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just another british alt

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"Just Another British Alt" actually sat around until Vykorie was the only one within range of Brogsitter's battle screen gank.


Afterwards Brogsitter stayed in battle screen and "Just Another British Alt" scouted out the route to Bonacca. Since we had that one already covered "Just Another British Alt" came back to scout wind and route to Bensalem. At that point Brogsitter came out and made his run with the captured Le Gross Ventre.


Looks to me like Brogsitter is abusing alts.

Edited by Skully
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Thirded. I was part of the fleet that attempted to persue Brogsitter. 


He used the alt account "Just Another British Alt" to scout the area around where he engaged Vykorie whilst he remained in the post battle screen. When he realised that the area was surrounded by British ships, he sailed "Just Another British Alt" westwards and used it to scout in that direction before making a run for it.


Brogsitter is abusing the BR system using alts to prevent allied ships from reinforcing traders he attacks, then using the alts to ensure that he can escape with the loot.

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