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Everything posted by Madpower1000

  1. From doing some more turns and battles I found that my ships especially bigger ships have awful accuracy and really struggle to get above a 1% hit chance, this occurs at practically all ranges and I am often lucky if a ship gets a hit chance of 3% or higher, smaller vessels suffer a bit less with accuracy but right now my ships can't hit anything reliably making the game less fun, the AI struggles with hitting ships as well.
  2. I've only played a fairly short campaign from 1910 Russia but torpedo's are devastating many hits from torpedo's doing 20k+ damage each especially to smaller ships which are dying to the torpedo's which is good but when dealing with AI torpedo spam it can get very annoying as even big 20k+ ton battlecruisers and battleships can sometimes get 1 shot by a torpedo which is not fun for me but perhaps others enjoy the increased torpedo lethality more.
  3. Not sure if it is just me but I cannot download the most recent version of the mod by clicking the link unlike previous times. Download is working for me now so the issue must have been resolved.
  4. Currently the 'fix' does help when you have got to Updating Missions bug part of ending a turn as a majority of the turn has already been processed you just won't get any missions if you do use the 'fix' for that however with the more serious turn breaking bug the going to main menu 'fix' is close to worthless as while you can get lucky and the land battle breaking the turn is processed and you can continue your campaign most of the time the campaign will become broken and absolutely nothing will change between turns other than the date.
  5. For the bug causing turns to break specifically the one that gets turns stuck on 'Next Turn' not 'Update Missions' it seems to be directly caused by Land Battles, most notably when the game attempts to complete the land battle something is going wrong not allowing the turn to work properly, this can destroy campaigns especially if you have a chain of land battles trying to end.
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