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Everything posted by Diabolic_Wave

  1. Surely this is abstracted away under 'range'? The accommodation for seamen doesn't seem to get above 'cramped' anyway , from what I've seen of the internals of warships.
  2. I have this same issue. Workaround isn't helping me either EDIT: Now it's saying 'Login or Password is incorrect' as well sometimes. EDIT 2: No idea how come but it works now. Sorry for the bother.
  3. Implementing multiplayer might be relatively easy, but that isn't all you have to do for multiplayer. You also have to make sure it actually works, make sure that it is balanced and fun, make sure there's actually something to do in it. UA:D will probably have lots to do with friends, if you each play as different countries in a campaign, but Balance is going to be worrying, as might making multiplayer actually work. For two examples, look to War Thunder and From the depths. War Thunder has a pretty horrible time trying to balance historical elements against gameplay elements because, in theory, each country has to be balanced against the others to be fair to the players of each nation. There isn't supposed to be any ludicrously overpowered things at any particular tier. I am personally pretty sure that they haven't achieved this. It's an extreme example and isn't anywhere near a 100% perfect analogy, but it makes me somewhat nervous for anything historical or pseudohistorical trying to balance multiplayer. From the Depths Has had multiplayer since relatively early alpha. However, since there are no servers and it isn't particularly polished (which seems to be quite a likely scenario for UA:D), there are very many glitches such as things not being in the same place for both players and frequent crashes. I think that it's probably a lot easier to simulate WWII era naval technology. A lot of it might have to be abstracted away and folded into tangentially related technologies, but let's use an example. If we have carriers on the field of battle, we need another hull. Aircraft would have to have a finite amount. The aircraft weapons would have to be ammunition. Aircraft would have to somehow be recovered after attacking. I've certainly missed a few things out, but these few points only seem to have one major problem with them, which might be solved by treating aircraft as vehicles from a mothership and Carriers as being aircraft ports; Perhaps abstract this as embarking new aircraft at sea when close enough to friendly ports? This seems a lot easier than trying to make multiplayer work and be balanced to me.
  4. Shell dyes could be a really nice form of eye candy, but I'm not sure it'd be particularly useful. It might be a nice ancillary for shell tracer for distinguishing HE and AP, though. Alternatively, use them as an accuracy upgrade. Perhaps slightly increasing mixed battery accuracy through different dye colours, or helping a division tell their shell splashes apart?
  5. I think 'will' is a little strong. I agree that they'd pose a big threat, but often kills by submarines seem to have been due to bad luck, bad seamanship, or bad damage control. They might take a toll, but if ships are designed properly I don't think they're that likely to be truly decisive. CVs are more likely to be a huge threat, but that depends on how they're implemented, and how many either you or an enemy power makes.
  6. The AA part and actually designing the carrier sounds more fun to me than essentially ordering something to stay basically outside the fight, along with an escort of ships to keep it from getting mirked. So long as I get to design the vehicles, it sounds good to me. It sounds like that's roughly what they're doing, as far as core gameplay goes. As for timelines, though, they've got maybe two decades of treaty battleship time. And I wouldn't be surprised if we could make treaty style battleships before they were made historically, nevermind that the timeline goes to the 1930s. By the time we get CVs, we'll probably have put most predreadnought era ships into reserve, or straight up scrapped them. Note, for example, how even some early dreadnoughts (like the South Carolinas) were relegated to second line ships by the time of WW1, and how many British predreadnoughts were used in areas where they were less likely to meet true dreadnoughts. This isn't to say that the game is somehow a WWI game. But after 1905, less than half way into the planned campaign timeline, the game is in the dreadnought era. I just don't think that an argument that 'less than half of the stated game time is the focus' is particularly correct. Even extending to the 10 years to WWI, the technology doesn't change too drastically up to the point of the war.
  7. Abstract function sounds good to me tbh. After all- you don't really want to get your CV within range of enemy guns, since in a fleet engagement where neither side can run away effectively the CV is going to get caught and sunk. Better as an abstract fleet unit that maybe you design, but that doesn't do anything in combat per se. Then again, it could be fun to sink one after dealing with escorts, and smaller carriers were used pretty heavily in anti-submarine escort roles.
  8. Design-wise, could be fascinating. I'd be up for creating them. I'm not sure how you'd implement them, though. I'd be in favour of a CV in a fleet giving a squadron or two of attack aircraft during a battle, for one time use, or being really, really far out of range in normal fleet composition. I'd make it somewhat hard to have CVs outright sink most enemy ships without a large amount of CVs or some other advantage, personally, but likely to slow down targets with engine room hits, or some other support role.
  9. It will automatically make as many ships as it can for the mission budget and once you finish your design. The number should be near the top of the screen. Make it under half the budget for 2.
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