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Grim DeGrim

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Posts posted by Grim DeGrim

  1. if ships dont sink like they always do in death match then there is a GLIMMER of hope for this.

    Open World feature. But yes... It depends, I might want to surrender just because the ship is 2 years old.

    Conversely, I might take it to Davy Jones locker b/c I don't want someone else to have it. But my opponent might feel differently :)

    I'm sure there could be other features tied to it... I don't want to get carried away... This could tie into the reputation mechanic:

    1. I could lose rep for having a ship be sunk. But I lose alot more if it sinks versus surrendered. So I have encentive to surrender (maintains ship history)

    2. If I capture a ship, renowned, maybe the reputation gain is worth 1 point more (eg).

  2. While reading the "What will you name your ship" thread in the Tavern, I had an idea:

    Ships to retain a history of player ownership.

    Similar to that of a corporation in eve, or player Corp history, players can see what had happened with that vessel throughout the game. This could add alot of incentive to capture a ship... But can also provide a mechanism for "ship lore".

    No idea if this has been suggested. But it would give me a reason to name a ship... (maybe the history doesn't retain the name... Player ship names can get ridiculous... But record the irl date of ownership and Player name).

    Edit: example

    Trincomale "War Song", ownership:

    2/2/2015 Grim DeGrim

    2/10/2015 Prater (because Prat captured it on this date...)


    • Like 5
  3. There are so many impacts and variables. In reading last night, just after King Louis XVI was executed, a short time late they fill the Naval administration position (pardon my recollection, the book is at hone). To make a long story short, the gentleman disband the existing naval. "artillery" group, and the "French navy impact is 20 years of slow & inaccurate cannon fire".

    In line with what Rouleur is saying... But noting that one decision can have an impact for many years in end.

    Ps- can clean up this passage later tonight, for the sake of clarity.

  4. Well...you did start the post.  But if we were to explore different skills, within the realm of realism, there is more than combat I suppose:


    TRAVEL & NAVIGATION (For use in open world map):

    • Different crew focus for sailing (?)
      • You sailing folks are going to have to chip in for what these types of focus might be...
      • If in Calm seas your focus might be different from that in rough seas (eg, have a crew focus on battening down hatches & etc...again, I need real sailors out there to fill in the potential opportunity for crew focus)
      • Exploration crew focus (?) while exploring?
      • Crew focus fishing (this should be more of a pass time, versus food replenishment (?)...
      • Crew focus Ration (when stores are low...stretches out food, but impacts moral)
      • Racing (maybe different than sailing?...need input from sailors)
      • Navigation, versus Scouting (increase slightly, field of view),
      • Crew focus Blockade to increase attack range (requires you to be at zero speed to implement)
    • I don't know enough about other open world aspects...but if you're read something, perhaps there are other crew opportunities.


    • We know surrender is coming... But what if this was a crew focus?  Are there activities that must happen in a sequence to surrender (prob not...just raise the flag?)
    • Honestly...I'm not sure if there are any other combat related focuses I'd want, but it is of benefit to pose the question.


    If pushed to say "What else "could" there be, we can look at other non-fictional skillsets that are realistic.

  5. Implementation:

    1. Pick a name (see bottom for random ideas)

    2. Create sub-forum.

    3. Pin intent of forum, and set the standard for no flame

    4. Sit back and let the player base surprise us.

    Intent: a good will forum, where you recognize the good deed & conduct of of your fellow gentlemen captains. The intent is to promote desired actions and traits through the recognition from peers.

    "Rules" or Warning: this site is heavily moderated. No trolling or negative posts welcomed. Posts will be deleted and forum penalties issued without warning.

    Naming ideas for the subforum:

    The Hall of Merit

    Gratitude Harbour

    Honorable Conduct

    Gentleman's Conduct

    Praise of Conduct

    Seafarer's Tribute

    (many variations with the above words)

    You get the idea.

    Of course, a Pillar of the Community thread can be done. That will require a volunteer or PR type person to do interview and makes the posts. Though honestly, i'd take those kinds of posts and put them periodically in the good will forum, versus making a subforum solely for it.

    EDIT: place strategically... Not sure of best spot, either right above or below Tribunal subforum, or very top subforum.

  6. On equal naval terms (eg, standalone naval power)?  Perhaps in 1690.  Perhaps (?) just after the revolution (if they had the crewmen to man the ships).  Perhaps in all the years in between if they had allies with sufficient ships to close the SOL gap differential with Britain.


    But otherwise, no, as the larger fleet has "generally speaking" always won.


    I've enjoyed the thread.  Very informative discussion Mr. Madoc.

    • Like 1
  7. It's time for "The Good Fight Thread" sub forum, a place for videos or heroic descriptions, something stolen form potbs.


    I had a similar thought, except for the chest thumping, gloating, etc... I'll expand more below.




    well put Sir,


    Many Points, said in conjunction with William The Drake.




    Honest, I appreciate the concerns.  And they are valid.  Hence, my floating it out for the larger community.  Truthfully, I had the smaller stuff in mind.  The word "Hero" above was used, but perhaps misplaced.  I am thinking more of Gentlemanly conduct, that people choose to recognize - for no other reason than to do it.  There is no rewards for being mentioned.  There is no forum medal.  It is pure Recognition:







    "Shout out to SolInvictus202 for helping me out today.  It was pretty crazy, I had no idea where to do after logging in.  It was all confusing, and he took the time show me the ropes, and make sure I was safe in port after getting lost by Cuba.  Thanks!"





    "Doran:  Thanks for bearing with me.  I know it isn't a feat of arms...or even practice for you, but I appreciate your taking up my challenges in duels.  /Cheers"





    Someone might even regale a tail of someone going above and beyond.  The reward IS the mentioning.  I share the concerns of "yeah right, he's a bum", etc... I don't know if that should be determent enough enough to stop it from happening.  BIG LETTERS:  Trolling and Forum PVP in this subthread will result in immediate suspension and demerit point without warning.


    Food for thought, I leave it with you for consideration.

    • Like 1
  8. I hope many comments. By virtue of showing what poor player conduct is, we can then also promote... For the push (tribunal) & pull (New Forum) for player conduct.

    Great name btw. "Commendations" "Heros" "Honor & Valor"... There must be a historical equivalent to the Tribunal... In the positive sense (for naming).

  9. As NA moves forward, community development is ongoing. The Tribunal subforum has been established to capture poor player conduct, so that it might be seen and judged by all. Excellent, as we've seen in a recent Wired article (I'll source link tonight when home), this method has been effective elsewhere.

    But what of good deeds and heart warming stories? I recommend a sub forum where I can go and read positive feedback. I propose that we have a spot that offsets the negative items we read day-in-and-out.

    I acknowledge we have the Tavern, but it is not the same (labeled as Off Topic, and certainly not dedicated to positive words).


    Edited for typo's

    • Like 2
  10. I am biased to the cleaner version with the anchor...or even the one where you made it look older.  On a small thumbnail, the ship will not be easily distinguishable (just my opinion...luckily Devs will have many choices to choose from).


    You are good at this.  I like the additional little grace notes with the reflect under "sailors Wanted" in the bottom 2 images.

    • Like 1
  11. Accidents happen. But in this case the blame is shared, and possibly more heavily against you. And it is not just "cause bigger ship".

    #1. You rammed into him. Think of your car (I am assume you are old enough to drive). If you ram into someone from behind, you are almost always at fault.

    #2. You, just like the other captain, were not watching where you were sailing.

    #3. Warning was given. The audio is off, but the are bonsun's whistles going warning you of a collision. They are there to help you while in gunnery mode. You ignored the warning (I assume).

    #4. Mini map. Again, the signs were there, neither captain used it.

    #5. The line / path chosen was such that on that course, you would eventually block the 1st rate firing arcs. OR, in case of unexpected turn, naturally bring your ships into collision where neither captain is paying attention.

    I will not comment on the reaction.

  12. Small problems:

    a) Building new ships of unseasoned Wood, does result in BAD ships..

    b ) "Ready in port"? Well, to become a good sailor, you need to be at sea and train, not in port and have your ship rot.

    So beg to differ with those cited statements of yours.

    Whose / which ones? Generally speaking, I agree with you.
  13. These are excellent.  And good examples of how fate, so to speak, aka luck...plays a big role.


    Though after 1690...from a pure naval power perspective:  Not alot.  But had tey won in those early years, 1690...Perhaps that would have changed the course of history.


    We could ALL be speaking French in Canada, er, Nouvelle France

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