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Proposal: Signalling

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I want to make a proposal that works against the OW-battle instance invisibility.


Imagine that a fleet of enemies is scanning the coast for victims. These people are planning to overrun smaller ships. This is quite okay and works now fine as the fleet could use a Renommee to tag the victim and then surround him with other ships to prevent fleeing. Note that I don't use the term "ganking" here, I think this is a common pratice in warfare. In addition to the attacker's advantage of surrounding, I would give the victim also a slight advantage.


After entering the battle all ships vanish completely from OW. In succession the notice of the battle is a matter of random and this is bad. The only way to notify fellows of the battle is to type into chat or to have someone who spot the entrance of the ships. In front of a capital this is likely but not obligatory at all. When you are a few miles away from port, it is quite impossible.


My proposal: Possbile reinforcements should see any ongoing battle from OW.


They see a battle sign (perhaps 50% transparent) to make clear that they cannot enter now, but that they can wait until the participants drop out again. This sign should also be visible on Map by pressing 'm' for teammates who are in a certain distance to the battle. (Let's say a radius of half the distance between KPR and PM).


What is the difference to the current situation?


Attackers have maybe a slight disadvantage because it is more easy for the enemy to wait and catch them. But on the other hand, the attackers might get reinforcements too (it's clear that the nearby enemies can see that sign too), so I think it's a matter of organizing the raid and have some reinforcements handy.


Defenders have maybe a slight advantage because noticing the battle is easier, but this does not automatically mean that own reinforcements are available or willing to help. Any victim has a greater motivation to fight (even in a 10 : 1 situation) because he knows that his own fellows might capture the enemies after he lost.


This can also lead to a situation where 10 ships against 1 might let the one run because they fear reinforcements. And they have to think twice if they will stay hidden in battle screen because in the meantime outside might gather a huge fleet.


I think it will improve gameplay and it is quite plausible that any raid victim would surely have sent signals to other ships, even if they won't arrive at the right time to save him from being captured or sunk.

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Now: if you want to catch attackers in your water, you spread out, fan and search, trying to use land as a reference and trying to keep distance between friendly ship as to make the net impassable for enemies when they finally show up.


Proposal: sit on top of sign.



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Quite clear, but this is only valid for the short time of open entrance and my proposal does catch cases where reinforcements are not so close to spot that temporarily sign. As said, the signal is a slight advantage for defenders, as the attackers have already the advantage to surround the victim. It should be visible to anyone in a certain radius.

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Since "land in battles" they have an advantage.


Defender does as well. Onshore wind, keep hugging the shore no more rake passes or the dastards will get stuck in land.


What makes land effective and spectacular is the timely use of wind and position in a timely fashion even on the defensive. You can leave attackers pinned against the land with a good defensive tackle.

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