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Posts posted by Benass

  1. This would be a hardcore element to a game. 

    Im sure it would impact casual gamer, further reducing player base.


    But how about, an option in your game interface to disable names in OS for your own game.  Hard core gamers if you want more chalenge  u more than welcome to make your game harder for yourself.  

    BUT for a christ sake don't force it on all off us.   

  2. Game should be  Easy to get into Hard to Master. 


    Game economy should be   nearly  free for starting ships  to a imposible to support for top rates. with a Sort of well balanced graph..   


    Something like this 5% 10% 15% 17% 20% 23% 27% 40%60%90%150%


    Dead cheap at low lvl tiers to nearly impossible at top level. 


    This formula works for so many games in past 20 years. Why cant naval action adopt it. 



  3. 3 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    LOL Thank you for saying that.  

    The problem is we dont feel like testers, we feel like suckers.   

    The game is actually steady, but I am seeing more and more games hide behind this "early access" shield like it is some kind of scapegoat.   All it is is a fancy way of saying Pay-To-Beta.   When in fact it is a way for most development companies to put out an unfinished product early and make a profit on it so that they might finish it in the next 10 years.  For a good while I avoided early access games and these pay to beta games because of scams of the past where developers took that money and ran, leaving a steaming pile of mud for a game.   

    So while I come across as entitled, it is because I am entitled.  Entitled to my opinion view on the state of the game.  If it conflicts with someone else's opinion then so be it.  

    And it isnt frustrating as much as it is something that makes no sense.  

    I know what you mean man. 

    Naval action and empyrion are the only games im testing, due to devs being active and working on them. 

    But personally i hate this early access crap all together. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    The problem isnt just alt farming.  It is just the broken nature of this new combat mark system.  For those of us who had PVP marks and earned them fighting were just screwed.  That is what people are pissed at.  That and the other factor of WHY bother PVPing or trade hunting, which is FAR more historically accurate that the BS port battle screening or port battles that every has a hard-on for.   This is kind of the issue.  

    While I have a chance at capturing a trade ship that MIGHT have something valuable in it, there is a bigger chance of it being empty.  Then there is the factor of the ship itself not being worth much.   I think I can dump a trade brig for around 30-50k depending on the market.   I can make that doing a 6th rate fleet mission by myself in a navy brig in half the time and a 1/4 of the risk.   Not to mention get better loot, and more combat marks.  So why not do PVE missions?  Why bother doing PVP at all?


    Sir, have you forgot, you playing early access game. It means you are testing ideas good or bad, you give your opinion on forums, its all part of Testing.

    Devs gathering data, they value every ones opinion, and hope they are making notes.  

    If you want steady game, well w8 till it gets best features in place and launches in steady form.   


    Keep posting your ups and down, but please dont act like you are entitled in some kind of stability. 

    All and all i agree, it can be frustrating, but hey we are testers.

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, admin said:

    there is no grind. We just want full knowledge unlocks to belong to truly dedicated players (but it will get adjusted soon)

    I had to start 5 characters last 3 weeks to test some changes rookie experience.
    Every character had like 200-300k by 3rd day by doing almost nothing (except for some trader robbing and missions and some pvp near havana)
    And you get into a snow after 3 hours.

    And if lucky you will stay in that snow for few days. Most likely NOT.

  6. For me, the magic use to be Port Royal water defence. Back in a day when timers use to be 5 min. 

    ppl use to organise coast guard fleets to protect or rescue our traders haulers. Pirates use to come alot and pray on our silver haulers.

    Port Royal waters use to be safe haven for traders, All Jamaica waters use to be safe, trade use to flourish, and GB economy use to be strong.

    then 2 min timers were introduced, pirates run loose as coast guards couldn't respond in time. Many traders left, inflation hit. ;/



    3 rates port battles.  use to be fun.   U log in in the evening and you know u can make a port battle.  No grind. Go tag a NPC capture a 3 rate. go and have fun in 25 vs 25. 

    No one care if they sunk. we had this moto. u come to sink not to run. :)

    And sink we did plenty :)

    • Like 1
  7. can the one buy few accounts?

    create few characters on different nations,

    move them somewhere quiet and make those characters kill each other  every hour for a few days. ?   Hmm thinking about it. i have 3 laptops that i don't use. 

    I could make my own fleet :)


    Sure that would make enough pvp badges. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    You want to build and sail a Victory within one week of a asset wipe!??!

    Yes, I see what you did there....  I believe its called entitlement.

    But since you dont play anymore, I'm not sure why I'm even commenting.


    Fair winds, good sir.

    I don't see a point playing 6 months to build a ship that i will never sail. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Hodo said:

    What are you doing?  I have put in maybe 30 hours since the patch and have bought and fulled armed a Renomee, I am sailing around in a Navy Brig that is my money maker, and I can build my own ships now.  

    I havent been doing trade runs or sailing afk for hours while I farm sharks and fish meat.  


    Im sorry u said u can build your own ships now? 

    Can u build a Bellona ? Oh w8 no u cant. I think u need pvp marks or some shit.


    All Admiralty permits to get blueprints and build actual ships is a game killer.

    Req are out of hand.  150 pve barges to build a conie*.(might be wrong here)  are u friking kidding me.  


    Hang on. try and build a Victory.   See what i did there. 

  10. How does it feel to finally kill off the best age of sail game there is on the market.  ?

    I will not go into why, all i can say it this: the more restrictions u put in the game the less ppl will play it.


    2 weeks from now there will be 100 - 200 players left.   Fun all round.  Oh w8. No its not.

    • Like 2
  11. 17 hours ago, Wraith said:

    Not to mention that you can make at least 200,000 per day selling labor hours when you're a total newb, if you're not already using them to make medkits (which, as should be apparent to anyone, you can craft for much less than the cost of buying them).  However, when you're really "just starting out" crew loss is meaningless because it refills for free as soon as you're back in port. It costs you nothing.

    If you are not new, and not starting out with nothing, (i.e. you are capable of fully crewing a connie) and can't make enough money to replenish your crew loss 3 times over in a single trade run in an LGV, you're doing something wrong. I mean really, ask someone to help you on your server, as I'm sure they'll help you learn how to make at least a million per trade run easy.


    Yes i can make money, but it takes time. time that i could pvp instead but i cant. i have to make money to keep it up.  I play 2-3 h per day if lucky. Sunday i can play more. 

    So yes i can pvp but i have to pve alot to make it even.  1 day of pvp = 3 - 4 days of pve. 

    Thats how i play, and maybe thats how other ppl play. 

  12. Ill give you some context.

    I started playing last reset. jan/feb 2016.  Enjoyed the game in pve/pvp. mainly pvp ing pirates in haiti. 

    I use to have 1 ship and around 100k /200k in my bank to cover my expenses. Game was simple, fast paced, interesting.  Mainly pvp was cheap, i could loose few ships in a evening,

    Make one trading run next day, make 50k and back to pvp.   Untill CREW patch hit us.


    with crew patch i gone out sunk in action lost 900 crew, and run out of money in one evening.  1000 crew cost 300k -400k ? 

    Right. now what. hmm. ok looks like i have to make some money in order to pvp.  I started making money. 

    I thot i need alot of money to stay afloat. So i am making money to this day. Made over 100 000 000. But haven't had a single pvp match since then.



    long story short. with loss of crew and silly prices to replace them devs shut me down on pvp.   

    • Like 2
  13. Alienate casual players and u will have 100 hard core pvp ers crying  for no action. 


    Tagging system is not working.  


    2 min tagging system wast'n working either. 


    No more casuals to kill. Game gets empty.


    Remember casual to hardcore player rate is 1 to 10 or even more.  so with every 100 hardcore there is 1000 casuals.   


    Chase them out of the game by ganging and bullying in ever way possible, by restricting there game play, by denying reinforcements, and you get empty server. 

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