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Posts posted by Benass

  1. For me, the magic use to be Port Royal water defence. Back in a day when timers use to be 5 min. 

    ppl use to organise coast guard fleets to protect or rescue our traders haulers. Pirates use to come alot and pray on our silver haulers.

    Port Royal waters use to be safe haven for traders, All Jamaica waters use to be safe, trade use to flourish, and GB economy use to be strong.

    then 2 min timers were introduced, pirates run loose as coast guards couldn't respond in time. Many traders left, inflation hit. ;/



    3 rates port battles.  use to be fun.   U log in in the evening and you know u can make a port battle.  No grind. Go tag a NPC capture a 3 rate. go and have fun in 25 vs 25. 

    No one care if they sunk. we had this moto. u come to sink not to run. :)

    And sink we did plenty :)

    • Like 1
  2. Everyone is getting their thongs all in a synch over this.  I have to say... CALM DOWN, this is beta.


    I am a fan of this new system for these reasons.


    - PvP no hiding in mission battles.

    - Sail as a fleet or get rekt by a fleet.  Teamwork, yes they did it too....

    - Carebears will contribute to something or get out. 

    - Pirates may start being... uh... pirates?

    - Reasons to patrol your own waters finally.



    This changes will not bring ppl back.  I bet from 500 players we have now, u will have 100 left by the time game goes live. 


    Yes there are pvpers but u need pve ers and care bears or else you end up with 50 players per server.


    Totally blocking battles at least in home waters is a bad design. 






    And those who cry for more  same BR pvp. I don't see any. All i see is Ganking.

  3. 1)  Hiding in battle or battle screen after a battle has ended!    5 min timer would solve it.  with options to log off or teleport home if teleport is ready.

    2) 2 min battle timer + new No timer at all. its 100% game killer for me.   ( i liked 5 min timer, Even as little as around home waters 20 km from a capital.) Im sure will not be able to play this game if 2 min battle timer remains or be reduced.

    3) Upgrades.  - should be craft able.  and maybe only 3 lvls. 1%   2%  3%. 

  4. 30 min Social perk is some how overpowered. 


    2 min Timer is not good enough.  It doesn't work well to many ppl either.


    Me personaly use to love 5 min timer.    Lest face it, if u want 1v1 go to mission screen and do battles there.



    Open Sea is not a place for 1v1. Never was never will be.




    Devs u can consider social perk in a some type of Reinforcement System.


    Player who had a Social perk, Gets an option in Battle to call for Reinforcements.


    Reinforcments = Battle Swords in open sea opens up for a xx time. 


    xx time duration would be determinate to a distance of your, nation capital or nation town. 



    The futher away u are the less time u get.  Kind off reflects real world situation. 



    All times could be tested and most optimal solution could be implemented.





    This way if u are in home waters u can get help, as in reality u would.  


    If u are fare away with no land around , well then you screwed.


    Such system might work well around home waters.




    What ever the case 2 min timer is not a way forward. 

  5. Let ppl log off in Battle screen. BUT put 5 min timer to make up there mind. 


    U either log off or back to the sea for what ever awaits you. 


    And if you ganking in enemy waters you must accept the risks of being ganked in return.



    This is not a fuking rocket science.   But if left untouched it is a game killing issue for me personally.  


    Same as 2 min battle join timer. 

  6. I see that 


    had the same problem as me, however it does not make it a duplicate. This is an issue that needs to be resolved, it is game breaking. YES there are workarounds, however, losing that much money to a hole in the system is unacceptable. 

    i agree it sucks. But it is an alpha game. You found a bug. u reported it. Job done.


    Sorry for your loss, but gratz on discovering a bug. 

    • Like 1
  7. Hello. 

    Battle Screen.   Post Battle. 


    It is a nice place to be if u need to log of after the long battle.  Sadly it's not being used for its purpose.



    Ganking squads  comes to enemy waters jumps lone ships and stay in battle screen once battle is over, resulting in frustration of coast guards.


    It is damaging the enjoyment of the game play.


    If u enjoy Ganking, so be it, but u should not hide in battle screen.




    Would the following work in this game.


    Once Battle is over 2 minute timer starts to leave battle.


    After that u enter Battle Screen. Now another timer kicks in 60 or 120 Second.

    U have an option to log off. (if u need to stop playing)

    U have an option to enter Open Sea.

    But u have 60 or 120 sec to make a decision. 


    60 sec or 120 sec would be enough to alter your crew for  what ever comes next. 

    Swap ships, edit cargo. 


    Would that work? 

  8. There is a chance that contract hiding the stock.


    I wonder what would happen if that contract gets removed or fulfilled. But it does look like a bug.


    I bet it is connected to that or those contracts.

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