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Captain Meow

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Captain Meow last won the day on September 12 2023

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  1. Don't update or don't bother with serious playing until the game reaches it's final update. I gave up on rebuilding all ships I had after every update. There's a feeling that one spends more time in the Shipyard than playing in the battle.
  2. Regarding the not-targeted ship receiving every fired shot with 100% accuracy & 100% penetration once it intersecting the red aim line... Has the issue been fixed? I will keep annoy with this until I get a clear answer about it from @Nick Thomadis or anyone of the developers team, because there was no such answer no matter how often it was asked!
  3. @Nick Thomadis Again, why these guns simply refuse to participate in shooting? My ship maybe traveled 1km like this after the course change & no firing!
  4. It's the core issue with this game. Every time the game is updated - campaigns & saves are lost, all balanced & playable designs are ruined. So it's either restoring ALL designs to playable state after each update AGAIN & AGAIN (until you get sick of it) or never update the game & play the version around which you made lots of saves & designs.
  5. So, as the issue keeps being there as a natural outcome of how the shooting is realized in the game, here how it affects the play: I use only "ahead" for formations. If I use "abreast" then it's likely some my ship will intersect the red aim line of the enemy & will take all the damage onto itself, regardless of how much armor it has or how inaccurate the enemy is. I don't use "screen" order or I might lose that ship in seconds if it intersects enemy's aim line. I try to aim only on closest enemy & especially on ship which was about to intersect the aim line - to be fair. I believe the issue is because every ship has 100% penetration of itself by default & when you select to shoot at "that one" ship - physically the hits only apply for that ship with decreased penetration chance & decreased accuracy THAT ship assigns to your guns. Yet between your ship & that ship ALL shots physically travel along the red aim line, while what is seen is pure decorative visuals. So when a different enemy ship intersects that line, it receives all physical shots with accuracy 100% & penetration 100% too (because this ship doesn't assign which accuracy/penetration your guns should have for it). So a solution should be either to stop shooting the aimed ship if someone's intersecting the red aim line - not sure how if for your guns only a ship you aim at exists. Or automatically switch to aim at closest ship if such gets near the aim line between your ship & aimed ship.
  6. From what I remember back in early 2022 the front ship was slowing down for rear ones to catch up. Or how's that when I balanced the ship to have 38kn as max & when I add 38.5kn then its parameters skyrocket to impossible unless increasing it's available weight or making the ship much lighter or something which would require drastic change of whole design, yet here they can go with 40-43knt for many minutes just fine to catch up.
  7. @Nick Thomadis Could this be fixed? For example, my 2 destroyers sail in ahead-loose formation at their max speed of 38kn. If I set to "tight" formation, the rear one hurries to the front one with the speed of like 40-42kn! I thought the realistic way would be for front ship to slow down while the rear one catches up at max speed (38kn). The issue is when changing formation from loose to tight or just when setting up which follows which - they exceed their max speed to catch up or regroup.
  8. I keep noticing this while having DDvsDD, custom battle, 1940... The front turret is fine but just keeps looking elsewhere as if stuck or something while only the aft one keeps firing. It mostly happens when the course is changed significantly - while one turret rotates, aims & continues firing, the other one is out of action. Usually I keep changing the course variously to wake up that turret. And it's not just in case of 2 turrets like here - seen also the smaller single gun (here on barbette near the stern main gun) falling asleep too. This happens not often but from time to time. Mostly if the course is changed from firing from one side to another, both turrets rotate & continue firing.
  9. Getting further annoyed with how parts are distributed across all hulls... Custom battle, 1940 - there are parts that would allow to perfectly recreate the Tribal-class destroyer, yet I CANNOT recreate it because a hull that looks like for it doesn't have all of those parts I need available for it, yet trying different almost similar hull & I don't different needed parts! Could you believe it - there are certain parts (hull, turrets, funnels, towers, barbettes, etc) with which certain real existed ships could have been recreated with ease, but it's not possible because you can't get the needed combination of parts for the certain hull you chose! Example - Japanese Fubuki-class destroyer: There are funnel parts that look like that, but they belong to different hull which has shorter aft deck & that hull doesn't have the exact front tower needed. Will shipbuilder ever be UNLIMITED? ANY parts that are in game for a given year be compatible & available for ANY hulls of the given year - ?
  10. Don't forget that there's a secondary tower for the Tsesarevich hull which is similar to how it was on real ship, yet I can't use it unless going without the aft 2x2 152mm turrets! Because the little cabin which supports the Y-bridge was higher than those turrets on real ship, yet in game it's as low as possible.
  11. I just had a boring custom battle, my 4 BBs & 6 CLs vs 5BBs & 5TBs, 1895... Once my ships dealt with enemy's TBs the rest of the battle looked like me trying to chase their 4 BBs who decided to retreat from the start, so after an hour I gave up at when I had 3BB with low fuel vs 3 BBs over the horizon. I thought enemy divisions retreating from the start was long fixed like 1.5 year ago....??? @Nick Thomadis
  12. Its not just new turrets being incompatible with French hulls after 1.06 update, but many more stuff that worked earlier got ruined: Was: Now: Also:
  13. Maybe guns better should be composed as the gun itself + whatever is needed: as a casemate installation, or with a shield (which shield version among all?), or as a turret (which turret version among all?).
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