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Smuggler's Suggestions Vol. II

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It has been a long time since I really made a post listing suggestions, desires, and demands, I have heard from the community and items that interest myself so I decided to create a new thread rather than bumping up the old thread below. I will add to this post however the content that is still relative from the former thread here. 

Patch 22

1) Continue adjusting Upgrades and Books

I feel that upgrades and books should not give your ship the significant boosts that they do. They made a great adjustment on the speed mods and I feel that they should continue that work.

2) Clan Warehouse Record Keeping

There have been instances where something is taken from a clan warehouse and no one knows who took the items in question. It will be great if a record was kept of who is adding and taking what from the clan warehouse.

3) Port Ownership Transfer

Have the ability to transfer ownership of a port to a friendly clan. There have been cases where clans moved or just died out and the ports they own go to neutral which could have been avoided. Also can help with expenses of paying for ports handing the control to other clans that have the money but not the means or ability to play at a certain ports battle time window. 

4) Port Battle Window

I love the idea. Only draw back I have found though and it seems to frustrate many now that the servers have merged is the time frame in which the port battle windows are. They seem small. If the time was extended a bit more in each of those time frames then that might help ease things slightly.

5) Introduce Old Events and Paints

Right now we only have the shipwreck event. It is a fun event, but it is the only event we have. It would be more entertaining to have other events brought back into the game along with paints that created an unique feel to your ship or at least the feeling of one. I really do miss Swede Dreams.

6) User Interface

You teased us enough with images of the new UI template. We like what we see. We really want to see it implemented as soon as possible.

7) Removing Majority of Safe Ports

What I mean by "safe ports" are ports that cannot be captured. Leave only the capitals as safe ports. There is no need for some factions to have two safe port regions. It places a limit on the content for other factions, especially if those safe ports are in ideal locations or rarely used by the holding faction.

8) RvR value

Give back interest to RvR. The cost of creating a PB timer and the lack of value in Victory Marks has created a situation where some factions just do not care for RvR anymore. Potentially an easy fix is change the rewards for Victory Marks up slightly. Add upgrades, cosmetics, convert Victory marks for gold to pay for timers, etc. Anything to give Victory Marks and RvR value again.

9) PvP Zone Zerging

Apart from the shallows which I have seen been great where no one is really dominating, the other zone locations you get certain groups that just come in there with top of the line rate ships decimating all in their path and in turn people just not showing up to those zones. Even keeping younger players to not show up and play in those zones anymore. It should be made where certain rate ships cannot tag other players in the PvP zone. For example, Someone cannot go in a 3rd rate tagging people in their 5th rates unless that 5th rate tags having the 3rd rate start the battle as the defender and not the attacker. 

10) Nasty Weather Battles

Lets get some battles back that are affected by the weather on the map. Nasty storms occurring in battle or dense fog create another element for battles.



Edited by Davos Trashworth
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I like 1-8.

On Nr. 9 i would just suggest to get rid of special RoE and a Zone. Give a mission that rewards you for done damage and let them search pvp in OW the old style ... of course no PVE-Damage counting then ...

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7 minutes ago, Trino said:

I like 1-8.

On Nr. 9 i would just suggest to get rid of special RoE and a Zone. Give a mission that rewards you for done damage and let them search pvp in OW the old style ... of course no PVE-Damage counting then ...

Yeah I originally thought they were just going to give missions for players to use where ever or some other limitation on location. I do not mind the zone but it needs work that is for sure.

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