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Posts posted by Sailor

  1. 6 hours ago, Koveras said:


    For the record, my actual name is Lars Kjaer, and yes I've been banned from these forums before and I don't know why, I don't know the reasoning behind the ban


    6 hours ago, Koveras said:

    Oh my apologies - I should've written: "When ppl stated what they perceived was wrong with the game they were banned with no explanation and in their own perspective without violating forum rules, atleast according to the plus 30 players that has written about it on reddit".

    Lars you were not banned for criticism. You were banned for shitposting and brigading when your last posts deteriorated into  trolling. You were always treated with respect here, and same is always expected in return. Shitposting, abuse of developers, trolling and ranting is against the forum rules.  

    You accepted the rules registering here. So please do not complain about them - follow them or just do not login here to post.

    Compare that situation with Koveras posts: Often negative or very negative, broke rules of the forum ban evasion, still posting in the open. Why?  Mods give forum members second chance. Our job as mods is to keep critics and criticism so developers can read it, but remove shitposts and shitposters, so developers never see it. For now you are a critic not a shitposter. 

    Those 30 people can request to be unbanned and promise to follow the rules. Some members of the community did so and are back. 


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mikawa said:

    The possibility of getting caught in a frigate by a first rate is just ridiculous. Not fair. Not historical accurate. Just ridiculous.


    Hull speed is the main determinant for ship speed. Longer hull = faster speed. Longest possible hull at the age of sail 65-70m (due to tree sizes). 
    You can read about it here


    Any slowest first  rate is faster than any frigate at heavy weather (bigger waves) with the exception of long ships like constitution which should be very fast.
    Lots of first rates were faster than average badly built frigates. Historically accurate and not ridiculous at all. Most 74s were very fast.

    Cutter on the other hand is faster than any ship in light wind. When frigate can not get any movement in light wind, cutter can sail 6 knots (its max hull speed). 

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Trashumi Cubanwara said:

    TBF, you are wrong here http://prntscr.com/lgbhu0

    this (tavern sub-forum) is for off topic discussions, so ,in fact, we can talk of ""whatever we want""

    This tavern is national news section and forum rules apply here 
    You accepted rules when you registered an account. 

    8. Discussion of moderation, warnings and bans is not allowed.

    Such matters shall remain private between Game-Labs and users. The discussion of forum moderation actions usually leads to flaming and trolling. That is why this type of discussion is strictly prohibited under the forum rules. During the development of the game there is usually no way to appeal.

    15. Abuse of Game-Labs employees and forum volunteers is prohibited.

    We have a zero tolerance policy on abuse of employees and volunteers. This includes but is not limited to personal attacks, trolling. Forum is a place where players and developers can exchange ideas in a constructive manner with the only goal to improve the game. Players who attack or abuse employees or volunteers, will be permanently banned with no right to appeal.

    So while you can talk about whatever you want - you should continue following this forum rules at all times. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Vernon can be as toxic as he wants and insult whoever he wants, he's a friend with Hethwill and his clanmate, so like 50% of the forum and in-game moderation. Rumour has it that they make jokes about warning each other. Being on the admin's side grants him an additional 500% protection bonus (stronger than muskets).

    Keep devs and volunteer moderators out of discussions in this section.
    National news is for events happening in game and the open seas, not the forum and/or development process. 

  5. 1 hour ago, CaptainSparkles said:

    Why they not give to all of us that ship , like Classic Costitution or Diana ... I don't understand...

    Christian was presented for fulfillment of a developer request at testbed (taking the time off the main game). Everyone could get it. 


  6. 3 hours ago, Krists said:

    Я вас услышал, извиняюсь, но думаю вы меня не так поняли или я не так выразился.. Перечитав я понял что это можно прочитать двусмысленно. И да, я знаю что разрабы исправили за 22 патча и уважаю их работу. Думал форум обсуждения это место где можно оставить как и позитивный отзыв, так и отзыв если что то не нравиться. Но оказывается так можно стать чуть ни врагом, лучше уж не портить ни себе ни другим нервы. Оставьте всё как есть.

    Критика приветствуется. Критики тут достаточно и ее читают и принимают к сведению. Отзывы нужны и важны
    Игрок никогда не сможет стать "чуть врагом" - у разработчиков память короткая- спросите у @Alone Hunter и @Cpt. Reverse
    А вот нервы да - можно и нужно друг другу не портить

    Про чан можно и нужно было опустить. (варнинг поинт снят)

  7. Форум это место для высказывания мнений 

    • мнения могут вам нравится а могут вам не нравится
    • действия могут вам нравится и могут не нравится

    Комьюнити вдруг решило, что они могут указывать другим что делать и куда идти  - что не подходит под определение "форум".
    Если так будет продолжаться темы в которых комьюнити будет забывать что такое форум будут одна за другой закрываться
    Игроки которые будут это забывать и переходить границы будут наказываться

    выданы предупреждения всем участникам перепалок
    Просьба в дальнейшем использовать тему только для вопросов и ответов

    • Like 4
  8. This topic is for battle reports
    Everyone was requested to keep this topic from heated discussions

    Here is something that will help to guide the discussion into the proper route.

    • Any comment that is not battle result post will be removed 
    • Any poster who posts here without a battle report will be warned and silenced for 30 days.
    • Like 11
  9. 1 hour ago, qw569 said:

    @adminвы знаете что за черный персонаж? Это самурай, то есть профессиональный военный.
    Что за люди в белом - бандиты. Имели ли они профессиональную военную подготовку, уверен нет.

    Таким образом, это бой выражаясь языком игры - бой папки против нубов. Как вы думаете, затащит ли Кувабатакэ Сандзюро, когда против него будут не бандиты, а самураи?

    Уверен вы уже поняли в какую плоскость скатывается дальнейшее обсуждение. :D

    Каждый хочет ощущать себя самураем побеждая в сложных боях
    Понятно что дрон проиграет против 5 москалей (например)

    Вопрос который мне кажется не был правильно акцентирован это - как заставить игроков не боятся воевать в меньшинстве и не боятся нападать в меньшинстве и не бежать в меньшинстве. 

  10. 34 minutes ago, curt87 said:

    так бы вы работали как сообщения подчищаете,лучше бы переводом занялись ,на него времени нет,удалять сообщения есть 

    В патчноутах надо обсуждать патч. Оффтопик в патчноутах запрещен правилами форума
    Бан 7 дней


  11. 3 hours ago, Amihai said:

    Таки выкачу.

    Уважаемые gamelabs!

    Вставлять в игру очередные костыли смысла нет, ибо она изначально плохо спроектирована и ее надо переделывать, если вы конечно хотите денег поднять, а не остаться маленькой командой инди разработчиков.


    Уважаемый Амихай. Бутерброды с навозом тут не читают, да и вообще люди невосприимчивы к бутербродам с навозом.

    Нерабочая схема бутерброда

    Вы говно
    Мои советы.

    Рабочая схема бутерброда

    Мой опыт
    Мои советы


    Гарантирую ваш труд даже не читали; после первого предложения ясно что это shitburger

  12. 3 minutes ago, Churlish said:

    There are a few problems I see with your argument. 

    1) Your premise that all captains who feel the Wasa are overperforming are poor captains is based on a single test. One in which the better captain is in the non-Wasa vessel. This is a small and flawed sample size to base so large an insult on. 


    Wasa is a third rate, developers class it as 4th because they use the British system of classing by number of guns.

    It is not overpowered for a third rate. Third rates were queens of the sea. 

  13. 22 hours ago, Thonys said:
    1. 1 Russian upgrades :ph34r:
    2. 2 wasa in this form is just a modern destroyer on steroids completely out of time frame with upgrade cheats and strange[read hidden parameters] situations
    3. 3 to dev and i just want to say it openly because def did it to (in the post where Russians slaughter people with the devil)
    4. 4 completely ridicule your own customers and insult them by doing so (also > telling that old can die, and it is not an issue,..>  the young will infest and buy and do not know the difference)
    5. pulling a long finger to us testers and bragging on cheaters with nice good upgrades what most, not possess is a clear example how you act in real life and will build your game
    6. ohw and some advise: if you tell people you don't do it for the money, just tell them also you are a millionaire... or you need a shrink....   


    yes dutch tell it straight in the face its there nature sorry for that


    Moderation team tells it straight too :)
    You have broken multiple rules in this post.

    Minor things

    1. Calling new year experimental cannons gifted to a new year (unicorn guns/licorne guns) Russian upgrades? 
    2. Claiming things that do not exit - hidden parameters: players see everything and there are no hidden parameters
    3. Everyone knows that its professional players that get excellent results in PVP not only the russians. Your bias is racist and racism is against the rules of this forum and against steam eula too.
    4. Here you claim that developers said : old can die and its not the issue; completely rephrasing the words and twisting their meaning. Developers did not say what you posted. They said that old players of course will be upset of removal of things they got used to, new players . In the future quote the phrase and do not rely on TS or private discussions to quote if you really want to quote. 

    Major rules broken

    1. Developers never bragged on cheaters. Not good
    2. Personal attack and discussion of real life situations

    Lack of respect
    Off topic
    Discussion of moderation or developers

  14. 5 hours ago, CTPAuDEP said:

    Видимо слишком большой онлайн, разработчики хотя чуток его уменьшить.

    когда ввели прицеливание через мушки в шутанах все только радовались
    не радоваться реалистичному боковому сносу и инерции поворота могут только береговые крысы

    • Like 5
  15. 7 hours ago, Lz3 said:

    I simply cannot grasp why there is a contract limit. I think we can agree that an ultimate goal is to have a player driven, AI assisted economy. But 10 contracts per person severely limits that. If I want to buy materials for shipbuilding at two ports on the map my contracts are filled. Want to buy some upgrades? nah. Craft cannons? No luck for you since there are many different types of cannons which 10 contracts are not enough for.

    I suggest removing this limit or extending it from 32 to 1024 asap for a better economy. If players  want to craft and trade, let them craft and trade. 

    please post economy posts in the economy section

  16. 7 hours ago, Lz3 said:

    I've seen the AI selling cheaper than a player when somebody sells into port. This feature should still exist since it stops ludicrous contract prices and resource limitation, however if the player price is within a certain percentage range of the AI it should not sell cheaper than the player. The economy should be player driven and AI should assist the players and provide what players cannot. Taking charge is bad.

    please take your time in the future and find the right section for your post. For example economy posts should go to economy section

  17. 49 minutes ago, Fastidius said:

    So yet again skully has been banned for making what I would consider a dry, humorous and completely right comment.

    The economic design of the game is 100% exploitable by Alt accounts and that the stance of the admins on it encourages people to buy alt accounts because there will be no adjustments to make it different.  

    The comment was fair and did not do anything that is not consistently discussed in forums or in-game and also has numerous resources available from both steam and forums as a how to do such things.

    Free skully from your bad moderation skills as he is clearly a force for good on the forums.    Admin/Mods have consistently been bad a Poasting and Bad at moderation and these kinds of events drive players from the game.   Admin needs to grow up and accept criticism and try to find a better way not just delete and ban like a spoilt child.

    He posted incorrect information about the GL position on alts. He broke the rule 16 of this forum (defamation). GL has never promoted alts and never will. 
    Discussion of moderation if rules were really broken are not allowed. You need to grow up and learn to follow the rules which are pretty lax.

  18. любопытно услышать, как американцы будут язык себе ломать, вызывая на связь "50 лет победы"...

    Не прореживайте, в  основном у каждого судна есть международные позывные, по ним и будут вызывать.

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