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Naval Action Tester
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Posts posted by akd

  1. No, it doesn't. The flag was identified as Scout Sniper AND it in no way proves racism in chat.

    The Scout / Sniper unit that used the SS runes on its flag got in deep shit with their command for intentionally or unintentionally associating their unit with the German SS. Not surprisingly, whether they intended to do so or not did not matter when the reprimand came down.

    And if someone is so ignorant as to believe that is the origin of the symbol used in a military context, that alone enough should be sufficient grounds for removing from the community.

  2. The Pirates are a Nation because we have formed it as such as a player base. We have come together to form the Coalition which holds all the Major Pirate guilds allowing us to unite and fight as a single unified force.

    You are a nation just like every other nation in the game, just with perks that make nation-building even easier (easy switch, enforcement mechanics, etc.). You did not form a nation any more than Brits, US, Sweden, etc. did (and in some cases those nations face much larger nation-building challenges).

    Congrats on the port battle victory, but the two largest nations in-game fighting port battles is not really something special.

  3. The only problem with this is that you can't see battle os that are already closed so you could just hide your ganksquad inside a closed battle.

    Yes, I think we need to go back to visible active battles.

    players requested to hide the markers because there were too many and they could not find the one they wanted :)

    Different symbols for closed vs. open battles vs. missions?

  4. Has anyone observed AI ships no longer repairing rudder damage?

    Yes, in 9.66. Turned a 5 min fight into a 50 min one as it sent the AI ship running on a perfect close-hauled course when I was far downwind. I had killed maybe 25% of his crew.

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  5. The plans for the Sea Tiger (Peleng-i Bahri) are especially interesting. Would be awesome to see something with this unique, non-western styling in the game someday.

  6. Lets put the pirate discussion aside for a second. Because if pirates become outlaws and are limited by certain rules they will just reroll to other nations. Assuming there are no pirates at all, your concerns will still remain. 


    Currently it is a Grand Wargame with no limitations - pure sandbox. 

    The problem with sandboxes is that there are only one Hero, the rest eventually become his vassals until he dies (leaves the game bored). Then his empire is broken into pieces by others. You are experiencing the rise of the large empire, which depend only on player desire and willingness to fight.


    Of course there might be some mechanics that are not working properly or are not finished (port battles BR and quick wins etc) but even if they are fixed the problem with sandbox will still remain - there will be a group of people who will want to rule the world (in our case Caribbean) and will use their resources to dominate others. People will join this group because they want to be a hero as well. 



    PS. regarding frigates. frigates are awesome in small group pvp and i know a lot of people who sail them exclusively. They don't care about SOLs.


    It is not pure grand wargame sandbox because you have put nations in, but given one nation perks (fight eachother) and strategic advantages (easily switch to pirate nation without losing anything, save resource production buildings).  Make all nations equal and we can have this pure sandbox.

  7. The 20% reduction in resources has me concerned but I will wait to see it play out. I really don't like the idea of going to 100% player controlled because everyone will have their buildings near home ports. That discourages people taking long trading trips to potentially hazardous areas.


    Seriously, this needs to be addressed.  I currently see no reason for a nation regardless of size not to have entire production of both ships and resources occur in the capital and a few surrounding ports once we go 100% player driven, and I suspect if players don't shift that way, it will only be because of legacy decisions (that will correct following a wipe).  A small nation should be able to supply their needs that way, a large nation should not.


    (Or correct me if I'm wrong and a given port cannot have an infinite number of player production facilities for a given resource available at that port.)

    • Like 1
  8. of all the ideas here there aren't many ones that are actually good for both sides...

    i can understand the PvP players that say that risk-free teleporting of goods s*cks...true...but as it is also stated...

    sailing 6hours in one direction and then lose your stuff maybe even near the destination port...will s*ck hard and i don't think any trader will do so again then which will result in the problem with sky rocketing prices

    especially would that be hurting in my opinion if the stuff you got there wasn't only bought, but from your own production, as it is now (costs you money + labor)...if you have maybe 4 Iron Mines at level 3 in a port...

    you can get at max 900 iron ore atm per mine every 3 days... that would result with 4 mines in 3600 iron ore for 78 gold which would be 280800 worth of gold...BUT you would also have the labor hours which will be something like 450-10% = 405 labor hours per mine...so 1620 labor hours wasted...maybe atm not completly because you could only transport 3200 at a time as it is now...just as another point to think about

    Sounds like an excellent reason for an escort.

    ideas i think are more fitting of mentioned or were not yet mentioned:

    1. short trading routes, used by more traders

    With implementation of production buildings, there is basically no reason to sail on OS with full hold ever. Just go to 3-5 ports deep in heart of national territory and close to capital, then when full TP to capital. Actually, since production is not complete in a day, you could probably get a system going where you only visit one port per day then TP to capital with the goods, or even better just specialize in one resource so you only need to visit one port. All players then sell / exchange their produced goods in the capital where all ships are produced. Completed ships can then be take command TP'd to wherever they are needed. No OS trade whatsoever. If this is not already happening it will shortly, as people are just now starting to actively pursue traders (it was pointless before).

    Soon any player trader you see on OS will probably be empty with the rare exception of someone taking goods to sell or build with at a freeport, or traders of those poor nations that have have lost even the 3-4 ports they need to hold to supply all goods without risk.

  9. A more elegant solution may be to allow more than two sides per battle.  That way, if you wish to participate in a battle but do not wish to join either side, you can go in and fight both sides.

    This introduces so many other potentional problems and does not solve the core problem here (they can still ensure bad tag or no entry by attacking each other first, avoid combat, then exit and wait / flee).

  10. I really don't see the problem, sink the lone guy on the other side while his friend watches.

    Once he's sunk, chase down the other one.

    All this does is isolate a single pirate onto one side all on his lonesome.

    Except they will tag eachother such that the guy on the other side is guaranteed to escape, and then just sit in the end battle screen.

    Solution: when a pirate attacks another pirate, set them as "hostile" to each other, preventing them from grouping or joining a battle on the same side for a long cooldown period. If both are in same clan, attacker is automatically removed from the clan and set hostile to all clan members for duration of cooldown period.

    Ability to attack each other should be used in earnest for "gang wars" and real conflict amongst pirates, not exploited as a handy get out of jail free card or friendly battle / training option (at least as long as the latter is denied to other nations).

    • Like 3
  11. Unfortunately it will.  Gankers always get kills. Gankees almost never do (due to repair and exit mechanics).


    Simpler solution: no extra rewards for gankee, but kill and assist XP is removed for side with more than 2:1 advantage. (And there is a logical and historical justification: a captain's career would not be advanced as quickly fighting only with advantage.)

  12. You want a PVP game or you want a PVE grinding game with a little bit of PVP sprinkled on top?

    if losers have to grind their losses back in PVE, you'll have a 99% PVE game on the PVP server.

    This favors ganking as the one true way to PVP. 1 guy gets a big kill bonus, the other 5 get an assist bonus and one guy loses a ship and gets nothing.

    We both know the name of the game that went that route before.


    Solution: unbalanced BR ratio reduces / removes kill and assist XP for attackers and boosts damage XP for defenders.  Also, some sort of loss mitigation via surrender would help.

    • Like 1
  13. I'm not sure where the exploit is? The player that surrendered looses a dura, it would be the same if you dunk or captured him, he would loose 2 dura? Where is the exploit?

    More than likely the ship that surrenders is actually a 1-dura capture. This actually results in no loss at all if the player then gets away after battle, because he can just hand a 1-dura ship right back to the player that surrendered. But regardless, 1-dura AI captures are seen as disposable in game because they are so easy to obtain.

    I agree that this just adds to the list of teleport ship to outpost exploits.

  14. Obvious exploit, but not tribunal material. Very difficult to solve as long as we have AI, locked missions and pirate self-attack on the PvP server.

    Currently battle markers are removed from the OS 30 sec after a battle closes. This is logical, as you shouldn't be able to come along many minutes later and camp a battle, but it comes with the problem of using battles as invisible hidey holes. Meanwhile, forcing people out of the end battle screen is problematic as real battles can be very long and the game should not lock people into playing continuously for 1.5 hrs +. Rather than forcing people out, perhaps a completed battle marker should appear on the OS after a reasonable break period (2 min?), explicitly listing the actual force and nationality still present in the instance (not the join side nationality from the original instance). Of course there is an obvious workaround, and it's the same as any limit on end battle screen waiting: players can engage AI (or pirates eachother) and simply sail without combat in the instance for the full length of a battle, exiting when they chose.

    Ultimately, returning to our old system is probably better: do not remove battle markers, but allow players to exit far from their location on the OS based on distances sailed in the instance.

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