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Everything posted by Lima

  1. Okay, this is a serious problem. After a long battle, all my ships have a frozen front turret.
  2. Same problem. Turrets get stuck in these positions. Recently I had a big battle, and when I looked at my ships towards the end of the battle, 7 out of 8 CAs had this problem. 3 of them were practically undamaged, but the turrets were frozen in place. A lot of DDs also had this problem. Strangely, none of the battleships had this problem. Edit: all my BBs have 360 degrees turrets. Maybe that's the reason.
  3. This. In principle, I am ready to accept indirect diplomacy, this is an interesting new approach. However, in the current state of the game, I would like to be able to quickly and definitely enter the war with the right country. This will allow us to spend more time testing combat mechanics and reduce the time for throwing the fleet around the map and waiting for random events. Although I didn't have any problems with infinite freez during tuens in this beta, the turns are often really long.
  4. Regarding the strange behavior of turrets Maybe it doesn't look like such a big problem, but...Ships can sometimes even shoot from such a position.
  5. Let's talk about the mechanics, which in general I like, but in the current state... Flaws. First, the spread of overweight and underweight is too large. I understand that historically overweight is a big problem for ships and something like these Borodino class battleships all had an overweight. But not like 10% overweight (I don't remember exactly, "Borodino" had like 4% or 5%). Yes, I know that Japanese heavy cruisers existed. But this is an exception, on average, a series of ships are not made with such a large overweight. I just don’t understand how a destroyer of 1,100t turned out from a destroyer of 1000t. And not just one ship, but most of the series. I also don't understand how they made this 920t destroyer out of 1000t. Okay, let's say we have such values. Flaws can be overcomed with refits. But it turns out that I have to artificially invent changes for the newly built ships in order to send them for refit. I want to have a button "Send that piece of metal back" in the stage of commissioning to send the ship back to the shipyard and delete out all flaws.
  6. This. For example, how exactly should mines work? Okay, these circles around the base are mines, right? I have to take damage if I get into these circles. Okay. But my fleet takes mine damage without even getting close to the enemy base. I do not know if it should be like this or is it a bug. Okay, I'll add more minesweepers to the task force. Now there are 3 BB, 5 CA, 2CL, 12 DD minesweepers and 20 TB minesweepers in the task force. Standing at a great distance from enemy ports, the task force still receives damage from mines. The entire task force takes damage, even all TB minesweepers. I just don't understand what to do with mines. For example, in hoi4, you can find out how many mines are in the region and minesweepers do not receive damage when minesweeping. Well, maybe to know exactly how many mines in the region is not correct, but at least tell me that there are about 100 or about 1000 mines. Also, let the minesweepers take damage from mines, but not constantly.
  7. And then there is this - the turrets of ships with a roll behave strangely. This is not too noticeable on small turrets and with a small roll angles, but here is an battleship with a lot of floods (almost sunk). The turret is not disabled and can rotate. Maybe this guy is getting ready to be eaten by "Kamchatka"...
  8. With the help of the remaining ships, I conducted an investigation about "Kamchatka". Before the battle begins During the battle, I separated "Metkiy" from the group and left her aside, all the other ships were damaged. View the fleet list immediately after the battle. And after one turn Well, as we can see, the undamaged "Metkiy" returned to port, the rest of the ships were eaten by the "Kamchatka". She's guided by the smell of blood.
  9. Okay, I've met with an incredible problem that I've never encountered before. My ships disappeared. I mean, literally. So, here was the battle. And a list of my ships after the battle. In fact, the entire task force has disappeared. Admiral Rozhdestvensky said that It's all "Kamchatka", she ate up my entire fleet!
  10. There are a lot of problems, but I'll probably highlight one for now. Inconsistent repair of ships. After receiving damage on mines and in battles, I return the task force to my port. There are some undamaged ships in the group. They also get up for repair(?), repair progress is zero for several turns. The fact is that there is nothing to fix in these ships. They remain in perpetual repair and have to be scrapped, nothing more can be done with them. On the other hand, damaged ships are being repaired. However, some of them are not completely repaired. They don't want to get up for repairs, although they have 80% hull strength. They can be fully repaired, but only if they receive more damage in battle and return to port themselves. It seems that AI is subject to the same problem, I see a huge number of damaged ships in battles.
  11. Finally, a based game that isn't afraid to tell the truth. The earth is flat, it's just like that. [SARCASM]
  12. I always send almost the entire fleet - in this case, there are two task forces of 6 BC each in the North Atlantic and in the English Channel.
  13. So, I started the campaign for Italy in 1920. I sent the ships to the French ports in the Atlantic and the English Channel, as usual. 2 turns the relationship deteriorated, then for 20 (!) turns - nothing. I receive only notifications about the improvement of relations with UK in the western Mediterranean. They also don't care about my ships near Scapa Flow.
  14. Apart from Germany, I managed to declare war on Britain only for France (in 12 Beta). I lowered the relationship to -99, then it went up to -89 every turn. However, when I sent ships to the western Mediterranean, Britain immediately declared war on me (and the rest of the world as well). That is, when my ships are opposite Scapa Flow, it's fine, but when they appear near Malta, it's war. I've tried everything for Italy and Austria-Hungary, but Britain just doesn't care. In fact, you have only 1 opponent for these countries. This NEEDS to be fixed, Britain has the most ships, they are often the main interest in the campaign.
  15. Obviously, these transports were carrying the latest pasta recipe. Without it, there is no point in continuing the war, everything is lost.
  16. France GDP is pain now. Given their hulls, they are now an even bigger whipping doll.
  17. You know what, grossadmiral? We don't care about those British battleships. A couple of DDs - that's the problem.
  18. For 2 years in peace, my fleet budget has been decreasing. In fact, it has been steadily decreasing since the beginning of the campaign. At the same time, GDP is growing. 3 wars with France took 2-3 months each only.
  19. The existence of such battles is good, but I want to have the "I don't care" option. Maybe I just don't care what this ship does, let them go where they want. I don't want to fight them.
  20. Once again, I cannot declare war on Britain Italy 1930. My ships are in the English Channel, the North Atlantic, the Northern and Irish Seas. Relations with Britain fall to -99, then reset to -89, the war does not begin. I've been at war with France 3 times already, but Britain doesn't care.
  21. I think that the DDs of the 1930s and 1940s are now in a good balance. But in the early eras, gunboats just go berserk and destroy everything. Only a 2-inch wunderwaffe can save you from this hell.
  22. After the bugfix, I was able to check out update 13 and FINALLY. Task forces handling has become MUCH better. Now I can really intercept these annoying groups of DDs with the help of my cruisers and clean the sea from them. The same applies to other task forces. Battles are now much more predictable.
  23. No, it's just that the maxed 51/203mm guns are too strong. Here, a comparison table. The increase in accuracy is incredible. A ship armed with them can do this
  24. Once again I want to say about the absolutely insane power of the improved 51mm and 203 mm in the current version. Well, this is my submarine CA, armed with maxed 203mm and 51mm (she usually has normal pitch and offset, but when she goes into battle, they become 100). And this is an enemy cruiser, she has normal balance. However, despite this, my wunderwaffen destroys this cruiser without the slightest problem. I think I don't need to show what maxed 203mm is doing if the pitch/offset is in order.
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