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Posts posted by 21hugoPT

  1. @Panzergraf my army logistics at the time was at 100%(same for the US) and I was against an army of 800K strong. And one thing I notice is when I do multiple naval invasions at the same country the number of army that defend the first naval invasion reduces, and for my experience is not a great idea

  2. I want to know how a naval invasion really works, I try to do multiple naval invasions and several times and it didn't work, even with similar population with France and Spain.




    In this print, I passed the tonnage needed more than double and still failed.



    Anyone experience with the game or game Devs can you help me to understand a little better? I fulfilled all the requirements(I know there still a change to fail)

    Or we need a bit more info or a rework or I don't know/didn't understood how it works

  3. 4 hours ago, Durham Dave said:

    It's oil per capita: when you look on a province, it's production per population of that province. If that's your only oil province when you look on the politics screen, that same amount of oil is now divided between all your population. I assume per capita is used to represent the other demands on oil your empire may have.

    Sound legit, thanks ;)

  4. 3 minutes ago, ZorinW said:

    Did you actually read what I wrote?

    I don't mind finding bugs, I mind the complete lack of testing basic functionality before an update and breaking stuff that worked. Adding features means exactly that you add something to a working system not breaking what worked, mixing in something new and then putting it back together in the hope that it might work.

    In coding, a Dev fix one bug and with that fix more bugs will appear, is not the Devs fault.

    This is a game in early access testing a beta version of an update, is normal to have game breaking bugs, that is why the player base volunteer to be beta testers, to help the Devs to fix the bugs before the live version, there is no need to be rude to them.

    A bug fix may result more bugs, is hard to control that.

    (any Games Developers correct, if I'm wrong)

  5. @Kane I agree with you on the number 1 and number 2

    The blockade mechanic is not very polish is still weird and confuse. Blockading a nation is easy, but then is not working as it should be.

    The shipyard upgrade I 100% agree, I started my campaign at 1890 and I at November 1938 and my shipyard is at 95K with the upgrade of 99K at 76% and I upgrade to the max

  6. I started a campaign from 1890 and is June 1929 and I already have Super Battleships and the max tonnage that I can upgrade of the shipyard is 4K tons and i keep upgrade the shipyard when it finish. Can I suggest in the research Tab, having a tech that increases the upgrade of the shipyard by 500 tons and this tech will take longer to research


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  7. @Werwazyours Ideas are interesting, but the ideas 10.7 to 10.9 to work something must go very bad to happen, unless there is events that will increase unrest a lot or the nation committing war crimes(sinking civilian boats) or losing a lot of crew or losing civilian boats or transport or a blockade 

  8. 4 hours ago, Danz_Von_Luck said:

    Id love to see a multiplayer campaign, 1 player as Germany and 1 as Britain for example imagine having all the major nations controlled by a different player, that would get intense. Slow but intense

    A multiplayer campaign could be interesting, especially for the youtubers to role playing or as a CO-OP or with friends, but it will never work with randoms is too slow for that and the timezone will make worse.

    To try multiplayer, the campaign or the game has to be finish and is not easy to implement. Not all games work on multiplayer

  9. I have some suggestion, it may not be for this update, but it could be for the next one. Adding news and agents tabs.


    Agents Tab: will be able to hiring an agent(with a cost and upkeep) and that agent can to do the following: spy, counter-spy and sabotage.

    Spy- it will steal enemy designs so it can be faster to ID the enemy ship in battle, it will show the economy and the unrest;

    Sabotage- it will slow down the building/repair/refit ship processing, research(if the community agree) and slow down the upgrade of the shipyard;

    Counter-spy- it will protect the nation of other agents.

    For each missions it will have different costs and the agents may be executed/killed by other nation agent or capture.


    News Tab: it will show the transport's sinking reason(if is by raiding, weather or ignored missions) and place, it will show the info of battles(like crew loss, ships loss and status) and it will show events like diplomacy(war, cease fire and alliance), trading agreements, agents capture/dead/executed, ports damaged and a nation revolution or admiralty change.


    If the community agrees with this features, this suggestion will be up, if the community don't like them, just ignore these features

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