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Everything posted by brothermunro

  1. If that’s the reason that’s extra annoying as I’m running an ‘always’ shared design campaign with a bunch of designs loaded ☹️ I will investigate this ‘submarines’ file 😄 I assume though I can’t remove them from an existing game, or is it the save file I need to be tinkering with?
  2. Japan has literally nothing except submarines 😂 I’ll try to grab a screenshot when I can tomorrow. Other nations have built a fair few but that one stood out. I appreciate your efforts to try and restrain the AI’s love of underwater boats! Out of curiosity, what happens if you set the AI build preference modifier to *zero* for a ship type? Will they not build them at all or does it just make it very unlikely?
  3. Any way you can tone down the AI's love of submarines @o Barão? Japan is sitting in 1920 with 100+ subs and nothing else 😅 I am keenly aware this is a problem in the normal unmodded game as well, I would actually love a submarine-less NAR but I know not everyone hates them as much as me!
  4. I just wanted to post some suggestions for future 1.4.X updates, or 1.5 or later that many have spoken to me about through YouTube and/or my discord. Some of them have been mentioned before, (apologies for that) but I still get asked about them all the time! 1. The option to remove submarines and/or mines when starting a campaign (which I know was on the roadmap at one point! Would still love to see it ) 2. Adding a delay to AI ships beginning torpedo avoidance based on crew level (so a veteran ship will have a very small delay, cadets a big one) 3. Increase the ‘sunk due to extensive fire’ threshold (I believe it is at 70% or so currently, 90% feels a lot better!) to somewhat reduce HE spam. Alternatively reduce the fire chance either in general or on partial penetrations in particular 4. Some way to set divisions at the start of a battle (Total War style deployment perhaps would be easiest?) 5. A ‘wrap around’ map (similar to Rule the Waves/Victoria) which I know is perhaps considered an aesthetic issue but anyone who likes playing the USA or Japan a lot in the campaign would really appreciate it
  5. I have also released a community design pack if you are using the NAR mod, you can find details and updates to that here: https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/43575-community-designs-for-nar/
  6. Want some NAR compatible shared designs? Well some of my channel community have very kindly made some! V1 available here: https://mega.nz/file/RjslzJwL#dNyb-wMcVZez20pAY6YPu_UEde7UejgSLGznesoIWfA Not for use in vanilla! Massive thanks to @o Barão for making Naval Arms Race.
  7. Updated to v7 https://mega.nz/file/M28lzAQT#zY7ANDWNFgIqx1hgd_pBRGWrm6CDQXupcCT9GJZLTxI
  8. Updated for compatibility. Added a bit of text to the news screen to show that the mod is installed (thanks @MDHansen for showing me how to do that)
  9. I know there’s an update out but I can’t really update the mod easily at weekends, I’ll get on it ASAP Monday
  10. Oooo, thank you. When the game gets updated again (I just finished uploading the R2 version) I'll try that
  11. I've changed the file host because I was hitting the traffic limit on pcloud
  12. Updated to v6, I've also moved file hosts as I was hitting the traffic limit on pcloud https://mega.nz/file/YqNWjBbJ#9abJP3gddNCqYxjKMO3cWI4dYw4hXRPrCWgw_NaSZ8Y
  13. I haven’t worked out how to do that yet 😅 If you want to check the mod is working though load a custom battle or shared design battleship, go down to belt armour and type in 999 and you should find the armour goes to 35 or more inches rather than 12.
  14. I have some serious concerns about the new penetration and armour balance. As an example here is a British 12" 60 calibre twin gun using super heavy tube powder 3 TNT 4 shells. With capped ballistic as the shell type selected you get this pen table in 1935 against 163% quality armour (modern 2 all or nothing): https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ0I8sZ9w8jkVHoeKjjv31L2FzzOfEgMapy (I can't upload pictures to the forum anymore 😅) In 1935, at 20,000m I can go through 13" of belt, and 7.4" of deck* and get extremely high accuracy to boot. With the new armour limits this means I can threaten basically anything. If I load up with a bunch of them on a high resistance hull (like the Russian super battleship 1) I end up with a ship that will completely shred absolutely any target. The game feels very shallow now, big guns seem unnecessary as no target has enough armour to warrant their use. Armour seems borderline pointless against battleship calibre weapons, its really only there to block secondary fire. Using historical builds against each other (when you can actually build them, ships like Hood are impossible with the new armour limits) feels very odd, ships will quickly cause massive damage and sink each other in moments and is a coin toss on who wins based on which ship gets the range found bonus faster. Overall I am having less fun with the game in the builder (with ships with loads of displacement spare and awful pitch & roll, a lot of the time I just end up not building cruisers at all), and in battles, to the point where I don't want to play a vanilla campaign or custom battle at all (which is a first for me, I've played the game a lot since alpha 4 and I have over 1000 hours on stream). *So able to go through the Iowa-class armour scheme which was 12.1/6"
  15. Thank you for all the submissions! Here is the initial collection for 1.4 (its version 5 because I had a design pack for 1.3 as well) https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZiP8sZPB3mRSbJX9pfg1k0gtlPufHfsHHX
  16. It does seem a bit odd that range is a modifier propellants can have that don’t match their muzzle velocity. There’s no physical reason a shell fired by cordite should go further than a tube powder one if the muzzle velocity and shells are the same.
  17. Each hull seems to be adjusting the class maximum armour in ship_types somehow but I’m not sure what value it is that is doing it. It does vary on a per hull basis though.
  18. Just to explain a bit more how the mod works, all I did was adjust the maximum armour values in ship_types. The game then seems to apply a factor to determine the maximum armour for each hull. So you should see destroyers able to have a couple of inches max, CL’s at about 6” or so and CA’s and above with limits that are very high. The actual maximum does still vary considerably by hull. I can’t remove the limits entirely as that seems to cause bad things with negative numbers and crashing.
  19. Greetings Admirals! With the release of Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts 1.4 onto the live branch all previous shared designs have been deleted. If you want to make some new ones please send them in using the link below, just make sure to bundle all your designs up in a zip file to make my life easier! I'll be using the designs to make my next campaign series so you might see your design on camera but more importantly I will make all of the designs available for anyone to use once there's enough to bundle together which from my experience seems to help the AI produce better ships overall making campaigns a bit more challenging. Please note that you should send in designs made on vanilla 1.4. Designs made using a mod or on a previous version will not work. Submission form link: https://forms.gle/4UHy1MuPyN7Wk4k56
  20. Armour Unlimited (for 1.4) Description: This mod increases the maximum armour allowed on ships in Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts 1.4. It adjusts the armour limits to be more in line with the limits found in previous versions of the game, specifically 1.3 and earlier. While this isn't a hard limit per ship class, it raises the overall armour limits substantially on a hull-by-hull basis. This mod uses the Balance Mod by @admiralsnackbar as its base file. Download Link: https://mega.nz/file/o6FhRKJa#4G5cGATnRyIdASzCx60cYbujaG-TOCBcFhfvcauZQ3A Installation Instructions: Download the "resources.assets" file from the mod. Replace the existing "resources.assets" file in the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts_Data Troubleshooting: If you encounter any crashes or hangs in the game due to the AI shipbuilder, please report them here. The mod should not affect any other game systems, however please do not report bugs using the in game tool whilst using this mod. Known Issues: There are no known issues with this mod at present. License: The mod is free to use or modify. Changelog: v1 Initial Release v2 Added text to the 'news' popup on the main screen to indicate the mod is installed v3 Instead of adding the unlimited armour changes to the vanilla game the mod is now a for of the balance mod by Admiral Snackbar, for all the things included with that check the Balance mod thread https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/40790-uad-rebalancing-mod-for-v1405-r2/
  21. The chance to generate a mission depends greatly on the operational range of your ships. In 1890 that’s going to be pretty terrible by default and probably why you aren’t getting many missions. I’ve found the most reliable way to generate missions is to have ships in port on sea control that have excellent operational range, task forces are much less reliable at this and are best used for invading and blockading (though launching a naval invasion does seem to generate missions as the AI tries to disrupt your landing).
  22. That makes sense. May I ask; will the AI only reject designs that are no longer valid as shown in the shared designs viewer (red bits, other errors) or does it automatically reject any shared design not made on the latest version? If the latter is that the exact version or a more permissive setting (for instance is a design made in valid on
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