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Posts posted by Meraun

  1. Hi


    Crafting Ships is quite hard because its really hard to find any Log.  After the latest patch with the Increased Iron production, Iron seems to be pretty balance. Not too much but

    still not complete sold put.


    It woud be nice to see reform in Wood production. Because i do believe we do not produce enough of it.


    I'am playing as Sweden and we have 4 Ports wich prdocue Oak Log.

    • Like 1
  2. AAR from 05.02.2016



    Yesterday, WASP fought in the Defence of Port Marigot as well as the Attack on Fort Baai. We had 5 Ships in action, 2 Ceberus, 1 Niagara, 1 Mercury and Cutter with one of our newer Players.


    The Danes assambled a Fleet infront of Philipsburg wich unkown intentions. After some Discussions, a Fleet of about 30 Swedish ships decide to attack the danes, wich quickly retreathed to Fort Baai.

    30 min later, the Danes pulled a Flag to attack Marigot. To be honest, it wasnt a very well coordinated attack a the Start of the Port Battles, only 5 Danish ships were in the Attack fleet.

    WASP and some Players from HRE, IKEA and independed Player's intercepted a Danish Constitution from RUS wich was guarded by several Frigates and a Niagara.

    We had the Guns but they had the Tonnage.  The Danes try to get away in order to join the Port Battle, but we were able to keep them in the Instanz.

    After about 45 min of fighting, we were able to sink all Danish ships including the  Consti. wich was a great sucess.


    We had some losses, inculding my Merucry :-)


    After we won the Portbattle some players wanted to start an counterattack on Fort Baai right away. WASP supported the flag with 10k. 

    The Danes defeated us at Fort Baai in several Battles in and aorund the Port. 


    But i still believe it was a good night. Sweden Finally fought back after almost 10 Days of pure defense.


    Join WASP  and you coud have been a Part of our Fleet!

    • Like 1
  3. they have same cannons as snow brig or mercury... class 8... so that means 2 cutters have same firepower as class 6 ships. Not the first time i'm being a witness of 20-25 cutters just ganking and having fun by attacking renommee or other ships... yes u can ram them but have u played the game ? try to catch those little bustards while u have a renommee . Theres no point for me to fight them coz i know that enemy will lose nothing but i will...


    i dont know about you but my mercury has guns-class 5...

  4. My Time with WASP


    I Joined WASP 4 Years ago. I just started to play Planetside 2 an was looking for a Clan. WASP took me and its was the beginning of a wonderful Relationsship.

    We were not very big, but well organised. We had 5-6 Squad with a total of up to 60 Players at Operation Nights. Each squad had Squadleader, each Platoon (4 Squads) had a Captain, we had CAS Squads, Tank Squads Infantry and all.

    It was and still is amazing. After a year i left the PS2 Division and switch to the "Hive", wich is the Divison were player are if there are not playing in an specific Game but still stay in WASP. Most of of them are Veterans from different Divisions

    wich stay in WASP beacause it a true and good Community.


    i played with Johnnyseven (The guy wich made the recruitment-post) for the past 4 Years, all kind of Games, we lost and won together had joy and anger together.


    In  the Past three years i have played Archage (we had a Division), Arma 2+3, War Thunder, Rainbow SIx,World of Tanks/planes/Warships, Star Citizen (Big things planned)  and many other Games.

    We run Gamenights (WASP vs. WASP) were we play fun PvP-Games like  Natural Selection 2, TTT from Gary's Mod, Icarus.


    We discovered Naval Action in Arena mode and quickly realised "OW coud be great for an new Division". So here we  are a ready to bring it on.


    I cant promise you we will be the biggest Clan (actually i can promise you we wont, since its not our way to do stuff), i cant promise you we will be the best Clan (We will try)

    but waht i can promise you is a awesome, grown up (18 - 50 mostly between 25 and 35)  Community wich you will enjoy,  you will expierence a new lvl of teamplay and friendship  in Gaming.


    I found my Home in WASP and if my to-be-born Child happens to be a Gamer as well, i hope it will find a Home like this.


    So give us a try, you wont regret it.

  5. In my opinion, the only reason to surrender is to save yourself some time - and it should stay that way. There's hardly anything wrong with that yet there are wayyy bigger issues with literally all of your suggestions. Surrendering to save a durability is game breaking as hell and discourages competition, whether it be surrendering once or surrendering 50 times to save that dura. 


    "Surrendering" implies surrendering your ship... why would you get a durability for that????


    well waht do you suggest? its just broken as it is.


    A Moral system for your Crew wich will make them surrenderin automaticly? Maybe controlable with officiers?

  6. Hey Captains



    Nobody ever surrenders... i mean why woud i surrender? My ship is demasted, half of my crew is dead i'am surrounded by 3 Frigates - Surrender? Why woud i? If i surrender i lose my Durability, upgrades, Officiers (once implemented) and Cannons. If i sink, i lose exactly the same, but i got a good change of  earn some extra XP & Gold with my last 3 or 4 Broadsides.


    This is not very realistic because only fanatics woud keep fighting in taht Situation.


    So why not change it?


    My three Ideas:


    1.- If you surrender you lose all upgrades (including Permanent) and Cannons. But not a Durability

                        - adjustment's - Against Pirates you do lose a Durability. (Because they don have Honor)

    Problmes:  1. it coud lead to mass surrendering's in bigger Battles  once one side got a clear upper hand (well currently everyone tries to run if a OW-Battle is lost) but this woud actually be quite Historical.

                      2. Woud make 1st and 2th rate's with 1 Durability make surrender quite fast, maybe too fast.


    2.- Kind of a "reminder" system. If you surrender in a Ship you lose a Durability. But you get kind of "reminder or mark" wich tells you have surrender in this ship once.  The second time you surrender in the same

    ship, you get an other "reminder". As soon as you have 2 reminder's (or 3) on one Ship you gain a Durability for taht ship.


    Problems:  1. Not sure how easy it woud be to implement.

    Solveing:    2. 1st and 2th Rates woud be able gain a Durability


    3.- If you surrender you lose all upgrades (including Permanent) and Cannons. But not a Durability BUT- you have to ask the enemy for a surrender, if he wants to take a Durability he can.

                      - You coud combine it with a Player reputation " from mercyfull to merciless" or " Honorable to Maniac"



    Waht do you think?









    • Like 2
  7. As far as I'm aware (I was unable to participate), Denmark-Norway was attacked by the Spanish (Samana), the Brits (Higuey), the French, and the Swedes (Spanish Town and The Settlement) on the same evening. We only lost our western-most port (Samana), which was left undefended, to the Spanish. Then the Dano-Norwegian and Russian fleets counter-attacked at about ten/half past ten CET (which is hardly a night-attack), splitting up and assaulting Marigot and Fort Baai at the same time. We managed to capture Fort Baai, but were driven back from Marigot. It is true though, from what I've heard, that we were driven back with some loss, but considering the amount of battles fought on that evening, one loss and one gain can hardly be considered a bad effort.


    my RP is referring to Yesterday evening. The Attacks on Fort Baai and Marigot happend on Sunday evening, right?  (When i wasnt online)

  8. We are WASP an currently playing as Sweden on EU I.  We are not very big in NA yet, but planning on growing. Most of as are 25 - 45 some have Kids or Pregnant Girls :-)

    So you might fit in our Community.


    We have about 200 or 300 Members troughout every Continent and several Games. The biggest Divisons we have are APB and Plantside 2.


    Feel free to PM me or fill out an Application on https://wasp-inc.com/


    here is the link to the Application formular: https://wasp-inc.com/applicationform/28/form


    A Decent English and TS is a must.

  9. A Postship from Gustvia arrived this morning, bringing exciting News from our swedish Colonies.


    After we lost Fort Baai in a coward Danish Nightattack on Sunday night, another assault on Marigot was launched by a Danish Fleet and their Russian Merc's.


    BUT this time, our great Fleet was prepared.  In several Battles in and around Marigot the danish fleet got defeated.


    As far as we know now, several bigger Swedish Fleet-Groups (Clans) defended the Port of Marigot wihle many smaller Fleet-Groups and independent Captains attacked  Danish

    Ships all around Fort Baai and Marigot.


    According to our sources, every Engagement has been won by our glorious Fleet. We believe over a 100 Danish ships and escorts have been sunk.


    The Fleets moral is high and the Man cry for War and to attack Fort Baai!


    This War has just begun, but we will send the Danes Home or to the bottom of the Sea.




    Our Source is a Captain from the WASP Fleet-Group wich has participated in 5 Engagement  with 4 Ships.

    • Like 2
  10. Its very simple - chat problem starts when there are more than 800 people on the shard.

    Re-login might help but usually the chat will disconnect anyway for some users. 


    we plan to deploy the temp workaround tomorrow.

    and the main fix will be done within two weeks.


    so wahts the temp workaround?

  11. HI Guys


    After iam like 15 or 20 min ingame, my chatwindow is bugged. I cant type into Chat anymore (OW and Battle) and the Chat is not getting refreshed. i also can open any new Tabs.

    Restarting the game fixes it, but after the same amount of time, it is bugging out again.


    This happens every time i play. Its really anonnying. Especially of youre about to Buy a ship or stuff from a Trader.


    Any fix for it?


  12. So I'm going to explode.....I cant freaking wait to play open world, I cant wait to buy every premium ship I can get my hands on not to mention flags and anything else they are hocking. I'm playing old games right now and I'm so boooooored!

    Wardunder....blahhhhh....world of jerks.....ghhhhhhhhh....I'm even dragging out TF2!....I was this close (picture my thumb and forefinger half an inch apart) to reinstalling World of Warcraft or some other mindless mmo....I almost stooped to playing mech warrior....I said almost.

    I bought ultimate general from game labs and finished it in 2 days....I'm out of choices here guys....beer and a SouthPark marathon, maybe the rifle range...yeah that will help, shooting clears the mind....send help soon!

    Yours truly, desperate in Idaho.




    Dude..GTA V? Homerworld Remastered? Fractured Space (look at it on Steam)? Total War Attila?

    IF you like GoT, the Telltales Series about House Forrester?

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