyway you are correct in pointing out that such topics have been raised many times before and the general response is that it is a fighting game not a trading game and they are not interested in developing trading. 

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6 minutes ago, Archaos said:

Your maths does not work out. If 500,000 others have posted about it how do you get 1 million posts?

You have been told a million times not to exaggerate. 😉

Anyway you are correct in pointing out that such topics have been raised many times before and the general response is that it is a fighting game not a trading game and they are not interested in developing trading. 

If a well made trading system make people want to try this game or works as alternative to the one who already playing, doesn't this helps war game as well? If trade system adds to game's population doesn't this provide for more possible targets ? And if a well made rewarding trading system makes people risk on coming to enemy ports doesn't this provide for more pvp or gang targets?

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3 minutes ago, Charles Vader said:

If a well made trading system make people want to try this game or works as alternative to the one who already playing, doesn't this helps war game as well? If trade system adds to game's population doesn't this provide for more possible targets ? And if a well made rewarding trading system makes people risk on coming to enemy ports doesn't this provide for more pvp or gang targets?

You are preaching to the choir here. I agree with your suggestions as do many others, but we are not the people you need to convince. Many have suggested similar and they have been ignored, so I would not expect any difference now.

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