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Posts posted by akd

  1. Which city is that?


    We do not like handholding unless it is absolutely necessary in design or required by systems.

    Knowledge of the port skyline, its exact location and local waters is an achievement and gives advantage to the player.

    If you were there a couple of times you know the name of the port - if you have never been there and you don't know.. you have to sail close and see for yourself. what city is that.

    Isn't this kind of pointless since you provide in-game coordinates and log coordinates in files, allowing development of tools that undermine any real map fog of war and make such local knowledge gained through sailing other than at the most micro scale (e.g. presence and layout of shallows) largely irrelevant? You are just punishing new players and players without access to out of game tools.
  2. The ANCRE monograph seems to be the definitive work on Belle Poule.  The model in the work has 5x guns per side on the QC/FC, as in game.  However, the game has broadside guns mounted in the front bridle (chase) ports, giving her 28 rather than 26 guns on the upper deck.  Here is her correct upper deck gun layout:






    Unfortunately, I don't think devs are interested in addressing this common solution to chase guns (broadside guns moved forward as needed to a port that is angled more forward, but not straight ahead) and are instead mounting permanent broadside guns in these positions on several ships, although as you can see guns in that position would not really be able to participate in broadside fire straight out of the side of the ship


    Don't know why she is allowed 12s on her FC/QD as that seems like insane over-armament.  I'd rather see 12pdrs on upper deck and 6pdrs / 24pdr carronades on FC/QD for normal armament, and allow 18pdrs on upper deck and 9pdrs on FC/QD, but with steep performance penalties.

  3. Admin was specifically refering to nationals joining pirate side and then killing pirates on their own team. He has since clarified the rules that no one, including pirates, is allowed to kill teammates (i.e. people with green text over them.) There is no prohibition against nationals joining the pirate side in a battle, and there shouldn't be, as otherwise pirates can just sail around in groups and attack eachother or pirate AI whenever they want to avoid combat.


    If you have to reach back to old, locked threads rather than referring to the most recent pinned post on rules, you are probably on shaky ground.

    • Like 1
  4. Seriously? Crew cheering every single time a ball impacts the target? It would be almost continuous in certain circumstances. There are already clear audio (close range) and visual indications you are hitting the target. Nothing more needed there.

    However, once surrender is fully implemented, it would be great to have a crew cheering when an enemy ship strikes his colors to you, providing a good audio cue to stop firing on the target.

  5. Carronade and gun class were separated to get more realistic armament options on ships. The first class listing in brackets is gun class, the second is carronades. If there isn't a second listing, carronades cannot be mounted.

    Hopefully this means some smaller ships and large ship FC/QDs will in the future be able to mount larger carronades even though they can't mount cannons heavier/longer than 6-9lb

  6. I suspect her reduction from 18pdr to 6pdr on the QC/FC in 1798 was done with good reason. Some armaments are failed experiments. Given she carried 6s from 1798, overarmament to 9s seems reasonable without having to account for more extreme negative effects.

    1-pood Edinorog ("Unicorn") is a short gun / howitzer equivalent to 56.7 English Pounds in terms of solid shot. 1 pood is litterally 40 Russian trade pounds, but the size was increased to 44 Russian trade pounds in 1780 without changing the designation. These weights are referencing weight of shell rather than shot.

  7. 68pdrs can still be carried in some chase positions, which is more in accordance with their actual use on 1st - 3rd rates.  Plus, all the more reason to add HMS Glatton for a truly unique ship.  If they don't want to get the limitations of carronades right in game, there shouldn't be total freedom in their use, otherwise they will become the default armament in most situations, with guns reserved for special occasions.  The damage output with all-carronade 1st rates is just insane and throws off the whole balance of the damage model and repair system.


    Plus, I'm not even entirely convinced carronades could just be exchanged for guns on these ships without problems.  Just look at Glatton.  Because she had been designed for guns, the heavy carronades couldn't traverse properly in the ports and had to be fired straight out the side of the ship.  In the end, her all-carronade armament was a failed experiment and she went back to guns.  On the big lineships, they'd probably also face the problem mentioned in a post above where the muzzle would not protrude from the side, which would be disastrous in operation.

  8. I agree with most of what you wrote here OP, and I would love to test it. I would change a small thing. I would have survival have big negative effects on ship performance, as you said but not in the raw speed of the ship. I know why you propose it and I get it, but I would rather see it effect reload rates, and the ability to change sail setups. The only reason I say that is that once everything is set up on a ship, keeping it at the same speed in a straight line takes very minimal crew effort. Reloading a broadside of guns, and changing sail setups takes a whole lot of crew effort. I know that has gameplay ramifications, but I like things that "feel realistic" when it comes to these things.

    It's logical for sail repair, however. Even if you only have 5% damage due to holes in one sail, that whole sail is going to have to come down to be replaced by a new one, which means some temporary loss of power greater than the 5% damage.

    • Like 1
  9. Why should carronades not be possible to mount? They are smaller, need less crew and most importantly have less weight.


    Because it will become the default armament, shifting the whole balance of the damage and sailing performance system.  New repair system has made this 10 times more the case.  They also come with several advantages in game that they didn't have in real life, especially the ability to use OW join mechanics to avoid having to close with an enemy under long range fire (not that long range fire matters under current repair system).  It is also exceptionally easy to farm AI with carronades on lineships, like absurdly easy.


    Glatton was an exception, and it would be awesome to see her in game someday to play a unique and exceptional role.


    5th rates as a class, however, saw quite extensive trials of all carronade armaments, and two ships in, or soon to be in, the game (Surprise and Essex) carried all carronade broadsides in service, so allowing it broadly for 5th rates and below (and merchant ships) is reasonable, even though it leads to some historical absurdities (e.g. Renommeé with carronades).  Although even this may need to be reevaluated with the new repair system.  Nonetheless, I'd like to see more ships* allowed their historical armaments where they were actually carried in service, now very feasible thanks to separation of gun and carronade class:


    Mercury - 24pd carronades (in reality short Russian equivalents)

    Surprise - 32pd carronades in the main battery (2nd deck)

    Trincomalee - 32pd carronades on FC/QD (1st deck)

    Constitution - 42pd carronades on spar deck (1st deck)


    *I actually haven't checked a few of the above recently, some perhaps this is already possible.

  10. That will certainly help. I just think it should be clear that there is nothing gentlemanly or honorable from the perspective of the Age of Sail about agreeing ahead of time to fight without loss. And as a chivalrous act in general, letting an opponent who has fought well go at the end of fight is meaningless if it is prearranged and expected. It fundamentally changes the character of a fight as people behave differently with the expectation that there will be little or no loss. It can also mask problems in the overall system of acquiring and replacing ships. As such, it undermines testing to a degree.

    • Like 3
  11. Insanity.  Will result in less PvP in the long run, not more, and is totally unfair to solo players who are unable to leverage such arrangements.  Also, makes pirate groups easiest way to play and advance in game.  Take that solo national players!


    Gives us a surrender system that provides a lower loss option to exit battle.  Make consensual damage farming a bannable offense.

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