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Captain Telescope PiP

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I didn't wrote single word about sights integrated with canons, but it could be my poor English.

Current aiming system is fine or even "perfect" for me.


But-there is captain telescope already in game (shift key). It's hard for me to believe that captain will not use his device to correct his crew fire - to give them orders to shorter/longer shots.

Currently it require switching views,and that usually ruins canons set up (angle). That's not realistic-using telescope should help, but currently it distract aiming.


Something like this:


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I don't undestand how you all always mess up your aim

when you press shift ans move your mousw, it diesen't affect aim

You can enter/exit the "shooting mode" by right click, when you're in shooting mode and mouve your mouse it changes the aim

when you leave shooting mode you can look around freely wothout affecting aim. Infact when you rejoin shooting mode on the broadside, the aim is still where you left it (except if the ship heeled so much that the max hight was lovered)

Having a small addition with the ship zoomed in.. meh, you can just press shift and zoom or look around whil your ball is flying to the ship

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But-there is captain telescope already in game (shift key). It's hard for me to believe that captain will not use his device to correct his crew fire - to give them orders to shorter/longer shots.

The captain will not bother himself watching every shot fall. If ever done that would be the 1st leutenant's job who is himself busy steering the ship. The captain of a big ship is more a kind of observer. He has the plan he is the brain of all, not the whole body.


That aside I think your suggestion is redundant. I can easily follow the path of every tracking shot I do with the (shift) telescope.

Zoom in, check the range, adjust. Yet another shot. Rinse and repeat until the range is found.


Such a small window you suggest wont help me a lot because a cannonball wich is small will be shown even smaller and will be harder to distinguish.

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