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Posts posted by Benass

  1. I dont know if you have played the game yet or dindt know, but there is already a HP system in the game, and people who play it still take it "seriously"


    in the top left conor there is Hp bars showing each side of the ships and how much damage they have taken.




    Py0fCBi.png <------ its this one if you are still confused



    I just suggest that the devs minimize the space there things use,


    and the cannon decks to make more room for enyoing the game. By commbineing they into this a small but easy to use ship menu in the conor.


    That have the same cooldown system as the one we use now, but shows the cannons deck like this


    cvkZyE9.png  The highest is front cannons, and side is from top to buttom showing the side deck from form top to buttom making easier to use that the way its visualize now, and that lowest in the back cannons.


    The last picture show how much space this would save, so we could enjoy the battle more, without all these thing taken up the screen

    And personally thinks its a more user friendly  :)



    I approve this one.    Move ship into to the left. Add target into to the right. All sorted.  

    Give option to move UI parts any were on the screen.  Thats is.  It is minimal and simple. 

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  2. For me this would someting like this would be almost perfect



    Please Please Vertical gun layout.  


    Horizontal guns and Ship Hit points do not work for me.  I cant figure out which side is loaded and which is not at horizontal layout. 


    Same goes for ship sides. I have no idea which side is damaged and which is not.    

    Vertical Layout is kind of self explanatory.   


    For horizontal layout i have to twist my head to get some kind of comprehension :)  My neck hurts after few hours of game play.  

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