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Buena vista exploit bug on timer.


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"un-sportmanshiplike behavior" : It's a bug Guys ! , putting an 4h-6h on it is clearly an "un-sportmanshiplike behavior" because every one knows that too fews frenches are connected at 4h-6h.


So everyone is allowed to set port timers to when is convenient for them to be online to defend them...except Australians, because when they do it, they're unsporting?

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Any 'unsportingness' is irellevant in this thread. this is about britain (and in this case me) being accused of deliberately using an exploit. this is being presented as 'Fact' by people who dont know what that word means with no proof whatsoever when it is in fact, not true.

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 the word 'bug' or 'exploit' was never said once by one person, anyone who says otherwise is wrong or lying. I did not knowingly use an exploit and if this port capture was possible because of a bug and not because you failed to set the timers correctly then I will happily concede my port (and get my 300,000 back).


We fought well and honorably and jumping to incorrect conclusions and accusing us of cheating is stupid. this nonsense will ruin what is otherwise a fun and good fight. if there was a bug, let the devs fix it, that is simple. stop the nonsense statements of 'Facts' when you have no idea what the facts are. this is the tribunal, not a propaganda channel.


Sorry, i think there is confusion, miss understanding or something like that.

No one accused no one of cheating, just read what is written (i'm not english and i do my best to be understandable, so don't blame me).


no one sayed that 'bug' or 'exploit' was sayed ingame (didn't read anything thats seems to meen that), and no one accuse you to knowingly use an exploit.


What i've wrote




Honestly, we can't blame you for that since you weren't able to see that you were using it. 




If the port was picked on the first try ( "18-20"), we would have accepted that 4h-6h window.


as Aria Sayed



We are sure there was a 18h 20h timer, when first attack was launched at 18h we was really surprised because every french port are on 20h 22h and city defender made a mistake putting 18h20h, many french players check timer of the city at this moment ( me including) and we all  saw the same thing. 


other nation had the same bug 


Hey guys the Swedes took ST Georges and La blanquila also due to the any time bug patch thingie. ../..



that's all, no offense.. no lies charge or else..


So if every one agrees that there is no BUG with battle timer or that the tribunal should not discuss on case using bugs without knowing it's a bug, then you can close this topic.


No need to troll or try to make me say something i didn't sayed.

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You have picked the quotes that look like they aren't accusing us of an exploit but the actual title of the thread says it was an exploit. The first and second posts accuse us of using an exploit and Aria and Enil are clearly and repeatedly accusing us of using it as an exploit, I wont even bother to put the quotes here because its all on page 1 and you can read it. I am not trolling by defending myself, I am very annoyed at being accused of using an exploit by people who don't know what they are talking about and are misusing the tribunal.


Its great that you don't think it was a deliberate exploit (because it wasn't) and you are correct that therefore this has no place in the tribunal. this is a bug not something we have done wrong. or maybe its just someone set the timers wrong.

Edited by JCDC
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