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Nelson Hornblower

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Posts posted by Nelson Hornblower

  1. 4 hours ago, rediii said:

    did you reconnect yet? maybe they are there but you cant see them for some reason. Try closing NA and starting up again

    Yes I tried that a few times and no luck. I also realize I should have probably moved them to the warehouse first, but given the option to "Split" within the money chest, I assumed it would have worked. 

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  2. I had over 9k DBs in my chest and when I delivered a cargo mission I received the message "not enough space." So I went to my chest and selected "Split," during which operation the DBs disappeared from my chest and they are not in the hold of my LGV in port nor my warehouse.

    I submitted a ticket around the time of this happening, as I tried to split 1,000 DBs but still nothing happened.

    Though I'd like to get my 9k DBs back! Thanks

  3. 55 minutes ago, PG Monkey said:

    I go on the peace server to relax and kill bots. I dont want to be pestered by people asking for duels. I go on the war server to pvp and pve :)

    Simple solution, you put an icon in the box that allows you to attack that person. If I have it switched on, I'm assuming anyone can attack me if they have their's on. If I have it turned off, you can't attack me. 

    POTBS had this with the two swords above the ship in OW, implement something similar and now two people can duel if they wish in PvE. 

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  4. 42 minutes ago, Aerospace said:

    Seems like a very great idea, but they will have to shutdown the PVP server, cause most population will switch to PVE.

    Causing the PvP server to lose players to PvE shouldn't stop them from doing this. If anything, this idea probably gains more players, which puts money into their pocket. By focusing on the players who can spend 8 hours a day, 7 days a week playing on PvP is not how this game can succeed long term. The idea proposed is very similar to POTBS, where you could toggle on/off if you wanted to PvP. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, LeBoiteux said:

    An idea of content for the PvE server : being able to send several of one's own ships in different directions of the OW at the same time and being able to teleport the captain aboard these ships (ie being able to take control of any of these ship, give her a new direction, enter the nearest port...) and being able teleport the captain from a sailing ship to an outpost (to manage production, buying, selling, crafting) and vice versa, while several of one's ships are sailing in OW. It would allow ppl to do several things at the same time. Less AFK. The number of ships sailing at the same time could be limited.

    + Aggressive AI forcing the player to keep an eye on every of one's own ships in the OW.

    When a player is aboard a ship or in an outpost, his other ships sailing in the OW are considered as bots and can ba attacked by human players. 

    Pretty interesting idea, having more than one ship at once in the open world. It would make attacking trade ships more interesting, "is this an AI bot just running with 3 Danish Yeast or did a player send this ship out and it has ship materials." It might be too aggressive, given the PvE server is suppose to be more peaceful, but I do like the idea. 

    I'd like to see Indianman ships with two 4th rates as escorts, if you are able to capture it, you are well rewarded, but at the same time, you have two 4th rates trying to attack and sink you. 

  6. 44 minutes ago, Portuguese Privateer said:

    I didn't suggest pvp in port battles, the only pvp aspect I suggested was the consensual duel and it's more for a practice purpose than a competitive one.

    I think we are talking about the same thing, port battles against AI bots for PvE. Then allow PvP in certain zones, which I think the server already has now. 

  7. 36 minutes ago, Vizzini said:

    not sure if people realise the high % of casuals / part timers there are on the pvp server.


    If PvE adds port battles, consensual PvP (which already exists I believe), wouldn't those high % move over to the PvE server? I think they would, it's a more enjoyable experience and I was mainly a PvP player.

    • Like 3
  8. 4 minutes ago, MassimoSud said:

    Then delete your character and start from scratch, no one can prevent you!
    Others would prefer to avoid grinding again!
    Does this seem an unsustainable claim for having happy customers? Or to "guarantee" this false start "from scratch" we must run the risk of having:
    1. horrible reviews
    2. few online players
    3. closing the game after a few months
    I only say it to know.
    Thank you


    This is a niche game that has been open for 3 years, I can't imagine there are thousands of people sitting on the sidelines thinking "I can't wait for this to go into final release, then I'll buy!" 18th century naval warfare is a lot smaller community than Sci-Fi, you have your audience, don't waste it.

    • Like 3
  9. 16 hours ago, admin said:

    What remains unaffected

    • Ship crafting XP and Combat XP will NOT be affected.

    Additional pre-release resets/wipes if needed will be announced in the future in news on Steam and on game forums.


    @admin are you saying XP will not be wiped or maybe in the future? It seems the narrative was "XP wipe will happen" and now looking at the edited notes, it leads me to believe XP wipe will not happen. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Percival Merewether said:

    I feel like people in this topic has completely forgotten what they bought into... the game is unfinished and wipes WILL happen. You're basically here to test the game.. if you do not wish to test then I'd say the solution is fairly simple.. wait until the final release.

    I see your point, the issue is this game has been out for 3 years and people have put hundreds/thousands of hours into it. Speaking for myself, I had way more time to play 2 and 3 years ago and was able to grind and get where I am now. If the experience and crafting is wiped, I'm likely not coming back and I'm sure there are others who are too. This isn't a game you can play for an hour, you need to commit to it and I don't have the time to regrind my level all the way back up. Plus, if you think this game will have a massive influx of players after it goes lives, I think the developers are sorely mistaken. Aside from the hype, after 3 months, the player numbers will be back to where they are now. This is a very very niche game, you need to make sure those who love this niche series stay and continue to be involved. 

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