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Caribbean Conquest - New Sailing Game

Christian Archer

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Some of you may remember me from PotBS and/or Naval Action - I played both pretty extensively but neither really checked the boxes for me in what I wanted from a game. At least, not in terms of the gameplay.

Naturally, I founded my own company and set about creating the experience I'd hoped both games would become: Caribbean Conquest.



Caribbean Conquest is a skill-based MMORPG set during the Age of Sail. Its focus is on balanced and replayable gameplay, at a slightly faster pace yet with more strategic depth than current Age of Sail games on the market. If you are looking for a pirate/naval themed MMO with ample theory crafting and absolutely no Pay2Win/Grind2Win, this might just be exactly what you're looking for.










Feedback is particularly welcome. I hope this post is well received and I look forward to sailing with many of you again in the future.

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