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Posts posted by Meraun

  1. Ok so today I had my first 1v1 EVEN pvp with another actual player who I found in the open world...


    The FIRST guy who actually didnt turn tail and run away, the FIRST player to Kill or Die trying.

    out of 30. The rest run away. And they get away.


    It was a good fight. I absolutely smashed the guy to bits. and it was the most challenging and rewarding experience I have had in this game. Why is this my first PVP?



    EVERYONE either does one of three things.

           1:  They run away.

           2:  They call in "ai reinforcements" from the ridiculous reinforcement range from ports, what the hell?

           3.  They run away.

           4.  They run away some more....

           5.  or they call their friends and wait until they HEAVILY outnumber you.

           6. Oh and #6 they get you to engage them outside of a port, and have their friends come out of the port and simply join               on their side to outnumber you 4-1


    Bottom line is This is a fricken PVP server and no one wants to have an even match. No one has the balls to battle you in a 1v1. No one wants to risk their precious ship.


    Ok If i'm struggling to catch up to a guy in the open world for 3 minutes... barely gaining on him going 3 Kt faster... I start the attack, at 5 seconds he makes a sharp left turn and poof, when the battle starts he's WAY WAY WAY outside long cannon range... he simply sails towards the wind and exits the battle after 1 minute...... This is bullshit.   


    I don't know how the scale shrink down works excatly but it seems if you dont time it absolutely perfectly and your ship's are "touching" each other in the open world, when the battle starts you will be so far away.


    Its Too easy to run away like this. the wussies have caught on, all you have to do is turn your ship a little bit before someone starts a battle and you'll never catch them.


    I don't know what to propose.  Maybe if you're engaged in PvP you're locked in.

    Maybe reinforcements can only be called to help even out a A battle rating but not to bring it even..

              I was out numbered 8 to 1 in a battle I simply called reinforcements and commanded the AI to focus each player as I ran away... when it got down to the last two players I turned around and finished them off myself. Stupid easy. Stupid cheap.


    Maybe the timer to join a PVP engagement is 2 minutes. But people who have left a port recently have to wait 3 minutes. This prevents players from just waiting in the port to jump out invisible and invulnerable.


    Maybe reinforcement zone should only be around NOOB areas like capital cities.  I don't see what purpose it serves otherwise... other then to PREVENT PVP.



    I don't know, I just know the system how it is at the moment makes fair open world pvp engagements extremely rare, or non existent.  Or the system is actively trying to PREVENT fair pvp...Something should be done to encourage more fair PVP engagements.


    have you taken Part of your Factions, Raids and Port attacks?

  2. Alright let's discuss low populated nations then. Eventually depending on the mood of surrounding nations, there WILL be at least 1 nation who is reduced to one port. Do you believe in that case that 1 port nations should still be allowed or should simply be removed from the game?

    Hyperthetical question:Lets say in 5 months time if the mechanics remain as they are that Sweden, the Danes and Dutch all lose the majority of their players due to an alliance between France Britain US and Pirates. Should those 3 nations then be removed from the game? What would be the point in playing them as all the economically important ports REQUIRED to make ships will be inaccessible. All the newbies of that nation will also find themselves being ganked by enemy players looking for some easy x3 exp.

    These are the inevitable extreme consequences of these mechanics.



    You have a point yes. i personally see the Solution in Port reset every Couple of months..

    But i guess not everyone likes it

  3. It is completely ridiculous to try and justify mechanics allowing a single nation to possibly lose over 50% of their ports in a single night. Any arguments you try to justify it, I'm sorry, are absolutely invalid.


    May i asked wahts so bad about it? i mean first you have to organise that many ships, wich is not easy.

    So you think we need a system wich also on one or two Port to be attacked?


    We lost 20% of our Ports when the russian attacked as 10 Days ago in one night. now we took one back.. i dont really see your point. Any mechanic woud be an adavangte for weaker nations., (like us, actually)

    You simple have no Argument on your side expect try to help weaker Nations against bigger Nation.


    Waht you suggest woud make alliance and Coordinated attacks between Nations useless. The game woud get more Arcady

  4. Yesterday brits, france and sweden cowards attack us together in same time. They loose rediciously lot of ships in those PB, where our fleet could reach in time and even more, when they prevent counter-attack on Bai. We win almost every battle, but zerg is zerg. 


    It will be payd back.


    you have the Heavier Ships tahts true... but this will change at some point. i woudnt call and oranised attack between 3 Nations and 20 Clan's a Zerg... it takes a lot of work to organise them all. but how woud you know?  all

    you have is RUS. (wich is online 24/7 according to the amount of 3rd you guys have


    PS: Having so many enemies show a  strong lack of Diplomatic Strategy on your side. if there is any.

    • Like 2
  5. Yestdaynight, the united swedish Clans on PvP One started a 3 Attacks on Danish Ports. Every Major Clan and many free Captians  joined the togehter for one big Fleet.



    Myself, as a Member of WASP, was assinged with all of WASP and our new Friends form SAAA to the shielding Group wich backed up the Attack on Fort Baai.

    It start out as a easy Job, the Dane's were attacked on multiple Front form several Nations and they did not send any segificant backup to Baai.


    The Conquest was almost finisth when a Major RUS Fleet appeared close to Baai.. 6 3rd and many big Frigates.  Our Side had Ceberus, Renomèe and a Constiution. We knew the Battle was

    lost before it begun. Neverless we attacked. Our Task was to stop any Backup and delay them, not to win. So the brave Captains of WASP, SAAA backup by free Captains and people of BL engaged the

    far suprior enemy Fleet. I think the BR was 3000ish against 8000ish..


    The Fleets spawned a stone throw anway form each other..Wich did favour as at all. The battle started and well, my Ceberus blow up after 4 mins... :-)


    We lost that Battle, but we did delay them enough, so they were not able to join the Port Battle.


    I guess we gonna call it a Tactical defeat and a strategical Victoury!


    After this Major Battle, we assambeld some ships to raid near Danish Ports and to enjoy the rest of the Evening.



    This was my view of a Great Evening..



    Captain Meran, WASP-Inc.






    Join WAS-inc now!



  6. Yestdaynight, the united swedish Clans on PvP One started a 3 Attacks on Danish Ports. Every Major Clan and many free Captians  joined the togehter for one big Fleet.



    Myself, as a Member of WASP, was assinged with all of WASP and our new Friends form SAAA to the shielding Group wich backed up the Attack on Fort Baai.

    It start out as a easy Job, the Dane's were attacked on multiple Front form several Nations and they did not send any segificant backup to Baai.


    The Conquest was almost finisth when a Major RUS Fleet appeared close to Baai.. 6 3rd and many big Frigates.  Our Side had Ceberus, Renomèe and a Constiution. We knew the Battle was

    lost before it begun. Neverless we attacked. Our Task was to stop any Backup and delay them, not to win. So the brave Captains of WASP, SAAA backup by free Captains and people of BL engaged the

    far suprior enemy Fleet. I think the BR was 3000ish against 8000ish..


    The Fleets spawned a stone throw anway form each other..Wich did favour as at all. The battle started and well, my Ceberus blow up after 4 mins... :-)


    We lost that Battle, but we did delay them enough, so they were not able to join the Port Battle.


    I guess we gonna call it a Tactical defeat and a strategical Victoury!


    After this Major Battle, we assambeld some ships to raid near Danish Ports and to enjoy the rest of the Evening.



    This was my view of a Great Evening..



    Captain Meraun, WASP-Inc.

    • Like 2
  7. *sneaking in behind your backs*


    As a real life swede fighting on the danish side I would encourage more swedes to change side and side with the rebellion against the tyrants ruling sweden. Swedes, unite, and join the DANISH-NORWEGIAN navy to topple the tyrants in Stockholm!

    Sailing for the danish king as a snapphane from Skåne.



    wait waht wich Tyran?


    All is see is a Bunch of RUS Merc's fighting for Danes. Danemark has loong been overtaken by the Czardom of Russian.  You are a Puppet and a Traiter, and you will hang  on top of formast when i catch you. :-)


    or we might tie you to my  Figurehead when we storm the next Port.




    For the King!


    / Captain Meraun, Royal Swiss Guard

  8. Yesterday Night WASP assambled  2 Renomèe’s, 3 Ceb’s, 2 Snows and a Privateer for a small Fleethunting. It seemed to be a quiete Evening, we sunk 3 Danish AI 3rd and their escort‘s. Sometimes together with free Captains, sometimes with little help of others. Towards the End oft he Evening, we got news of a Danish Playerfleet sitting infront of Gustavia trying to provocate a Battle. We tried to get there but only one of our Ceberus was able to join the Battle. Our Fleet had 3800BR the Danes had… well … 8000is BR. Our Frigate told us taht most of your Fleet are trying to get out oft the Battle before they woud get massacred..  There was little to help, so we lurked around the Port in hope to catch Danes wich were to late to join.


    Suddendly a  Danish Frigate wich must have left the Big Battle jumped a French Player and his Escorts joust near Gustavia. Shortly after,  a RUS 3rd  Rate and 2 other RUS Frigates joind the Battle. The French were badly outgunned and outnumber, so we scratched togehter waht we coud and jumped in.


    WASP brougth 3 Frigates and a Snow into the Fight together with Ship’s from IKEA and HRE and several Free Captains we engaged. The RUS Player’s try to run, but some of our Ships had Long 9 Pounders an were able ti keeo them in Battle. After a few Minutes we were able to catch up with them. To our suprised, they didnt turn and fight even when they knew they coudnt escape.

    A first Frigate sunk soon  and a another blew up,killing our brave little Snow’s Crew… completely.. the last Frigate rammed – ME -  and started to burn.. We were splined into each other and i tough i woud blow up as well. But i got really lucky, somehow the RUS Frigate flip over my rear and  sunk without exploding. So we engaged the remaining  3rd Rate.. a lucky shot killed its main Mast leaving it surrounded by the Wolf’s. After several Broadside it started burning as well. Some players had striked their Sails and lied next to the burning 3th rate.. Well some did get away, a Niagara got blown up and a Frigate lost all its Crew..  I see some potential for Improvement J


    After all it started out like a „normal“ evening but turned out to be very exciting  at its end.

    • Like 4
  9. AAR: 10.02. unkown Date

    Yesterday Night WASP assambled  2 Renomèe’s, 3 Ceb’s, 2 Snows and a Privateer for a small Fleethunting. It seemed to be a quiete Evening, we sunk 3 Danish AI 3rd and their escort‘s. Sometimes together with free Captains, sometimes with little help of others. Towards the End oft he Evening, we got news of a Danish Playerfleet sitting infront of Gustavia trying to provocate a Battle. We tried to get there but only one of our Ceberus was able to join the Battle. Our Fleet had 3800BR the Danes had… well … 8000is BR. Our Frigate told us taht most of your Fleet are trying to get out oft the Battle before they woud get massacred..  There was little to help, so we lurked around the Port in hope to catch Danes wich were to late to join.

    Suddendly a  Danish Frigate wich must have left the Big Battle jumped a French Player and his Escorts joust near Gustavia. Shortly after,  a RUS 3rd  Rate and 2 other RUS Frigates joind the Battle. The French were badly outgunned and outnumber, so we scratched togehter waht we coud and jumped in.

    WASP brougth 3 Frigates and a Snow into the Fight together with Ship’s from IKEA and HRE and several Free Captains we engaged. The RUS Player’s try to run, but some of our Ships had Long 9 Pounders an were able ti keeo them in Battle. After a few Minutes we were able to catch up with them. To our suprised, they didnt turn and fight even when they knew they coudnt escape.

    A first Frigate sunk soon  and a another blew up,killing our brave little Snow’s Crew… completely.. the last Frigate rammed – ME -  and started to burn.. We were splined into each other and i tough i woud blow up as well. But i got really lucky, somehow the RUS Frigate flip over my rear and  sunk without exploding. So we engaged the remaining  3rd Rate.. a lucky shot killed its main Mast leaving it surrounded by the Wolf’s. After several Broadside it started burning as well. Some players had striked their Sails and lied next to the burning 3th rate.. Well some did get away, a Niagara got blown up and a Frigate lost all its Crew..  I see some potential for Improvement J


    After all it started out like a „normal“ evening but turned out to be very exciting  at its end.



    JOIN WASP - and fight with us

  10. Personally I think everything should be wiped except of course your character as people won't want their names being stolen.


    i woud hate taht... so many hours lost? Grinding up again? Nope, woiud be a gamebreaker for me.

    I've lvl trough Arena Twice and know trough OW.


    I can't handle a 4th time...

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