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Capt. Rice

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Posts posted by Capt. Rice

  1. Last night even though i


    Guys, guys.  Frenchman here.  First off, British guys don't turn on your own.  It is stupid to criticize your fellow countrymen for fighting, win or lose.  This is a ship fighting game and if they fight that means they are playing the main part of the game.  Port battles are being redone, trade is being redone, open sea combat is the most refined and therefor long lasting mechanic that stands in this game now.  Win or lose, PvP takes practice to be good at.  This will be a hard lesson for anyone from any nation will learn at some point, if they just sit back from the fights (or run).  


    I am surprised to see so many "escaped" in that battle since, by my eyes, it looked like the Brits had the significant advantage if they just held their ground.  If you can break the attitude that "fighting is only good if you win" then in the future those that escaped would have stayed and fought and then would have won. 

    Last night even though i lost my 3rd rate(which wasnt hard to capture in the first place) i came out with 1400exp 76,000 gold....win win for me!

  2. Awesome fight last night guys.  Even though we lost it was a great experience. Next time SOL will not be fighting 2:1.   Shout out to all the Brits that showed up.  And the St. Pavel was sunk ... cant have that falling into enemy hands.... Keep an eye out for more though and maybe you brits can come fight us so we dont have to spend 2 hours getting a decent pvp fight.




    Capt. Rice

    aka Riceeater




    PS:  New News article coming out soon

    If there is a list of brits clans that were involved shoot them my way!


    I spend most of my time on PVP 3 EU

    • In real life i am a Customer service rep anyway, so used to having a thick skin, and wielding an appropriate hammer as and when required or slapping someone with a fish-head as appropriate.

      I would love to aid in being a mod,  though i suspect you wont take me as i dont have many forum posts 


    You never know..... maybe they are looking an watching to see how this plays out....

  4. Spamming on Nation chat, doesn't alert anyone. Only trolls live in those water's, but it does now make sense, I thought it was just trolls, being, well, trolls, but it was a legit cry for help. Maybe before you get


    "Im calling All British Ships, Captains, and Crew........





    TAKE THEIR PORTS......."


    Maybe you should actually talk to someone, like a officer and stop spamming in nation chat, cause only a small few read that for entertainment when transporting good on those long hauls.

    Loads of conspiracy theory's, "SOB is SOL, there one clan", or "SOB is spying for SOL so stop talking in Nation chat", "SOB knows about roswell" <--my favourite.

    Spoiler alert, SOB is not SOL. Just because S and O are the first 2 letters, doesn't mean there are they are the same.

    Also, now that the pirates have moved over to French, and British nations, the "lets go get the American's" have only increased, don't get suckered in. Weak mind's are adrift.


    :edit: - take it on the chin man, humility is not one of your best quality's. So for that, I say good day to you sir.


    Lol i remember when i first saw sob i though they were sons of b*thces.....i then saw their name on the forums and was like wow thats cool they stole our name ideal...but they didnt....and now we have to live with it.

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