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Everything posted by AdmER

  1. All we need is one line, once a week Just saying:, Busing week we will keep you in touch t next week. Or Game is progressing more to come. This is enough... We do not ask much, but 1 message every 2 months is a joke.
  2. YES ! .... good try... but way to much information, coming from nothing to a full text-update like that! You should only have drop few lines to be more real! But this is in the good spirit of what we need! Thanks!
  3. By the way Tomorrow, Monday quite a nice day to update us! \ Please!
  4. HI think the large majority of us understand delays, bump and set-back. We know it is a alpha-game and our expectation are accordingly. All we ask is a post time to time to let us know were they are, how the game progress not more. We are not pushing for quick release, just for a better communication. Like tomorrow morning... a good Monday to drop a post just saying "Hi we have some major bug and we will up-date you next week" Nothing more. Communication is always good marketing.
  5. Agreed ... and if they are struggling ..just let us know ... communication !
  6. Communication is the core of all this, We could appreciate the work of the Devs if they were at least let us know what is happening. Delays and change to a road map are more then normal, but tell us! If this game take longer then plan, if they encounter problems, if they are progress, keep us in the loop. Yes the game change since 2019, but the lack of communication is a constant. We only need a post once a week or two to understand what is happening and appreciate the work the Devs put on this project. So to the Dev: Help me see your progress and appreciate your work.
  7. Again very sad. I was hopping for a way better communications from the Devs. Last month they kept us inform about core .05 with a good communication. I was hopping that will continue. Since than, complete radio silence! No ETA for the core patch 1, when it will happen? this month, this year, when ? Once a week, they should let us know if they are alive! Just a picture of what to come, any thing!
  8. Again, for when the campaign core update ? For this month? the next? 2024 ?
  9. My problems is not the with 8% hull integrity. Effectively 0% is the limit and represent complete destruction. I have huge problem with the 19 floodings!! I do not thing in reality a ship could get flooded so many times. style fight and comeback to complete dry hull! And often with a nearly 90% flooded, so it take all its crew and pomp to safe this ship 19 times! That impossible and should greatly affect is readiness to fight (and sink or been abandoned way before that). I am pretty sure Us Navy would have paid real money in 1942 to save Yorktown again and again like that! Flooding system is one of the many aspect to revisit ASP, I was hoping the crew management will have solve it. Not the case!
  10. Sorry to strongly disagree with you. I am not out to date, I play this game from 1890 -1910. And in this area you have no freedom, there is only one choice of hull and superstructure are always at the same point. For a ship building game it is absolutely not as advertise currently. Try the 1st basics missions just for the freedom of it. Yes for many game you have to begin with almost the same stuffs. But this is a ship building game not WOW. We should have at the beginning plenty or choosing, direction to go with. I follow this game and forum since alpha 5, my critics are valid and in the sens to have this game progress in a better one, with I hope a good campaign not focusing only on super-think but it's complete period.
  11. The point is not about the mssings hulls or only the campaign, but the game in is total. I am here since alpha 5 and because I was hooked by a good promo. They still advertise this game as a Dreadnought builder and fleets manager in a free style campaign (from 1880 to 1940). We are far from that! The builder is repetitive, and without freedom in placement and design. The focus in the last 5 updates was only with super ships, impossible guns and WW2 area, the campaign will cover way more! (I hope). My point is, in a campaign we tend to play and replay the first part way often than the finish: new games, wanting the perfect beginning, trying tech and nations etc This is the most played and crucial period of the game and the one lacking attention and focus from the devs. It is not crying about hulls or the campaign, it is for the entire game to improve and succeed!
  12. You are right, in this current form this game as focus only in this ending. All the begining period, 1870 and more is nearly non-existant... Try to build a Pre-Dreadnought or a cruiser from every nations (1890-1900) it is exactly the same hulls, super-structures and placement. For a ship-builder game as promoted, this is repetitive and without any freedom.
  13. Yes I look forward for the campaign, but could we have some ETA for the next patch? Are we waiting in days, weeks or months ?
  14. Thanks, and can we have some sort of ETA for this next update? Days ? ... few weeks .... hope not months ?
  15. Looking forward to next week! Hope you will also address the lack of ships from the 1880-1910 area. Still in the campaign, those would be the most important years. As we will focus to build or fleet and economics. Super-BB will only be there for the last few years, so I hope the Dreadnought area will shown as the main focus of this game. Crew mechanic have change a lot of thing for me, giving deep to this game and solve some of the issues for the campaign! A more experience crew will change everything!
  16. Again Thanks very much, it is exactly the communication we need. Look forward to tomorrow!
  17. Saddly the experience with this game is delays and delays, often there is around 3 month gap between update. I hope this time it will be way less! If we have the core 1 before december I will be surprise.
  18. We were demanding more communication and precision. This is exactly that! Thanks very much for keeping us inform. This is exactly the kind of communication we need! To know what is going ! Again thanks very much!
  19. Yes crew is a good news and save design also. BUT there is no campaign! If I undestand correctly "In a few days" is for this half-patch ... for when the full core-patch 1? And more concerning: all the hull are from the recend periode again super/mega battleship. There is absolutly nothing for the 1890 and more. So nothing for the 30th first years of the game!
  20. Monday, but it was labor day ... maybe tomorrow ?
  21. The campaign will begin in 1890, hopefully sooner like -1880, so if there is some hulls do add, it is from this time periode. The focus should be the Dreadnought area instead of the super-battleship. In any campaign, maybe the goal will be to have the 1st super/mega battleship. BUT most of our time and the real planning will be with those pre-dreadnought and dreadnought.
  22. Like you said, I want to stay positive and I am, thanks for the 1st campaign core. BUT .... Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought and only super-battleship! Like many campaign games, we will play and replay the 1st part over and over. As proposed the game should focus, as in title and promo indicated, on the 1880 - 1920 dreadnought area. I was hoping to see more ships from the begining 1880 even some armored fregate and developping to the Dreadnoughts. In any case, great news! hope it will arrive soon!
  23. We are at mid-years and no news from the devs, no campaign in the horizon .... sad very sad
  24. I read almost every post and I never seen anyone yeld a Dev, or being disrespectful. I think we all want to this game to improve at the potential it was advertise, and we sing up for a alpha-game to follow is development, but there is no significant development and communication since a year. In every good product marketing is everything
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