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Posts posted by Benass

  1. This is my first MMOW game.  Are all game servers this unreliable?  I know this isn't critical mission by any means, but an unplanned server outage every 2 or 3 weeks seems excessive.  Just curious, I have no beginning reference point.

    It is First time EU server is down like that.   


    As For an Alpha game Servers down time is like 0.000000001%


    And as Dev said, its hoist playing up not game server. 

  2. This Crew management is my biggest nightmare. 



    Managing crew = bad game play. 


    10 crew per h. 


    1 rate sink 1 month afk.   


    Well done.  


    Med kits hours to build them are crazy.  Should be balanced more. Otherwise u wont see many ppl sailing to fight.


    I will wait and see how things changes, but one thing sure ii cant play the game with current crew system.   For me its unplayable. 

    • Like 1
  3. Lets ignore the political situations on pvp1.    


    From the game play itself: should there be a reason to swich nation with out some kind of penalty or not ?



    As for pvp 1. I think it will not take long for all server to go pirate.


    It is E A game. we should show developers whats working and whats not.


    Even in real world Free markets are good idea overall, but left alone they start exploiting laws.  Regulations as minor as they can be still needed.

  4. I was thinking about how easy it is to switch a nation. 


    If you have friends, u can play port battle on one nation in the morning, then switch to another nation in the evening.




    The game lacks passion and loyalty to a nation.    



    Maybe 30 Day timer on a Steam Account to switch a nation.    It can only be good.  


    Or Exp you grind is locked to a Nation, but i don't like this one. 




    Best Solution would be, 1 Char per steam account, 1 nation.  If u delete = loose everything.  



    Going Pirate any time [should be] removed from the game. ( With a little bit of planing all server can go pirate just to show developers how bad it can be)

                                  maybe to strong here.



    • Like 1
  5. Never been to this section of the boards.  Usually accused of being a Pirate not a Criminal....


    If this is a popularity contest of who has more friends/Allies to post flame on there behalf of tell partial sides of the story or there views on game mechanics I may lose because Zombies  aren't known for there typing abilities and we don't travel in "hordes" like Hollywood's walking dead.  We prefer to just eat brains and enjoy raiding ports solo or in small packs...


    Some of you have hurt feelings yesterday didn't go as planned; and I understand that.  I didn't go as planed for me either. So apologizes.


    Most Important Fact:  Why didn't I pull the flag for Samana to block them from taking a port if that was my intention to spoil there fun all along?  I commented on the hit in Pirate chat well before they pulled the flag so pirates would have the choice to defend timers VS Brits or to head the opposite direction which is also fine but they have a deliberate choice to make as FTS did. Pirates are smart enough to drawn the line for themselves.


    Was at a Port making mats, Knew it about the hit...everyone did because he bragged to all pirates/Nations so much, and I had the gold to cover it.....




    - Danes owe Zombie 2 Ports (Sam/Macoa Ideal) (But Macoa is a reginal Cap and not near sorted) More important issues at hand with Brits pushing and still not sorted.

    - Black is Black? No...because Brig V would put it on a messed up timer they couldn't/wouldn't defend.  Give it to the British and screen other Pirates like they did Saint N.

    - I told Insomian to buy other Flag

    - PLAN: If I could beat them there with flag plants and sort out 6-8 people I could take mine (furthest one) and double back and take his as long as he Planted on time. Insom could then TP and attack Jere/Defend Saint N/and the other timers.  6-8 people would be out of the fight on West Haiti though, with this plan it knocks out what is owed + 1 to sort later both of the ports in question would be in our(98% of pirates) timer control and more important the front line for a future battle field.

    - If FTS Jumped into the the next port it wouldnt matter because the flag was planned by someone who would be responsible with defense window.

    - At this point FTS was braging about some KOTO and others being involved in hits on Danish in Pirate Chat.  Not that we were blocking there content.



    What happened/why it didn't happen:

    - FTS was to buzy swearing and cussing at all Pirates in pirate chat and telling everyone how awesome they are because they are so "healthy for the game" as people mentioned here.  There actions were  a direct result of all pirates losing ports on the Opposite side of Haiti.

    - I was sorting Drama in PM's and on TS, I was trying to sort players for one direction and assisting Insom for forming on Jere.

    - As well as getting lines of communication with Danes while they were in combat in Multi places

    - Trying to sort Intel on whether the British fleets massing Danish were coming for West Coast haiti


    In the end we dropped the East Haiti split plan to get sorted ASAP in West Haiti so we could catch SRLN out of place in Jeremine.  With the hits they were involved in it would have been closer then the day before and it worked.  Did it.  Absolutely you guys were caught out of play and didn't have the 25 stack you guys usually do and some randoms mixed in.  But we still failed to Capitalize.  We were missing some of our own key players and some bad calls on our part by not pushing you gents to the end of the bubble.


    This Offense was also the best defense for the rest of the timers in East Haiti.


    We were in place partially for defending a multi prong attack in South Cuba/Haiti which we lost a lot of ports due to FTS's deals with you.  Which you aware of.




    (Read chat box)


    In the end the right choice was made to stay together and pound the drums to do East Haiti because we did hold Sevilla and got back Portillo even later that night.


    @ SLRN - I personally hold/held you guys in high regard's, But running to the boards to back a one sided story on what you "think" happen or didn't happen in mass shows true colors and intentions.  If your view on winning the game is pushing to Ban everyone playing against you without hearing both sides of the story i feel bad you your so angry/worked up about the game.


    @ Everyone - I ticketed and GM's have my game log's and they know what happen/didn't happen/suppose to have happen and told them they are more then welcome to post it all publicly.  Zombies don't care.  Maybe I should be a streamer.



    Proposed Fix:


    - Multi flags can be bought on same place by any nation and first come, is first serve.

    Hey Morrdon, how would u feel if some one bought Jere flag and had no intention to plant it 5 min before you.  


    Ur a cheat, coz u can't play by the rules.




    Thinking about it, maybe Brits should buy 1 game, create pirate and buy jery flag every day  just to deny you a fun the game provides.    

  6. On this topic, I agree with one of the previous remarks that being Pirate, this is an acceptable mechanic. 


    However, once again it is just another one of the multiple flaws that the current PB system needs to fix ASAP.


    Currently anyone in a ship above a Cutter/Yacht with a pocket full of gold can go an buy a flag. This is ludicrous!


    One simple solution is that you can buy a flag but for that flag to become active, you need at least 24 people to sign up for the attack by tagging an object inside the port where the flag was purchased.

    Yes I can see many unhappy people if this where to come, but it is a simple to implement solution that will greatly reduce this kind of abuse.

    And once they signed, they are unable to sign another flag, until current one is planted or expired.

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  7. 1 to 360           So    N = 360    or 60 min 

                                    S = 180     or 30 min

                                    E = 90       or 15 min

                                    W = 270    or 45 min

     62 deg =     11 minute  or NE



    I hope im right.


    U can sail in straight line, but as soon as u make course change u entering a zone of unknown location with unknown destination. :)              

  8. Ok so lets do some maths. 


    2 players fighting each other, no mater how as long as one of them sinks in the end it is legal ?   



    So 2 basic frigates cost about 80k 


    That gives you 10 battles.  if u get 10k per battle you  gaining exp and loosing nothing.  


    I still see room for improvement. 



    Oh btw i only had 4 pvp battles  as brit vs pirates and i sunk them all. hehe. 

  9. Two enemy players work together to level up by farming damage and xp and not killing each other.  Usually, one has a larger ship and a bunch of smaller ships join in to farm damage, and everyone stops fighting after so much damage is farmed.  They then leave and repeat.

    See now i knew this can be done. But had no idea its illegal.


    Lets say American meets British.   They both have cerberus. 

    They go somewhere remote to free or neutral town.  

    Open battle to each other.  Pound each other to 10% armor. Exit battle. Repair in town. Exit town. engage into battle. Do it over and over for 10 hours.


    This is a grey area, u can say they failing to sink each other, or u can say they cheating.   It is GREY area becoz Exp is rewarded for damage with out sinking.  

  10. Not many players know how to open chat in battle.    


    Another problem.      Can you make chat   like this           ENTER Hello Everyone. ENTER    



    Now the chat works like this       Enter, Hello Everyone, Enter,   but chat will not close and i have to press Enter Enter Enter Enter.  A finally it closed i regain control of a ship.




    Simple Enter to start typing in chat  and Enter to Send a message and close chat.     It is a Major problem as enter disables ship control.  

  11. The Sun Royal is a warship French, in service 1669 to 1692. This is a ship of the line in first place, with 98 and 104 guns on three decks. He is the first name and the flagship of the fleet of the Ponant during theWar of the League of Augsburg. It is burned at the end of the battle of the Hougue, the

    June 2 1692




    Im not good at history and stuff but ,  Sun Royal  had  98 to 104 guns.    Lovely looking ship.  My favorite to be honest.  The one that burned.

  12. I'd be interested in seeing storm battle scenarios do cause sail damage if more than a recommended amount of sail was being used.  It would also be good if an overpress of sail would slow down a ship if the winds are too strong.  Also, the storms wouldn't have to necessarily just cause dismasting, but slowly degrade the rigging (maybe 1-2% per minute that you have too much sail set).


    Rough sea in battle makes aim more chalenging. Sails can be damaged slowly. It would add some level of fustration, fun

    and so on.

    Open sea storms , maybe some damage to the ship, but nothing sereous.

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